Part 4

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Mias POV:
I got home somehow avoiding Rafe's capture. I ran inside and locked my bedroom door, completely avoiding the voices of both of my parents. It was beginning to get windy but I didn't think anything of it. OBX was full of storms, I just assumed we were going to have a small one.

'Hey, Mia? I need your help. We've got a double code red for tonight, we need help packing everything up.' mum said softly from outside my door.

I unlocked it, to see her and my father stood outside.

'I had a date planned with John B tonight.' I replied bitterly, annoyed that he still didn't see any issue with what he was making me do.

'So it went well?' He smiled.

'It went well.' I replied, walking right past him and into the kitchen.

'Well, not exactly. Ward said that Rafe is going crazy other there.' My mum said, looking towards the Cameron household.

'He'll get over it.' I shrugged.

They both looked at me, tight lipped, before my mum grabbed my hands.

'Rafe and Wheezie are going to be staying here for the next few days, Mia. Rose and Ward are busy, and Sarah is at Toppers.' My mum said.

'What do you want from me?' I laughed.

Nobody said a word.

'You made me ruin my relationship with Rafe, for John B. To then invite Rafe into my house? You know how this is going to go down.' I said angrily, leaving the house and slamming the door, walking towards the garden.

Topper was already on my fathers boat, helping to move the furniture down below and tie everything down.

'Ouch, the face on you thismorning.' He laughed, throwing me some rope.

'Oh the shit I've got to tell you.' I replied, looking bitterly back to my house.

'Rafe told me you kissed John. He's crazy Mia I wouldn't be surprised if we're at John B's funeral next week.' Topper said, watching as I began to tie the chairs down to the floor.

'I'm being forced. Topper. Rafe's dad came to me and begged me to pretend to love John. He told me he's looking for gold and I'm the only one he'll tell. I don't want to, trust me. But i have to' I replied, sitting up and looking at him.

'Tell him, Mia I'm serious he's gonna kill someone.' Topper said softly, understanding where i was coming from, but also worrying about Rafe.

'What happened with Josh?' I asked, kinda not wanting to know the answer.

'Oh man he beat the absolute shit out of him. Both of them.' He replied, shaking his head with a smirk on his face.

'Topper it's not funny.' I snapped, finishing up and throwing the rope onto the bar.

'Hey, Im not laughing at you. I know it's hard.' He whispered, pulling me close to him.

We sat together on the boat for another hour or so, trying to make sense of my situation, and help me find a way out of it.

'It's getting a bit choppy, we'd better get inside.' Topper said, holding me by both hands and helping me safely onto the dock.

It began to rain and so we ran back to the house, using our arms to stop the rain hitting us in the face.

'Why do you have to go home?' I pouted.

'Sarah's staying with me, if I had any idea about what you were going through, I'dve asked her if she wanted to come here too but I had no clue' he replied, getting his coat and car keys.

Officially her Bitch//Rafe Cameron (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now