Part 26

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Mias POV:
Tension. That's all I felt. Good and bad. Rafe sat besides me at the table, instantly grabbing t at my thigh. John B sat opposite me, glaring between me and my boyfriend. 

'So, tell me how Nassau was.' I asked, reaching for a glass. Rafe beat me to it, pouring a drink for me.

I tried to hide my amusement as he acted high and mighty in front of John, but turned my attention to Sarah. 

'Well, we didn't mean to end up there. I'm sure you've heard about Topper, but, it was good. Kinda like our first couples holiday.' She smiled, squeezing John's hand.

Rafe nodded slowly, preparing to say something sarcastic.

'I heard you tried to bribe my girlfriend, John B.' He said, looking him up and down. Sarah snapped her neck to look at him and John instantly became uncomfortable.

'I just wanted to make sure my name was cleared, I wanted Sarah to be able to come home to her family.' He said awkwardly, looking at me angrily.

'Right, right. So now you're hanging around here, with us, acting like you care about us?' He asked, standing up, making his leave from the picnic.

'Rafe. Please sit back down.' I sighed, apologising to Sarah with just my eyes.

'I'm tired of him treating you like shit, fuck, Mia, I had to watch him kiss you for Fuck sake!' He shouted, kicking a glass of water over.

'You two kissed?' Sarah stuttered, her eyes beginning to gloss over.

'It's a long story.' I muttered.

'She pretended to love me to steal the gold. I had it, in my hands. She passed it over to Ward.' John said angrily.

'My dad has all of the gold?' Sarah asked, shocked.

'You really are as dumb as you look.' Rafe scoffed, taking my hand and pulling me back towards my house.

'Sarah I'm so sorry.' I said softly, not able to say anything else before I was pulled inside.

'Why can't you just pretend to get on with your sister?' I asked, crossing my arms in defence.

He sat down at the table, running his hands through his hair stressfully.

'Having John B home is so fucking bad.' He panicked, standing up and pacing the kitchen.

I shook my head, getting up and wrapping my arms around his waist, frowning as he slightly pushed me away.

'It's okay, remember.' I said softly, trying to calm him down.

'No it's not. It should never have been on you to get me out of jail, or make sure I don't go back in. This isn't the life I promised you.' He sighed, turning to me, holding me by both shoulders.

'Trust me, It's okay.' I responded firmly, eyeing him as he put his shoes on and grabbed a jacket.

'I'll be back in half an hour.' He said, reading a text on his phone.

'If you walk out this door, to Barry's right now, you will not be coming back here tonight.' I said angrily, walking infront of him and standing infront of my door.

'I'm not going to get drugs.' He said bluntly, crossing his arms.

I nodded slowly, moving away and opening the door for him.

'I'll be with my friends tonight, ok? Don't bother trying to find me.' I said firmly, watching as his face crinkled up in disgust.

'Friends? You mean pogues?' He responded, stepping back inside and closing the door.

'You put your foot out of that door, go and get your drugs. I'll go and see my friends.' I said, waving my hand in the outsides direction.

He looked at me, dumbfounded for a second, before nodding slowly, running his tongue along his teeth.

'You wanna play that game, huh?'

'I can't make you a good person, Rafe.' I responded, walking past him, outside of the house.

'Where are you going?' He called after me.

'To see Kelce, the only one around here who seems to have his head stuck on.' I mumbled, shrugging him off and heading in the direction of the country club.

'Don't walk away from me!' He called frantically, getting in his car and following me slowly up the drive.

I didn't listen, even after he rolled down the window and stuck his head out, watching me smugly.

'Get in. I'll drop you off.' He smiled, leaning over the fling the passenger door open.

'I can walk, thanks.' I responded, slamming it closed. He sighed, opening it again and stopping the car dead, looking at me with a really serious tone on his face.

I silently got into the car, putting on my belt and leaning back in my seat, not looking over at him despite knowing he was going to be smirking in victory.

'Don't piss me off, alright. It's tough on me as it is I don't need you hating me too.' He mumbled, putting his free hand on my thigh.

'Don't piss you off?' I scoffed, moving his hand away from me.

'Mia, look, you know what I meant.' He argued in defence, throwing his hand defensively in the air.

'It doesn't matter how much I love you, Rafe. I don't know how much more of your shit I can take. Drugs, I get it. Murder?' I asked, turning to face him as I said it.

'I thought you'd gotten over that.' He responded.

'I'll never get over you murdering people Rafe, no.' I said deadpan, hopping from the car as soon as it stopped in the carpark.

'I'll come get you in a couple hours.' He called.

'Don't bother, I'm gonna go and see Kie.' I responded, closing the door and leaning my head in through his window.

'Kie means Pope. Pope means JJ. I don't want you hanging out with them.' He said firmly, pointing a finger in my direction.

'I don't want you taking hard drugs with Barry but you still chose them over me. Have a good night, Rafe.' I nodded, walking away before I could hear anything else he had to say.

My phone began to ring and I ended it, only turning around to speak to Rafe when he began to honk his horn repeatedly at me.

'Just tell me that you love me.' He sighed, as I walked back to his car.

'You know I do.'

'Just say it.' He responded firmly.

'I love you, Rafe. And if you promise not to touch those drugs, then I'll be home tonight.' I said, forcing a smile.

'I'll see you tonight then.'

'Tell me you love me too.' I responded, crossing my arms. He leaned across the seat, kissing me passionately through the window.

'Oh I love you so fucking much it's insane.' He smiled.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, he started the car up again and pointed at me one last time.

'No pogues, ok?'

'Aye aye captain.'

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now