March 2/3 2021

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Zayn: *sitting on the park bench, drawing something*
Liam: *spots him, smiling at his focused face*
Maya: *rolls his eyes and pecks his lips, pulling quickly away*
Maya: 'you weren't listening to me'
Liam: 'sorry, I was sort of distracted'
Maya: *wiggles her eyebrows at him*
Maya: 'did I distract you?'
Liam: *chuckles and shakes his head*
Liam: 'you're something else'
Maya: *giggles and grabs his hand, lacing their fingers*
Maya: 'let's grab a drink'
Liam: *humms and starts to walk*
Zayn: *looks up from his sketch and frowns when he sees Liam and Maya holding hands, pulling his phone put when it vibrates in his pocket*
Zayn: 'vas up?'
Louis: 'our place, icecream now!'
Zayn: 'in two minutes, sir!'
Louis: 'I don't hear you moving, Zayn'
Zayn: *jumps up, his sketchbook falling onto the floor*
Zayn: 'I'm up!'
Louis: 'don't forget your sketchbook, babe'
Zayn: 'are you watching me?'
Louis: 'mhmm, checking your beautiful bum out'
Zayn: 'fuck off. Harry's ass should be the only one that matters to you'
Louis: 'oh, it does. Harry has the greatest ass ever, i swear. Now get here, will ya?'
Zayn: 'I' almost here, around the corner.. in front of the door.. by the counter, ordering my lovely mint chocolate icecream-'
Louis: *gasps and stares at him with wide eyes*
Louis: 'you wouldn't!'
Zayn: *smirks and waits for his drink*
Zayn: 'oh, you know I would, love'
Louis: *jumps up from his seat and tackles Zayn onto the floor*
Laya: *standing in the doorway*
Zayn: *groans when he hits his head on the floor and wraps his hands around it*
Liam: *looks down at him with a worried look*
Waiter: 'Mint chocolate icecream, for my favourite guy and nothing for your stupid friend, huh, what a beautiful day'
Zayn: *chuckles even though he's still in pain and bumps his knee with Louis' ass*
Louis: *gasps and rolls off of him*
Louis: 'I'm eating your icecream'
Zayn: 'mine!'
Zayn: *jumps up and leans onto the counter, when he suddenly feels dizzy*
Waiter: *grabs his arm*
Waiter: 'are you alright, love? Ey, Jackson! Get some water!'
Jackson: 'I'm serving!'
Waiter: 'I don't care, just do it!'
Jackson: 'fine!'
Liam: 'maybe he should take a seat'
Louis: 'thanks for that, smart ass!'
Louis: *tries to push him into the seat*
Zayn: 'I'm fine. I'm alright'
Jackson: *comes back with a bottle of water*
Jackson: 'of course it was about him..'
Zayn: *mumbles something and takes the bottle, starting to drink some water*
Zayn: 'our table?'
Louis: 'sure'
Zayn: *grabs his icecream*
Louis: *takes it away from him*
Louis: 'look it's already melting!'
Zayn: 'yea, means I have to eat it'
Louis: 'or..'
Louis: *grabs Zayn's shirt and pulls him closer with a smirk*
Zayn: 'No. Don't, that's not funny! I swear, if you are going to do this, I'll hate you for the rest of my life. One drop and your dead, I promise you that'
Louis: *humms and dips his finger into the icecream, sucking on it afterwards*
Zayn: *squints his eyes at him, following Louis' movements*
Louis: *moans in satisfaction*
Louis: 'tastes great!'
Zayn: *stares at Louis' lips*
Liam: *stares at them with a frown*
Maya: 'come on, let's go babe. I'm thirsty'
Liam: 'sure.. I will order something'
Louis: *dips his finger into the icecream again, placing his finger on Zayn's lip afterwards*
Zayn: *blinks down and parts his lips*
Louis: *pulls his finger away and sucks on Zayn's lip instead*
Zayn: *breath hitches and closes his eyes*
Liam: *gasps and stares at them with wide eyes*
Louis: *pulls away with a groan*
Louis: 'tastes even better now'
Zayn: 'fucking tease'
Louis: *smirks at him*
Louis: 'you should be used to it by now.. Ey, waiterboy! Mind giving your favourite boy another frozen icecream?'
