Part 36

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Mias POV:
Rafe left us alone, letting me know that he'd text me every 10 minutes to check I was okay, and that he was going to leave his location on. However, just after he left the carpark, it went offline.

I threw my phone to the end of the bed and reached over to my table, grabbing my drink and lifting it carefully up to my face, taking a sip.

'Do you know how long you've gotta stay here?' Kelce asked, leaning back in his seat and opening a packet of sweets.

'Hopefully not much longer.' I said, letting out a laugh.

'Rafe was telling me about this new place he's getting for you both.' Kelce said, raising his eyebrows in excitement.

'I can't wait for us to move in together but nothing will beat the days of sneaking over to eachother a houses.' I responded, smiling at the memory.

'You'll be alot safer though.' He added.

'It'll be nice, when he's sorted out whatever he's doing right now.'

'Mia, you have some people here to see you.' A doctor said, standing awkwardly in the doorway to shield the visitors.

'Oh, yeah, okay sure.' I responded, looking at Kelce worriedly.

He squeezed my hand, getting up to leave and letting me know that he'd be outside for when I was fished.

It had been 10 minutes since Rafe left.

My mother, father, and Rafe's dad all piled into the room, making sure that the door was firmly closed behind them before starting to speak.

'Oh Mia I was so worried, when I got the call. How are you? Are you okay?' My mum gushed, rushing forwards to hug me.

'Yeah, the needles freak me out a little though.' I responded, trying to lighten the mood.

'We can get them to take them out.' My father responded, deadly serious.

'No, dad. I need them.'

'Where's Rafe? I thought he was looking after you.' My mum frowned, looking around the room.

'uh, he's gone to look at a house, for us.' I said slowly, not wanting to tell them that he was probably with his drug dealer right now.

'You're moving out so soon?' My mum asked, shocked.

'Are you sure it's the best idea for you to move out right after an injury?' My father said firmly.

'I think it's a great idea!' Ward chimed in.

Everyone turned to look at him, surprised that he was so supportive of the idea. That was when I noticed the envelope of cash in his pocket. He was here to pay off something and I didn't want to find out what.

'Isn't it lovely when they grow up.' He smiled, looking at me almost forcefully.

'Well, of course, but we don't want to lose you completely.' She said sadly.

'You won't, mum, nobody cooks better than you.' I smiled.

She sighed a sigh of relief, squeezing my hand before getting up to have a nosy around my hospital room, checking the displays and reading the signs.

25 minutes since Rafe left.

Ward took my mothers empty seat, sitting besides me and slipping the cash into my top drawer when he knew nobody was looking.

'I really do hope you two can make it work here. If not, and you need to flee, I've got you covered.' He whispered, pointing to the drawer.

'Why would we need to run?' I responded.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now