Part 2

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Mias POV:
Topper took me inside and helped me to my room, making sure not to wake my parents.

'Why didn't you want to stay longer? It's only been a few hours. What happened with Rafe?' He whispered, sitting on the end of my bed and looking at me, almost apologetically.

'Oh the usual, he got mad that I was within a 5 mile radius of another boy, called me his, and then told me to go home.' I said, holding onto my head as I felt a headache begin to appear.

'He called you his?' He asked, covering his mouth in shock.

I didn't see it as any big deal, flirting had always been apart of our friendship.

'It meant nothing Topper, besides, I'm sure he hates me right now, I did stand there and shout at him because he wouldn't let me speak to two boys I didn't even want to speak to.' I laughed.

'You know, I did that to get a reaction out of him. To show you how much he cares.' Topper sniggered, playfully nudging me.

'I know and I fucking hate you for it.' I groaned.

My phone began to ring and I threw it across the room, it landed on the sofa.

'Aren't you gonna answer it?' He asked.

'No, it'll be Rafe.'

My phone stopped ringing and Toppers started.

'Ignore him.' I groaned.

'Absolutely not, he'll think we're fucking.' He said bluntly, picking up the phone and holding it up to his ear.

I tried to ignore their conversation but the last few words that came out of Toppers mouth took me by surprise.

'The back doors open, just be quiet, her parents are asleep.' Topper said, ending the phone.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he stood up, walking towards my door

'I gotta go watch the party, Rafe's coming to look after you, I'll see you tomorrow.' He smiled, leaving my room quietly.

My heart began to pound out of my chest.

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, listening as Toppers footsteps got further and further away, and Rafe's got closer. The door swung open and I winced, hoping that my parents hadn't heard.

'I know you're not sleeping, open your goddamn eyes.' Rafe said, sitting on the chair in the corner of the room.

I did as he said, getting out of bed and closing the door. My parents room was on the other side of the house but I still didn't want them to wake up to Rafe Cameron in my bedroom.

'And what is it to you? Rafe? Why are you even here?' I laughed, taking a step closer to him.

He began to pace the room, not breaking the eye contact that was making me feel uneasy.

'Aren't I allowed to be here? We're friends Mia, we have been for years. I'm allowed to come and see you.' He replied bitterly, finally sitting down on the edge of my bed.

I walked over to my mirror and began to wipe away my makeup, watching him out of the corner of my eye.

'You know what's funny? We've been friends for so long and we've not even kissed. Isn't that weird?' I asked, taking my hair down and stepping closer to him, stopping as my legs were inbetween his.

I felt him take a piercing breath, his eyes glued to my boobs.

'Seventeen years, all of this flirting, and not even one kiss.' I whispered, swinging my leg over his, so that I was straddling him.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin