[ℝ] Austria - Restoration

Start from the beginning

Although you were determined to keep a straight face throughout, the sounds of the keyboard filled you with so much delight that you couldn't help but smile in excitement. Despite the fact that you had a grumpy teacher, you were on top of the world and enamored with the idea of one day playing like Roderich...

And hopefully mending the rift that cut you off from him. 


"Lizzy, I can't believe you tricked me!" you screamed as soon as you entered the apartment after the first class.

"What do you mean?" your roommate, Elizabeta, or Lizzy, who was lounging on the couch, nearly dropped her phone at the sudden raising of your voice.

"I asked you to find a piano teacher for me and you sent me to Roderich! You purposely gave me a different name!" you exclaimed, throwing your bag aside and falling on the couch next to her, ready to grab a cushion to start a pillow fight.

"But he plays well and teaches well too," she replied in her defense, pushing you away so that she could adjust herself and sit properly.

"He does..." you groaned, resting your head on her shoulder, "But you know that we didn't want to see each other again, right?"

Elizabeta, the mutual friend, knew both sides to the story, and how both were hurt. Roderich was the one affected, and in his rage, he cut off all his connection with you, despite Elizabeta pleading with him to forgive you. But he was determined to keep his anger and thus the long standing friendship was severed.

"I know..." she mumbled, patting your head comfortingly, "I just can't see both of you like this. I really want both of you to be friends again. It's been way too long," 

You were silenced. 

"But considering how long you have been away, I assume he taught you something?" she asked after a brief pause.

"Yeah, he did teach me. I learnt music theory and played the piano a bit," you said, "I have to attend classes every day for one hour except on weekends. He said he would give me homework every day and I have to practise until I make no mistakes,"

And you enumerated a long list of his rules and regulations, including a composition project which you had to submit and perform at the end of the entire course.

Elizabeta smiled. It was evident that Roderich had calmed down enough that he was willing to be in your presence again. She hoped that things would go smoothly here on out.

"How much did he say he would charge for the classes?" she asked.

You told her, and she was surprised to hear it. 

It's a low cost! He surely told me a different price... a higher price when I asked him. What could this mean?


Roderich had a personal grudge against you since the incident, but he made sure that his personal feelings did not get in the way of his job. He was there as a teacher to his student, and he would keep it that way until you were proficient in playing the piano.

The weeks went on with learning. Half an hour was spent on music theory, and the other half hour on practising and playing. Some days were harder than others, and you would really test Roderich's patience. You knew he was naturally short-tempered, but you could see that he really tried his best to be a patient teacher.

Despite the varying easiness and hardness of playing the piano and learning music theory, he always found you exerting yourself and trying your very best. In success or failure, you would have the brightest of smiles, and they would remind him of the times he spent with you in the past as children. 

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