Part 18

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Mias POV:
I sat on the end of Rafe's bed, tapping my hand against the bed frame trying to figure out what I was gonna do. Rafe needed out of this, and so did John B, but I couldn't dob one in without upsetting the other. Downstairs was surprisingly silent, and I knew I didn't have too long until Rafe came back upstairs to discover John B was alive and demanding payment.

I put on my socks and shoes, tying my hair up and throwing open the curtains to get a better grip on the window frame. I threw it open, sitting on the windowsill and looking down at the pool underneath me. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and leaving my phone on the windowsill besides me, not wanting to break it. After a few seconds of calming myself down I threw myself into the pool, closing my eyes right and holding my nose once the water hit my face.

It took a few seconds for me to resurface, and I breathed in heavily once I did, pulling myself onto the pavement and coughing up some water. I took a deep breath, squeezing water from my tshirt and heading towards my own home, leaving my shoes at my front door and running in towards my room.

'Mia you're dripping water all over the floor!' My mother shouted, chasing me upstairs with a towel.

'This can't wait, mum, something big is gonna happen and for once I'm gonna be on the right end of it.' I said, out of breath, taking off my soaking clothes and replacing them with some that were dryer.

'You know I don't want you getting involved in your fathers shit again.' She complained, throwing me a towel to wrap my hair in.

I took it and used it to squeeze out all of the remaining water from my hair.

'I'll be gone no more than an hour, I'll be here for dinner too.' I smiled, hugging her quickly before checking out of my window, Rafe's car and bike was still in his driveway. Good sign.

I looked towards Toppers house and sighed sadly, knowing I had to do the right thing by everyone involved.

I headed back downstairs, squeezing my father on the shoulder softly to let him know I still existed.

'Rose and Ward's family are coming over for dinner tonight, Mia, don't be late.' He warned, shouting after me as I ran from the back door.

I muttered a quiet response back to him as I ran towards the police station, which luckily wasn't too far from my home. My phone began to ring now and I swallowed the pain in my throat, turning it off and pushing the door of the station open. Eyes turned to look at me, and I saw Shoupe smile, as he stood from his desk and came to greet me.

'What do I owe the pleasure?' He asked, holding his arm out and beckoning towards his office.

I sat facing the glass window looking out towards reception, knowing I wanted to be able to see the second Rafe rocked up.

'I know where John and Sarah are.' I said bluntly, picking up a pen and rolling it around in my fingers.

'So do we, Mia.' He responded, slightly amused.

I leaned forwards in my chair, furrowing my eyebrows at him as I began to get desperate.

'They were shipped in a cargo box to Nassau because they slept together behind Topper's back. Rafe is innocent and has nothing to do with it.' I said angrily, scratching the pen into the table.

He stopped smiling and also leaned forwards, taking me seriously for the first time I'd been there.

'Are you sure?'

'I'm positive.' I responded, gripping a little harder on the pen once I heard Rafe's car turn up outside.

'What're you getting from telling us this?' He quizzed, leaning back in his chair.

'You drop the murder case. Blame it on Barry, Topper, Ward if you will. But keep Rafe's name in the clear.' I demanded, ducking my head lower at the sight of Rafe.

'Peterkin was a dear friend, Mia, surely you'll understand I want to find the true killer, Rafe Cameron or not?' He joked.

'50 million. When Ward Cameron safely gets the gold to Nassau, which he will do next week, you'll get your cut.' I said, holding out my hand.

He looked at me suspiciously, not knowing if I was being serious.

The door burst open and Rafe looked down at us frantically running his hands through his hair.

'Deal.' Shoupe responded, placing his hand in mine and shaking it softly.

Rafe looked between us both, grabbing my arm and pulling me hard from the table.

'Let go.' I said angrily, pulling him from my grip.

'Mia, I told you to stay at home and you're here with Shoupe?' He threatened angrily, pushing me hard out of the office.

'I've just saved your ass, shut the fuck up.' I whispered, eyeing him up angrily as he took me to his car and opened his passenger door, looking between me and the seat.

'Woah, you've gotta stop talking to me like that.' He warned, getting bored of my hanging around and picking me up himself, throwing me into the car.

I huffed, leaning back in my seat as he slammed the door shut and walked around to the drivers side. I kept my mouth firmly closed until he started the car, leaning his hand over to my thigh.

'You're kinda hot when you're angry.' He muttered bitterly, turning to stare at me and placing a tough kiss on my lips.

'Maybe a thank you? Rafe you're no longer an official suspect.' I said, pushing his hand from my thigh and turning in my seat to look at him.

'On what terms?' He responded, his eyes turning grave.

'I told him about Top and the containers, and I may or may not have offered him 50 million.' I said quickly, rambling on.

'You offered Shoupe 50 million to keep his best friends death quiet and he took it?' He responded, shutting me up. I nodded and waited for a response.

A few minutes went by before I heard a chuckle come from his mouth. I looked up, watching as more laughs fell from his mouth.

'I could fuck you right here.' He muttered, picking me up from my seat and lifting me so that i was sat ontop of him.

'Rafe we're in the station carpark.' I groaned, throwing my head back as he lowered his seat and clung onto my hips with his hands.

'Baby you just saved my life.' He whispered calmly in my ear, reaching down my shorts and undoing my button.

'Let's get home, okay?' I breathed heavily, grabbing his hand and stopping him from moving.

He eyed me up and down for a few seconds before removing his hand and letting me climb back into my own seat.

'You drive me crazy.' He smirked, shaking his head slightly and running his hand along his mouth.

'I promised you it was us forever.' I shrugged, leaning my head on his shoulder.

'Too right baby, till death do us part'

I opened my mouth to speak again but slammed it shut, as I saw JJ and Kie run into the station, a gun in their hand.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now