Part 25

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Mias POV:
I woke up in the morning with my arms around Rafe. He was still sound asleep and so I slowly tried to remove them, but he began to stir instantly.

'Hey, where are you going?' He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

'Rafe don't you think we need to talk about last night?' I sighed, sitting up and crossing my legs.

He leant on his arms, looking me up and down in a mix of concern and lust.

'You want the truth? Imma give it to you but I want you to sit and listen until i finish the whole thing.' He said sternly, holding his hand out.

I look it and sat watching him, waiting to see a change in his expression. He was easy to read.

'I met her 6 years ago when we went on holiday, in Nassau of course. She was living on the streets outside of our holiday home. She became close friends with Sarah, and was constantly flirting with me, to the point it became tiring.' He began.

'Rafe Cameron? Tired of flirting?' I asked, almost not believing his story.

His face became grave, telling me to shut up and listen.

'She broke into our house one night, told me to follow and that it was important. When we got down to the dock she was with a couple of men, bigger than I was. Told me they'd been watching the house for a few weeks and when we left they wanted the keys. I told them no obviously, it was our family home.' He explained, fiddling with his rings.

'6 years ago, you were 13.' I said in shock. He nodded, waiting a few seconds before continuing.

'And I was 13 when I killed my first ever person. One of the men threatened me with a knife, told me if I didn't get the keys he'd hurt my family. I drowned him.' He said slowly, really feeling every word he said.

And I knew he was telling the truth.

'So why did she come up to you and kiss you?' I asked, still not figuring that part out.

'That was her brother apparently. Abusive, rude. She said I did her a favour. She thinks to this day that I did it for her.' He explained, shaking his head.

'Did you ever expect to see her again?' I asked slowly.

' I didn't even recognise her. She walked up to me. Reminded me of what I did, kissed me and walked away. Damn, Id forgotten until last night.' He said, almost feeling guilty.

'Rafe something still doesn't make sense about all of this. Why didn't you kick off at her? Go crazy? You just got into the car and drove away.' I said, part of me not wanting the answer.

'You were drunk and needed to get home, besides i don't hurt girls Mia.' He said, locking eyes with me for the first time in the entire conversation.

'But I do.' I responded slowly, tying my hair up and getting out of bed.

'Hey.' Rafe warned, raising his eyebrows like an unamused teacher.

'Rafe, she kissed you in-front of my fucking face, before waving at me like a sly crazy ex girlfriend. You didn't even date.' I said, winding myself up and I began to get dressed.

'Normally I'd be extremely turned on by how protective you're being but I'm not letting you go loose on her whilst your necks that bad.' He said, getting out of bed and standing casually in front of the door, stopping me from going anywhere.

I sighed knowing he was right, kicking my shoes towards the radiator and falling onto my bed on my back.

'You know I love you so much, right?' He asked, laying down besides me and pulling me so that my leg was draped over his.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now