Part 17

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Mias POV:
We drove the rest of the way home in silence, Rafe clinging onto my arms as if he was afraid to lose me again. When we arrived home, Topper was sat on the wall of his house, and stood up and walked towards us when the car stopped.

'What's Top doing here?' Rafe asked, confused.

'Don't speak to him.' I responded bitterly, jumping from the car and slamming the door closed.

'Hey man good to see you, Mia we really need to talk.' Topper said calmly, holding his hand out to me.

'I really don't wanna talk to you right now' I said slowly, shaking my head at him.

'No, this is serious' he said, trying to force me to understand something I couldn't with his eyes.

'She said she doesn't wanna talk, man.' Rafe warned, stepping infront of me.

Rafe and Topper stared hard at eachother for a few seconds before Toppers phone began to ring. He nodded his head softly before walking back towards his house, answering the phone. Rafe took my hand and pulled me in the opposite direction, to his house.

'Go shower, Rafe, we'll talk after.' His dad said sternly, waving his hand towards the upstairs.

He opened his mouth to speak but snapped it shut, heading towards his room and pulling me with him.

'Did they hurt you?' I asked calmly, walking towards him and pulling his shirt from the top of his head.

He didn't respond, realising his cuts and bruises spoke for themselves.

'Rafe you've gotta report this.' I panicked, running my hand over a bruise on his right ribs.

He shook his head, wincing, pushing my hand away from his body, making me frown.

'They won't do anything, Mia, whilst in prison they're not gonna give a fuck about me.' He said, walking to his bathroom and turning on the shower.

'Hey.' I said softly, following him and opening my arms. He took them straight away, almost letting himself collapse.

'Take a shower, Rafe.' I muttered, kissing his shoulder and walking him towards the shower.
'Come in with me.' He whispered, pulling away from me long enough to take off my shirt.

I shook my head jokingly, stepping out of my shorts and kicking them to the side of the bathroom.

He got in first, standing to the side and waiting for me. I put a small amount of shampoo in my hands, moving him gently so that his head was under the water, massaging it into his hair.

'You're innocent Rafe.' I muttered, mixing his hair with the bubbles.

'Only for this, I'm not innocent with Peterkin, or any of that other shit.' He sighed, leaning his hair back as the bubbles began to drip down his face.

'Don't think about that Rafe, they're bothered about finding Sarah right now, they think John B killed Peterkin and this makes him look guilty.' I responded, washing the shampoo from his hair and turning to grab some more.

He wrapped his arms around me from behind, pulling me close and resting his head on my shoulder.

'Why do you stick with me?' He whispered, swaying us slightly.

'It's always been me and you.' I responded, closing my eyes and feeling how close we were.

'You've got that right.' He muttered, softly grazing his lips along my shoulder.

We swayed softly together for a few minutes before he pulled away, beginning to wash his body.

'Can we do something later?' I asked him, really not thinking about my question or what I'd even meant by it.

'Yeah sure, what've you got in mind?' He responded, hiding the smirk that was threatening to leave his lips.

I shrugged my shoulders, waiting until he'd washed the last bubbles from his body before turning off the shower. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body, before doing the same to himself.

'Let me speak to my dad and then we can do something.' He smiled, looking down at me, kissing me softly on the head.

I sighed, knowing whatever his dad had to say wasn't going to be good if I wasn't allowed to be there. Rafe furrowed his eyebrows, following me from the bathroom and watching as I began to get dressed.

'What's bothering you?' He asked softly, tying his own towel tighter around his waist.

'Rafe ever since we've been together I've nearly lost you so many times.' I mumbled, putting on my tshirt and wrapping my hair back in the towel.

He sat down on the bed, watching me closely as I continued to get dressed.

'What are you trying to say?' He asked calmly, reaching for my hand over the bedpost.

I gave it to him, standing still for a few seconds, letting him survey the look on my face. I shook my head, walking to his wardrobe and grabbing a pair of joggers, sitting down on the chair besides the window.

'I don't know, Rafe, I just miss being able to love you and not worry about you dying.' I said slowly, watching him scoff and run his hands through his hair.

'That's got nothing to do with us being together. Times have changed now and we're just gonna have to get through it.' He insisted, standing by the window and tapping his knuckle against the windowsill.

'I know, I just can't lose you like this.' I said slowly. He span to look at me, furrowing his eyebrows as if trying to figure out what I'd said.

'Fuck, don't talk like that. Im gonna get my life together, I promise.' He said, throwing his hands up in the air and walking towards me.

I opened my arms for him to embrace me but that wasn't what he had in mind, picking me up and sitting me down on his lap, on the chair I'd previously sat on by myself.

'You still love me, don't you?' He asked nervously.

'Nothing could ever stop me loving you.' I responded, running my hand softly through his wet hair.

He smiled, a genuine smile, one only I was lucky in seeing.

'I'm gonna marry you, okay? You're mine for the rest of your life.' He said protectively, burying his head into the crook of my neck and pulling our bodies closer.

His dad called him downstairs and after a few moments of silent cuddling, he got up off the chair and made his way to the door.

'Wait here, don't come down, I won't be long.' He said sternly, and for once I listened.

'Rafe, don't accept anymore stupid Shit, you've done enough.' I said quietly, climbing into his bed and looking over at him seriously.

He saluted me, closing the door behind me, and I could hear his footsteps getting further away. I sighed, closing my eyes and trying to relax. They were no doubt speaking about Sarah and John B, and for once it wasn't Rafe's fault. He didn't know where they were and neither did I.

John B🏄🏼‍♂️: if you help me I'll help your silly little boyfriend. We're in Nassau, and i need my name cleared so me and Sarah can come home. If not, I want the gold.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now