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"You ok?" Parker asked the girl. The more time they spent together, the more she liked the boy. He was different. He always put her first. He paid for 99% of their dinners/lunches, not that she couldn't pay for herself, but since he offered, why the hell not? And he always made time to see the girl. 

"I'm fine." Carly said. She obviously wasn't fine. She was too busy thinking about her softball future.

"You don't seem fine."

Carly sighed. "I'm just scared."

"Scared about what?"

"The future. Where I'm going to college."

"You're only a junior Carls. You have more than enough time to figure that out."

"I know. I know. It's just... after yesterday's game, it obviously didn't go the way we planned. And I've been dreaming about UCLA since forever. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't get in." Carly confessed to the boy.

Parker looked at his milkshake and to her water. They were currently getting lunch at Ruby's. Because it's season, the girl needed to watch what she eat. A milkshake would do more harm than good. The boy knew that, but he thought the girl needed his milkshake more than her. And besides, he learned from his sister, chocolate solves everything. So he pushed his chocolate milkshake to the girl. Carly looked at him funny. "You need it more than me."

Carly sighed. She stared at the milkshake. It wasn't like she took this dieting in season seriously, but because she was sad right now, she could easily lose control and eat a bunch of shit food. But right now, she needed this milkshake. So she grabbed the straw and placed it in her mouth. She silently moaned at the taste.



Parker smiled. "I'm glad. And besides, I'm not one good with sports, but whatever school you'll end up going to, go because you know it your heart it's where you truly want to be at. Sometimes dream schools are overrated."

"I know. I know it seems like all I've been talking about is what college I'm going to. But I don't know. I feel this pressure on me that if I don't get a softball scholarship, I'm a failure. All the money my parents invested in me would go to waste."

Parked took the girls hand in his. "Carls, everything's gonna be ok. You will get a softball scholarship. But to where?  That's completely up to you. Just as long as you're happy, nothing else matters."

Carly smiled. "Thank you Parker. Can we talk about something else? I'm sick with worrying about college."

"Well... I heard there's a showtime at 2:20 for TopGun Maverick. Wanna go? I'll even pay for snacks."

"I've already watched TopGun."

"I know. So have I."

Carly chuckled. "Ok. But I'm paying for the tickets. You've been paying for everything."

Parker shrugged. "Can I not treat my girl?"

Carly blushed. Shit. "I guess not."

And that night made Carly forget about all her worries for college. 


i still cannot get over how good of a movie TopGun Maverick was!! i might have watched it about 5 times now and since it's available on digital, you bet i'll be watching that everyday

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