Part 29

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Mias POV:
I snuck out of bed, making sure not to wake Rafe. I threw on the outfit I'd left at the foot of my bed the night before and made my way to the bathroom, doing my hair and makeup.

I checked he was still sleeping before sneaking from the house, walking the 5 minutes to the country club, happy to see that Kelce was waiting for me outside.

'You look the part.' He smiled, throwing me a set of keys and taking me to a golf buggy that he said was mine.

'I can't drive, Kelce.' I said bluntly.

'I'd not give you the job if you needed to. It's like a go cart, Mia. Go and stop.' He said, showing me both of the pedals.

I nodded, putting my foot on both of them to check I had the hang of it.

'The storeroom is just through that door, you've gotta fill this holder with ice, and everything else needs to be stocked with drinks. What you take out is up to you.' He said, giving me a tour of the back.

'Is there anyone else working today?' I asked, noticing about 5 or 6 other golf carts.

'Only one. She's called Sophie, you won't see her around though, she's on the other course.' He explained.

'Okay, I'll see you up there?' I asked, looking at his golf club in his hand.

'Yeah, I think I can hear Rafe's car, go and grab your drinks quickly.' He laughed, hurrying me inside just as my boyfriend rounded the corner.

I looked around the store room, letting out a sigh of relief when I realised I was alone. I could hear Rafe speaking to Kelce outside, and put my head to the door, listening to them.

'She was gone when you woke up?'

'Yeah, I really don't think I should be golfing whilst she's missing, man. I'm sorry.' Rafe panicked.

'She wanted you to be here, Rafe. Maybe she's planning a surprise or something.' Kelce shrugged.

'But she's replied to none of my texts. If she lets me know she's okay, I'll stay.' He responded.

I quickly took out my phone, making sure it was on silent, before replying to his worried texts, telling him I was fine and that I loved him.

'See, no need to worry.' Kelce responded, walking him towards the course.

I looked around, deciding on the drinks I'd need before opening the door again, taking my time loading the cart. Once it was full, I made sure I had enough ice before driving up towards the first hole.

I saw Rafe out of the corner of my eye, lining his club up with the ball. I pressed the horn as he was about to swing, making him hit it in the wrong direction. He turned around, scowling, before realising who it was.

I parked up besides him, stopping it dead and swinging my legs over the side of the seat.

'Thanks, Mia. I might actually have a chance of beating him now.' Kelce laughed.

'Would you look at you.' Rafe smiled, taking my hand and helping me down, spinning me around a couple of times before slithering his arm around my waist.

'Fancy a drink boys?' I asked.

'We'll take a couple of beers, love.' Rafe said, looking me up and down.

'Don't flirt with the cart girl Rafe.' Kelce joked.

'This is my cart girl.' He responded.

I bent down to get into the bottom of the cooler, hearing Rafe give me a low whistle. I span back around to face him, giving him the evils.

'I don't think I like the fact that you're paid to seduce old white men.' He laughed, taking his beer from me and taking a sip.

'Well it's working on you.' I responded, watching as he shook his head, a small smirk planted on his lips.

'Anyway, it's my go now. Since Rafe fucked up his shot.' Kelce said, stepping forwards and lining up his ball.

'Who wouldn't with my girl looking like that?' Rafe muttered, sliding his hand up the back of my skirt.

I smacked his hand away and he let out a small laugh, kissing me on the nose and then the lips.

Kelce rolled his eyes, turning away and ignoring us, giving Rafe long enough to speak to me without being heard.

'For real though, I don't mind what you wear baby, it turns me on knowing I'm the only one who'll get to see what's underneath.'

'Rafe Cameron, I'm gonna have to quit my job if it's gonna distract you.' I teased, flicking his chin softly with my finger.

'I am not distracted.'

'You're drooling.' Kelce called after him.

I saw a group of boys around the same age of us a few holes away and I knew I'd get told off if I didn't go and serve them, and I really wanted to make an impression on my first day.

I got back into the drivers seat, switching the engine back on and waiting for Rafe to take his second shot before letting him know I was going to serve more customers.

'Before you go.' He said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a $50 note.

'A tip. For your incredible service.' He smirked, leaning forwards to put it into my bra.

'Rafe Cameron you cannot give me that much.'

'Oh stop whining, I needed to make it up to you anyway.' He responded, rolling his eyes and flicking his hand towards the other customers.

'Tuck your cleavage in a little, they're not as lucky as I am.' He said, watching me closely as I drove away.

I pulled up just besides them, taking a deep breath and switching my customer service voice on the second one of them caught my eye. One with brown hair strolled over, swinging his club over his shoulder.

'Hey boys, what can I get for you?' I asked, turning off the engine and swinging my legs over the side of the seat, leaning my arm on the steering wheel.

'Oh we've got a new cart girl? I could get used to this.' He chuckled, signalling for his friend to bring over his wallet.

His friend was blonde, and I was sure I'd seen them around at kook parties but I knew I didn't know them personally.

'We'll get 3 beers, corona, and a strawberry and lime cider please.' The boy said, handing me a $30 note.

I got down from my seat, reaching into the back to grab the cider, before kneeling down for the beers. When I got back up I caught Rafe out of the corner of my eye, standing still, club over his shoulder, staring at us.

'Is that your boyfriend?' The boy asked, taking the drinks and thanking me, before giving me a $20 as a tip.

'Oh, no. No I don't know him.' I said, panicking that it would give the wrong impression.

'Well he sure as fuck fancies you.' He chuckles, giving me a polite nod before walking back to his group.

He handed out the beers, before passing the cider to a girl sat on the floor, his girlfriend. I let out a small smile, then reminding me of when me and Rafe used to come golfing.

Rafe: I take it back, can you be my private cart girl, please? I hate the way boys look at you.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now