Part 24

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Mias POV:
I stared at Rafe in disbelief as he finished his story, taking a sip from his beer and bouncing his leg up and down.

'I didn't think you'd hurt him that bad.' I whispered, starting to feel unwell.

'Mia, you know what he did to you.' He began, starting to get wound up again as I reacted the opposite to how he wanted.

'I know, but he was your friend.'

'He's no friend anymore.' Rafe responded, awkwardly coughing as Kelce came and sat besides me, handing me a drink.

I took it and thanked him, standing up and walking away from Rafe.

'Hey, where the fuck do you think you're going?' He shouted after me, reaching for my wrist.

'You left me when I was passed out in my bed, almost dead, to go and get hard drugs from Barry. I'm off to see our little friend.' I slurred, finishing my drink and dropping the cup into the bin.

'Mia, I didn't take them, I'm still waiting on them.' He sighed.

'But you're going to?' I asked, putting my hands on my hips.

He sighed again, looking at the floor. By the time he looked up again I was walking away from him, towards Barry's group of friends.

'Don't wind me up, Mia.' He called warningly, following after me as I took a seat besides Barry, leaning my head on his shoulder.

'Country club, what's got you acting out like this?' He chuckled, moving my head from his shoulder and keeping his eyes on my boyfriend.

'Shit Barry you never told us you had a new bit on the side.' One of his friends chuckled. Leaning forwards and taking my hand in his, kissing it softly.

'She's nobody bit on the side, man.' Rafe said protectively, leaning over my shoulder and kissing me on the lips.

I tried to hide my smile as it reminded me of the party at Toppers house a few months ago.

'Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise.' He muttered, standing up and trying to walk away.

Rafe let go of my shoulders, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him up to his face.

'Don't you dare, talk about her like that again.' He spat, punching him only once in the face before letting him scramble away.

'Rafe bro you've gotta chill out, she's not bothered.' Barry slurred, pointing to me. I was sat with my head over the back of my chair, staring up at the sky.

'Let's go home, Mia we shouldn't have come out.' Rafe muttered, picking me up softly from the chair and resting my head on his shoulder.

'What's happened to your neck?' Barry asked slowly, standing up and walking closer to us.

'We're going home.' Rafe said once more, kissing my cheek and turning around.

'Rafe man, let me help you.' Barry insisted, holding out his hands. Rafe put me down, rolling up his shirt.

'I don't need your fucking help.' He shouted, walking closer to Barry.

I saw them pass something between each other but I was too drunk to know what it was, watching as Rafe calmed down and nodded at Barry, turning back to me.

'I'm gonna go back to my house.' I said quietly, connecting the dots and realising Barry had given him the drugs he wanted to take.

'Don't be ridiculous, I'll come with you.' He said, reaching for my hand.

'Don't touch me, please.' I begged, a few tears falling from my eyes. He stood still, shocked, not sure what to say.

'I just want to be by myself for a little, it's not a crime.' I responded, reaching for another drink.

He knocked it from my hand, looking at me like I was crazy.

'Get up. We're going home.' He said through gritted teeth, taking my hand and pulling me up.

I forced my hand from him and stared at him in disbelief.

'You know I'll take care of you, alright? Let's just go home.' He begged, rolling his car keys around his finger, bored of trying to reach for my hand and walking ahead.

I followed after him, not wanting to be left alone anymore and realising that getting mad at him was the wrong thing to do.

He opened my door for me, closing it behind me before walking around to the drivers side. It took him a few minutes to get into the car and I heard muffled conversation, but thought nothing of it. I watched as a girl walked away from the car, waving towards Rafe. I furrowed my eyebrows and watched him in silence as he got into the drivers seat and wiped aggressively at his cheek.

'Rafe? What was that?' I asked slowly, undoing my belt and waiting for him to tell me what I already knew.

'I don't know who that was, Mia, she just came up to the car all drunk tryna talk.' He said, holding his hands out in defence.

I reached for the car door but he locked it, starting the engine despite me angrily trying to get out of the car.

'I ain't gonna let you walk away from me all mad, we can go home and talk about it. It wasn't what it looked like.' He said calmly, putting his hand behind my seat as he reversed out of his space.

The girl sat on the bench opposite the car and I squinted to get a better look at her, wondering where I'd seen her before.

'You lied, Rafe, you do know who she is. I know who she is too.' I said angrily, flipping her off as we drove past.

'I didn't lie, Mia, please.' He begged, beginning to get agitated with me.

'That's John B's friend. Cleo.' I said slowly, piecing it together as I realised that meant Sarah and John B must be home.

Rafe clearly didn't connect the dots, but he did once we reached the house, noticing his sister embracing rose on the front doorstep.

'Let's stay at yours tonight' he hurried, picking me up and trying to take me to my house.

'Mia! Oh my gosh what happened to your neck?' Sarah called, rushing up to us and squeezing my hand as a way of saying hello.

'Topper happened.' I said, trying to let out a small laugh.

She gasped and grabbed her mouth, and I couldn't help but notice the sour look on John B's face when he saw me and Rafe together.

'I'll come and see you in the morning, I'm being summoned.' Sarah laughed awkwardly, walking back to her boyfriend.

Rafe locked his car and took me to my room, licking his lips slowly as he watched me get undressed.

'I knew he was home.' I muttered, remembering the girl at the car.

'Are you gonna let me explain?' He asked, taking off his shirt and getting into bed besides me.

'We're gonna go to sleep, you're not gonna touch me, and we can speak in the morning.' I responded rolling over.

He sighed, slowly moving so his stomach was touching my back, snaking his hand around my front and pushing past my shorts.

'I can't touch you, huh?' He whispered into my ear, moving my thong to the side and kissing my neck softly as he rubbed at my clit.

'Rafe.' I whispered, closing my eyes and trying to deny how much I enjoyed it.


'I don't wanna talk to you right now.' I muttered, gasping as he pushed a second finger inside of me.

'It's okay baby, you don't have to talk.' he responded, kissing just below my ear.

'She kissed you, didn't she?' I asked, feeling sad when he removed his hands from my shorts, almost begging for the feeling back.


'That's all I wanna hear from you.' I responded, closing my eyes and ignoring anything else he tried to say to me.

Trying my hardest not to cry as I fell asleep.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now