Part 16

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Mias POV:
I sat on the wall outside of Toppers house for what felt like hours, until i heard his car pull into his driveway.

'Mia? What're you doing here?' He called from his car, getting out and closing the door, walking down to meet me.

'Topper, so much has happened.' I muttered, sure of the fact I was so quiet he couldn't hear me.

'Hey, where's Rafe?' He asked, sitting on the wall besides me.

I collapsed onto his shoulder, unable to control the tears.

'Mia, hey breathe.' He cooed, his eyebrows furrowing as he held me tight by the arms.

'Rafe's been arrested, because.' I began, before sitting up, realising what had happened.

'Rafe's been arrested because of you.' I said, slowly moving away from him, pushing his arm from my shoulder.

'What do you mean?' He asked, reaching his hand for me again.

'He's being blamed for John and Sarah disappearing, when really it was you.' I said, piecing it all together.

'Mia he's gonna get out okay? And nobody's gonna have to go down.' He said sternly, almost realising I was ready to throw him under the bus.

I heard a truck pull up outside of Rafe's house next door, and sighed of relief when I saw it was Ward. I scrambled to my feet, running towards his house. He noticed me, getting slowly from the truck and looking at me in confusion.

'Rafe's been arrested, they think he made John B disappear, it's not his fault Ward.' I cried, watching as he pulled a gun from his back pocket and loaded it in-front of me.

'What station?' He questioned, putting it back into his pocket.

'Just down the road I think, killing someone won't help him.' I responded, wiping my eyes and acting as if I'd not been crying at all.

'I'm not gonna kill them, Mia, I'm gonna get him out, you know where my safe is right?' He asked, opening the van door again and getting into the drivers seat.

I nodded, vaguely remembering the safe I'd seen in his office.

'Unlock it for me, the password is Rafe's birthday, bring me all the money that's in it, and hurry, I don't know how long I've got until he cracks.' He muttered the last part, aware that Topper was still nearby.

'He won't crack.' I responded, shaking my head softly.


I followed his orders this time, running inside towards his office. I pulled the picture from the wall, revealing the silver safe built into the wall. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, running my hands over the cold metal, before my phone began to ring. It was no caller ID. i sighed, answering it, whilst scrambling to undo the lock.

Hey, Mia, are you okay?

Rafe? They let you call this early?

Even in prison they can't keep me away from you.

Shut up this isn't funny, we're gonna get you out, okay? You didn't do shit

Oh but I did, Mia I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to pull the innocent card.

Rafe shut the fuck up

You're gonna stay at home, get your story straight and make sure it lines up with mine, you got that?

Absolutely not, I'm in your safe as we speak. You didn't send John B and Sarah away, you're innocent!

Be a good girl and listen to me, I'm not fully innocent you know that. I've gotta go my times up. Please, I'm just trying to protect you.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora