Part 11

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Mias POV:
Plenty of shots later, my vision was completely blurry, and my legs were barely able to hold my  body weight anymore.

'Mia, I think its time you slow down.' Kelce laughed, sitting down besides me at the kitchen counter.

'Kelce, im in love with a boy who doesn't want me back.' I slurred, not wanting to talk about my situation with Rafe, but I couldn't control my words anymore.

'You know he loves you too, but he's a Cameron, emotions don't flow easy for them.' He shrugged, taking a shot for himself.

'I can't wait around for him anymore, but I don't want anybody else.' I whispered, making sure nobody could hear me.

'Remember I told you I've got a bet on you two? so just make sure you hurry up.' He chuckled, completely ignoring my problem.

I huffed, watching as he walked away, wrapping his arm around a random girls waist.

'Hey stranger, time to go home?' Rafe smiled, coming up behind me and kissing my head.

'Yeah, one more drink.' I whispered, reaching for a bottle.

He reached it first and took it away from me, stopping me from having it. It was then that I really noticed his face, he looked different. He didnt look drunk, he seemed high. His jaw was swinging ever so slightly, and he kept rubbing at his nose.

'Have you done coke, Rafe?' I asked, slowly backing away from him.

He sighed, letting his body collapse against the counter, resting his head on one of his hands. 

'I did like, one line.' He replied, looking up at me with regret plastered all over his face.

My phone pinged, a text from John B. My eyebrows furrowed, we'd not spoken at all, and I saw he'd attached a photo. I clicked on it, my heart racing a little as I saw Rafe taking a line of coke off of a random girls leg. He was looking over my shoulder now, and I pulled myself away from him, stumbling backwards into a stranger.

'Mia, hey, Mia let me explain, okay?' He panicked, reaching towards my arm. I shook my head, grabbing onto the doorframe and forcing myself away from him.

'I don't wanna speak to you right now, leave me alone, please.' I begged, opening the front door and walking towards the driveway.

'Mia, come on, I've gotta drive you home you can't walk!' He pleaded.

I ignored him, walking towards my house grabbing onto any tree or lamppost I could see.
I heard an engine pull up besides me and I turned, Rafe was slowly driving along besides me.

'Come on, get in the car.' He asked, beginning to get angry.

'Im nearly home.' I protested.

'Mia, you're at the end of Kelce's driveway. Come on.' He pleaded.

I turned to look at him, begrudgingly getting into his car and slamming the door a little too hard.

'Look, im so sorry.' He began.

'I don't even wanna hear it. Take me home and then I never wanna see you again.' I said, holding my hand out to him.

'You don't mean that at all.' He said, beginning to get stressed.

I ignored him, leaning my head against the seat and feeling my head spin in circles.

'Do you wanna sleep at mine?' He asked, pulling up outside of his house.

I shook my head quickly, jumping from the car and walking towards my house.

'Hey, Mia!' Rafe shouted after me. I span on my heel, looking at him.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now