Part 20

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Mias POV:
We sat down at my dining room table, spare seats filled with unfamiliar faces. When he was sure nobody was looking, Rafe turned to me and lowered his head in a whisper.

'This'll be important, don't stress, let me do the talking.' He said quietly, letting out a cough to disguise what he'd just said.

I looked around the table once more and tried to figure it out but I didn't understand.

'Now we're all here I think it's only polite to tuck in.' Ward smiled, raising his glass in the air.

Rafe watched me as I did the same, nodding of approval as I pretended to understand what was going on.

'For those of us that don't know, would you like to introduce yourselves, Renfield?' Rose asked, looking to the strange man sat opposite me.

The name rang a bell but I kept quiet until I was sure.

'Yes of course, I'm Renfield, and this is my lovely half sister Carla Limbrey, thank you for inviting us into your home, the food looks amazing.' He smiled, raising his glass in the air.

It was then that my eyes settled on his necklace, of a golden cross. I swallowed a lump in my throat as my suspicions were right, these were the people Pope was so worried about. I began to grow restless and uncomfortable that my mother had invited these people into our home without mentioning it, and Rafe noticed, placing a calm hand on my leg and rubbing his thumb softly along my skin.

Everyone began to eat, and I picked at my plate, trying to understand what Carla wanted with my family, besides the cross.

'Mia, dear, you've been awfully quiet, are you okay?' My mother joked, trying to ease the tension but definitely making it worse.

I nodded slowly, growing conscious of the new faces on me.

'Yes, sorry, I'm just a little tired.' I smiled, picking up my glass and playing with it.

'Oh wow how you've grown! Are you and John B still getting on well?' Carla asked, looking over at me now.

'Yeah, we don't really speak much anymore.' I responded, trying to keep peace.

She put her knife and fork down, interested in the conversation, and I was worried about what she was going to say next.

'You don't happen to know that boy, pope? Do you?' She asked, sipping on her wine.

I nodded slowly, not opening my mouth to speak.

She jokingly elbowed Ward and said the one thing i hoped she wouldn't.

'You should fake set her up with that boy next, maybe we can use her to get the cross as well as the gold.' She chuckled.

Wards face didn't change expression, because he was looking at his son. Rafe slammed his hands down on the table, pushing his chair backwards and standing up.

'We are not using her for anything. Mia shouldn't even be involved in this.' He warned, fiddling with his arms to keep calm.

'Oh Rafe you must understand, you have to lose who you love sometimes to get truly what you want.' Renfield teased.

That pushed Rafe over the edge. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the table.

'The food was wonderful. Mrs Anderson, I'm sorry our guests can't keep their mouths to themselves.' he said, smiling sarcastically around the table and walking with me upstairs to my room.

I waited until my bedroom door was closed before I spoke to him, aware that people would be listening. He slammed the door a little forcefully and sat down on my bed, letting out a big sigh and running his hands through his hair.

'What was that?' I asked, crossing my arms and standing infront of him.

'Mia, I had no idea my dad told Carla about the gold, let alone how he used you for it. I don't want any of them getting the wrong idea, you're not getting involved again.' He said firmly, gripping my waist and pulling me into a hug, resting his head on my stomach.

'It's okay, you don't have to worry about me.' I said calmly, playing with his hair.

He snapped his neck up to look at me, narrowing his eyes warningly.

'Mia, I had to sit back and watch you pretend to love John B. You kissed him before you kissed me, and now they're trying to get you to do it again?!' He said angrily.

I let out a sigh, continuing to play with his hair, trying to calm him.

'He told me it's worth losing you for that fucking cross. Now I don't know how he means that, but I can't let you help this time Mia, it's going to be dangerous.' He explained, pulling me so that I was sat on his lap.

'I will stay out of it, okay?' I said, trying to make him understand I really had no worth joining in anymore.

He opened his mouth to speak, but stopped at the sound of a knock on the door.

'Yes?' I shouted, standing up from Rafe's lap and waiting for the door to open.

It did, and Topper stood looking at us both. When he locked eyes with Rafe, my boyfriend pulled me down onto his lap again, gripping onto my thigh with one hand, and leaning against the bed with the other.

'Why are you here?' Rafe asked in disgust, looking him up and down.

'I need to speak with Mia, alone.' He responded, leaning against the doorframe and fiddling with his hands.

Rafe scoffed, kissing my head and gripping my leg harder.

'You don't get to talk to her alone, Top.' Rafe warned, tilting his head to look at him better.

I held my hand out to stop them both talking, standing up.

'It's fine, Rafe, go and wait outside.' I asked, taking his hand and standing him up.

He furrowed his eyebrows at me, letting me know he didn't agree.
He pushed past Topper, knocking into him a little bit on his way, sitting down outside of the door and looking up at me.

'I'm staying right here. Five minutes.' He said calmly, looking down at his watch.

Topper came inside and closed the door, and I sat at my desk, beginning to feel uneasy.

'Topper I'm so so sorry.' I began, throwing my hands up in defence.

'We were meant to be friends. You turned me in, for him?' He scoffed, getting up off the doorframe and walking towards the desk.

'I'm sure you won't get long.' I argued in defence.

'Two months. I've got two months in prison, not to mention the time I'll spend in there after Sarah comes home.' He said, his voice wavering.

'Topper, for once, you really are guilty.' I sighed, not sure why he was so mad with me.

'I loved you! You were my best friend and I'm not sure how you could just turn me in like that!' He shouted, slamming his hand against the desk.

I closed my eyes, waiting a few seconds for him to calm down, but that didn't happen.

'May as well get a few more months for showing you how mad I am at you, right?' He smiled, grabbing me by the throat and holding me up against the wall.

'Topper.' I choked, smacking my hand on the wall, trying to get Rafe's attention.

'Don't talk to me like we're friends anymore, Mia. I was heartbroken and I confided in you!' He screamed, pushing me harder until I really couldn't breathe anymore.

I grabbed at his hands, trying to make him let go. Tears formed in my eyes as I felt everything start to blur. The door opened and I was dropped to the floor.

'Oh you're dead, Topper.'

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now