Part 4 Chapter 7 Short Road To Jin-Hark

Start from the beginning

The army was formed to be able to encircle the Kingdom of Lauria's troops. The fast moving army will be split in half to be able to flank the troops from the left and right sides, and the infantry troops will carry out the main attack against the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria. This is because the fast-moving army of the Kingdom of Quila moves faster, so it is more likely to do encirclement.

The fast moving army of the Kingdom of Quila runs at full speed without much of a hitch. The infantry and infantry troops supporting the fast moving army were carried by armored cars and trucks until they were overloaded, and then placed behind the fast moving army. Those troops would later attack the Kingdom of Lauria's troops from the side.

The fast moving army moved quickly until it reached the rear of the Kingdom of Lauria's army and began to rotate to attack the Kingdom of Lauria's troops from behind. When they were about to attack the fast moving army, it gave a signal to the infantry troops who were at the front of Lauria's troops to attack together. As a result, Lauria's troops were attacked from all directions. It only took 1.5 hours to defeat the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria, and in the end, the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria surrendered.

After that, the Kingdom of Quila's troops moved swiftly towards Jin-Hark without any significant obstacles. Cities that may have overly strong fortifications are bypassed. This was because all three armies from the three countries needed to be able to reach Jin-Hark at the same time. In the evening, the army commander of the Kingdom of Quila predicted that they would reach Jin-Hark the next day before noon.




The main army of the Kingdom of Lauria

The Kingdom of Lauria's troops were marching to reach the advance force battlefield with the Principality of Qua Toyne's troops. There was a long and wide line of troops walking through the meadow.

Suddenly, from the direction of the sea, many soundless black dots approached. The troop leader wondered if this was the wyvern troop returning from the naval assault of the Principality of Qua Toyne. The black dots were approaching rapidly, much faster than the wyvern. At that moment, the black dots didn't appear to be wyverns but seemed to be flying objects belonging to the Principality of Qua Toyne or Myro Empire, and the troops panicked. Quickly, the orderly line turned into people running in all directions.

But before the troops could run away from Myto's airspeeder attack, cluster bombs fell. Each airspeeder carries 6 cluster bombs, which means 70 airspeeders carry a total of 420 cluster bombs. This had a fatal effect on the Kingdom of Lauria's army. In one pass, the 70 airspeeders released 4 cluster bombs at once, and in that one pass, more than 150,000 troops of the kingdom of Lauria perished. When the airspeeder made its second pass and released the remnants of the cluster bomb, the total casualties on the Kingdom of Lauria's side had already reached nearly 200,000. More than half of the Kingdom of Lauria's main forces were killed or injured. After that, the airspeeder strafed using either a 20mm cannon or a laser cannon. Although the victims were not as big as the cluster bomb, the effect caused the Kingdom of Lauria troops to fall apart, and each of them tried to save themselves. The Kingdom of Lauria's main army had effectively been destroyed, as no units remained intact and formed cohesively. None of the wyverns could support them because all the wyverns were fighting against the Principality of Qua Toyne's F1 fighter planes on the advance force battlefield. The wyvern army also suffered a crushing defeat; only five wyverns managed to escape and fly back to Jin-Hark.

With this crushing defeat of the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria, the forces of the Principality of Qua Toyne were able to quickly advance past the positions of the main forces of the Kingdom of Lauria without any significant obstacles. Only a few of the Kingdom of Lauria's troops remained, and most immediately surrendered without fighting. Thus, the Principality of Qua Toyne troops could quickly advance to control the areas and cities that were in the direction of the Principality of Qua Toyne troops towards Jin-Hark. Actually, the Principality of Qua Toyne troops could reach Jin-Hark in the afternoon, but the attack was postponed so that the Kingdom of Quila troops could catch up and attack Jin-Hark.



Capital of the Kingdom of Lauria, Jin-Hark

Military Headquarters

General Patajin felt desperate listening to reports after reports of the defeat of the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria. Currently, the troops of the Principality of Qua Toyne are at war with the rest of the main forces of the Kingdom of Lauria. Because there is no more cohesive army from the main army, the battle between the Principality of Qua Toyne and the main army is just like hunting deer, massacre from one side.

There was no longer a large army that could prevent either the troops from the Principality of Qua Toyne or the troops from the Kingdom of Quila from reaching Jin-Hark. All that can be done is to order all the remaining troops, including the rest of the main forces that can still receive orders, to move to Jin-Hark and try to defend Jin-Hark. But it became difficult because many aristocrats who still had troops chose to surrender to the forces of the Principality of Qua Toyne or the troops of the Kingdom of Quila to save themselves. It was estimated that no more than 100,000 troops could move to Jin-Hark. Coupled with the city's defense forces in Jin-Hark of as many as 30,000 people, the total number of troops that will fight at most is 130,000 people.

General Patajin also ordered that the remaining fleet of the Kingdom of Lauria be divided in half. Half of the fleet would remain in Jin-Hark and try to protect Jin-Hark from attacks coming from the sea. Half of it will be moved out of Jin-Hark so that if the fleet protecting Jin-Hark can be destroyed by the opponent, at least there is still a reserve fleet to attack in the future. Meanwhile, damaged ships that can still fight will be used as a floating fortress that is placed in front of the port to prevent a direct attack on the port of Jin-Hark.

Kingdom of Lauria, Royal Capital of Jin Hark,
Castle Hark, royal council.

King Hark of Lauria shivered with anger and fear at the same time. In front of him, General Patajin reported the defeat of the troops of the Kingdom of Lauria. Even the people from Palpadia had disappeared from Jin-Hark.

"What can we do?" he asked General Patajin, who was kneeling before him.

"We hope that his majesty can evacuate with some of the existing fleet to Palpadia. If we can repel the enemy, or if we can make peace on your behalf, then we will come to pick you up in Palpadia. Principality of Qua Toyne, Kingdom of Quila, or Myto Empire, definitely don't dare to go to Palpadia because Palpadia is one of the superpowers in this world," replied General Patajin.

"You want me to run like a dog with its tail folded between its hind legs?" asked King Hark. "It won't happen as long as I live," he continued.

"Then we hope that Your Majesty will discuss peace with our enemies." asked General Patajin. "At least we can preserve the Kingdom of Lauria."

"No !!!!" King Hark said, "Pass my order to activate the royal army, which is now in the ancient capital, Qin-Hark."

The Royal Army is an army of 20,000, which is the elite force of the Kingdom of Lauria. The entire army was made up of mages, mostly low-class but quite a lot of high-class mages. There is even a special corps of high-level mages within the royal army. All troops are equipped with muskets obtained from Palpadia and also have many magic cannons, which are also obtained from Palpadia. The muskets were modified in such a way that they also functioned as magic staffs.

"In addition, pass my decree to all aristocratic families to give their troops to you, General Patajin. Anyone who violates this will be considered a rebel and will be sentenced to death along with his family." King Hark continued.

General Patajin could only thank King Hark for the opportunity to lead this combined army. Even so, General Patajin felt that the opportunity to win was not great, especially since King Hark did not provide an opportunity to negotiate with the enemy.

Even though he received orders from King Hark, General Patajin still prepared a small fleet of warships with which to escape. The fleet of only 20 ships will be stationed in a small port town not far from Jin-Hark but with a fairly hidden harbor. To keep the enemy from finding out, this ship moved tonight at the same time as a patrol fleet left. 

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