Part 8

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Mias POV:
We dropped Topper off home, and he said he'd be back at 7pm, just in time for Rafe to leave. Rafe took me back to his house, nobody was there, as everyone was preparing for the gold move.

'Hey, come on, come upstairs with me.' He whispered, taking my hand softly and leading me to the store room.

I furrowed my eyebrows but still followed, as we made our way into the smaller room, that, I noticed, had no windows.

'I love you, you know that, right?' He said softly.

'I know.' I replied, letting him slowly push me against the wall, and kiss me on the neck.

I closed my eyes, opening them when he let go, quickly pacing back towards the door, stepping outside and locking it on me.

'Rafe?' I called out, slowly, wrapping my hand on the door handle and rattling it, he had truly locked the door.

'Rafe Cameron, let me out.' I said, beginning to shout, banging my fists on the door.

'I'm sorry, I had to do it, I can't trust you not to do something stupid.' He replied, resting his head on the wall outside.

'Let me out!' I shouted once more, picking up a bottle of wine and smashing it against the door hard.

'I can't, I can't let you out, Stop throwing things, please.' He replied, more desperately this time.

I didn't even have my phone, I'd left it downstairs on the kitchen table and I was beginning to panic.

'Rafe you can't leave me in here all night, I've not eaten, what if I need the toilet?' I asked, getting angry that he thought he could control me like this.

'You're only gonna be in here for a couple hours.' He replied, bluntly.

'You don't love me, you've never loved me.' I cried, still kicking against the door.

'I do, I love you so bad and that's why I have to do this!' He shouted, getting angry at me.

'I don't love you Rafe. I don't love you.' I whispered, banging my fist against the door once more and sliding down against it, laying with my back against the wall.

'You don't mean that.' He replied, firmly.

'Oh no, I do.'

I carried on shouting, begging him to let me out, but he didn't say another word.

'Rafe Cameron it you really loved me, you'd trust me enough to not have to hold me captive in your own house!' I shouted, giving the door one good punch before giving up completely.

'Topper is going to be at your house at 7. I will lock my house door, and so when he tries my house, he'll just assume you came with me, and go home.' He explained, winding me up even more.

'You know Topper wouldn't let me come after you Rafe, just let me stay with him, please.' I cried.

'Topper can't look after you as well as I can, please just calm down, I hate seeing you like this.' He replied, starting to sound upset.

'Rafe, I'm begging you.' I replied, my voice getting quieter as I realised he wasn't going to listen.

'Mia, I've gotta go okay, I'll be back soon.' He said, and I felt as he sat up from outside of the door.

'No, Rafe, don't go.' I panicked, thinking about the hours I was going to have to spend in silence.

'I love you so fucking much, okay, tell me that you love me.' He asked, sternly.

'No, Rafe.'

'Tell me!' He shouted, banging his hand hard against the wall.

I didn't reply, and after a few moments I heard him sigh, leaving me alone completely. I looked around the room, looking for anything that'd help me escape, or even tell Topper where I was. Nothing. The room had a table and a storage wall, full of wine. The cupboards were empty, and there were no windows, besides a large one on the ceiling.

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