Part 27

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Mias POV:
'Kelce!' I shouted, sitting down at the bar and smacking my hands down on the side. I saw him roll his eyes before even turning to look at me, flashing me a fake smile.

'Ouch that hurt. What's wrong with you?' I asked, pretending to clutch at my heart.

'Nothing, nothing. It's just busy around here. The cart girl quit her job thismorning.' He sighed, sliding a drink across the bar to me.

'Cart girl? Recon I've got what it takes?' I asked as a joke, not expecting him to stand up straight with a smile on his face.

'If you're down you'd be perfect. It'd really help me out, Mia.' He smiled.

'Good pay?' I asked, leaning closer.

'Only the best.' He responded, looking over at his boss.

'When do I start?' I asked.

'Brilliant, Really? Wow okay. You can start tomorrow.' He said excitedly.

'What do I wear?' I asked, this whole new job thing creeping up on me.

'This sounds so clique but the sluttiest golf skirts you can find. It'll get you the tips.' He responded, throwing me a name badge he'd just written up for me.

'Don't tell Rafe. I want it to be a surprise, I want you to convince him to go golfing with you tomorrow.' I laughed, coming up with a plan in my head.

I saw Kelce's face turn into a smirk.

'You've got it.' He responded.

'I'd better go and find Kie. Have you seen her?' I asked, picking up my drink and planning on bringing it with me.

'She left with JJ earlier. I'd not go after them, they're trouble.' He warned.

'Yeah well, the kooks can be trouble too. I'll see you tomorrow, 10am?' I asked, putting my glass down on the bar.

'Yes, don't be late.' He responded, giving me a small smile before heading off to help another customer.

I jumped down from the stool, heading to the exit, wanting to hang out with someone other than my boyfriends friends for once. I decided to walk the short distance to Kie's restaurant, smiling when I saw her and JJ in the window.

JJ's face dropped and I saw Kie put her hand on his shoulder. I headed inside to sit with them but began to feel uneasy, wondering what was going on with everyone.

'Hey Mia, good to see you.' Kie smiled, opening her arms for a hug.

'You too, are you guys ok? What's going on?' I asked, looking at JJ who's eyes were glued on his shoes.

'Nothing, JJ's just in a little bit of a mood today, that's all.' She smiled, nudging him in the arm.

He looked up at us both and forced a smile, pulling back a spare chair besides him and letting me sit down.

'Mia, I did want to talk to you.' He said under his breath, leaning forwards on the table so that nobody else could hear us.

'Oh?' I asked, knowing this was coming.

Kie looked between us both worriedly, not sure what he was going to say next, which made me aware that I needed to hear it.

'You didn't go to the beach cinema the other day, did you?' He asked, tapping his finger on the table.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not even sure what he was on about.

'It must've been the day you spent recovering.' Kie butted in.

I nodded slowly. I was out for a day, and so it made sense that I'd not know anything about that.

'Rafe came with Kelce. He was pretty mad, left us alone at first though.' He began, and I held out my hand to stop him.

'Look, JJ. I know you don't get along but I really don't want to hear what you have to say about him.' I sighed.

'No, you'll want to hear this.' He persisted.

I closed my mouth and let him carry on, noticing Barry stood outside awkwardly, watching over me with his phone to his ear.

'He was on a different planet, I just assumed he was a little drunk. But he pulled out a gun.' JJ said, watching me as my mouth hung open.

'A gun?'

'He was waving it around, teasing everyone with it. He pressed the trigger by accident and sent it into a fuel barrel, setting the whole screen on fire.' Kie muttered in a low tone.

'But why? I don't get it.' I whispered, biting nervously on my nails.

I remembered Rafe getting up and leaving, but I had no idea that he'd go and ruin everyone else's night too.

'He was saying something about losing a friend, I assume he meant Topper. Look I know he was trying to come across in a protective way but then he came and spoke to me.' JJ said, butting in.

'What did he say to you?' I asked, not wanting to hear the answer.

'He told me to stay away from you. He had the gun pointed at my face the entire time, and I thought he was gonna shoot. Barry pulled him away, but I just want you to be so careful, Mia.' He said firmly, squeezing my hand.

The front door opened and Barry walked in, taking a spare seat and sitting down besides me, picking up a chip from Kie's plate and shoving it in his mouth.

'What're we talking about?' He smiled, looking between us all. 

'Why are you watching me?' I asked, crossing my arms.

'Why are you hanging out with pogues when Rafe told you not to?' He responded.

'Rafe doesn't get to tell me what to do. It's kinda embarrassing he's got you running around as his little spy.' I responded bitterly, standing up and tucking in my chair.

'I'm so sorry, it's been good to see you.' I smiled to JJ and Kie, turning and leaving Barry behind me.

'You've made a mistake, you know.' He called, following me from the restaurant, swearing as the door shut in his face.

'So have you. Not telling me about what happened at the movie the other night? Seems we're both liars.' I responded.

His mouth snapped closed and a small smirk formed on his lips as he looked back at JJ. 

'He snitched, huh?' He asked, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up.

'Stop fucking following me. I'm going to my house, and if you speak to Rafe, let him know I don't want him to come over.' I said, pushing past him and heading down the steps.

'You can tell him yourself, country club. He's on his way here now!' Barry called.

'Well I'm not waiting for him.' I muttered, heading into the houses and deciding to take a windy route home, so he couldn't find me.

Rafe: hey come on we've gotta talk.

Rafe: JJ is a liar, Mia. And I don't know why you'd take his word over mine.

Me: because you told me NOTHING!

Rafe: let me just fucking talk to you.

Rafe: you're all I have, I can't lose you.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now