Waiter: *huffs and turns around*
Louis: *leans in*
Louis: 'he likes you, I want to tease him'
Louis: *nuzzles his nose into Zayn's neck and starts to suck*
Zayn: *sighs and tilts his head to the other side, grabbing onto the counter*
Liam: *steps forward, deciding to order something*
Waiter: 'eat. It's going to melt again'
Liam: 'uh.. excuse me? I wanted to uh order something..'
Liam: *staring at Zayn*
Waiter: 'you can't order him'
Louis: *smirks and sucks harder on Zayn's neck*
Liam: 'I-I was not planning on.. mango smoothie and.. mango smoothie. Just mango smoothie'
Zayn: *opens his eyes, starring directly into Liam's eyes, before he moves his eyes down, taking Liam's body in*
Liam: *stares at him intensely*
Maya: 'Liam! What's taking you so long?'
Zayn: *turns his head to look at her, before he turns back, starting to eat his icecream*
Zayn: 'soo, mango? You're into mango?'
Liam: 'no, uh my friend is..'
Zayn: 'and you? What are you into?'
Liam: 'boys. Fuck..'
Zayn: *chuckles*
Liam: *blushes and scratches his neck*
Liam: 'how's your head?'
Zayn: *scrunches his face in embarrassment*
Zayn: 'you saw that?'
Liam: 'I think everyone did..'
Louis: *bites into Zayn's neck*
Zayn: *whines and elbows Louis' ribs*
Louis: 'ow! What is it with you hurting me today!?'
Zayn: 'I like hurting you'
Louis: *fake gasps*
Louis: 'I thought you loved me..'
Zayn: 'Cool. You blackmailed me with my icecream'
Louis: 'so?'
Zayn: 'my icecream, Lewis! It was mine!'
Louis: *pushes Zayn playfully*
Zayn: *falls backwards*
Liam: *wraps his arm around him to keep him there*
Liam: 'not again. Your head had quite enough for today'
Louis: *walks behind Zayn*
Louis: 'let's go for the other direction!'
Louis: *pushes Zayn forward*
Zayn: *gasps and falls against Liam's chest*
Liam: *catches him*
Liam: 'Seriously mate, that's not funny. You could hurt him badly'
Zayn: *smiles into Liam's chest*
Maya: 'come on, Liam!'
Maya: *tries to push herself through the crowd and frowns when she sees Zayn and Liam*
Maya: 'babe?'
Liam: *looks up and swallows hard*
Zayn: *pulls away in confusion and looks at Liam and Maya*
Liam: *stares at the floor*
Waiter: 'mango, just mango, there you are, mango guy'
Waiter: *smirks at Liam*
Maya: 'weren't you supposed to get me a drink?'
Liam: *lets go of Zayn's waist and hands her the smoothie*
Maya: 'you know.. people go to the counter, ask for a drink, wait till it's ready and leave. So why are you still here?'
Liam: 'because I was talking to someone'
Maya: 'you are supposed to talk to me, that's what people do when they are on a date'
Liam: *huffs and rolls his eyes*
Zayn: *glances at Liam with a disappointed look*
Liam: *doesn't notice anything and grabs her hand, pulling her towards a table*
Zayn: *glares at Liam's back and turns back to the others*
Zayn: 'another icecream?'
Waiter: *ruffles his hair*
Waiter: 'sure'
Louis: 'never would have guessed that he was straight! He looked like he was about to take you in front of everyone else'
Zayn: 'he's the boy I told you about..'
Zayn: *pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to Louis*
Louis: *looks at it and frowns*
Louis: 'Zayn? Are you having trouble with drawing?'
Zayn: 'I always see him somewhere. Doesn't matter where I am, he's here too and I always choose new places, but well today he brought his girlfriend..'
Louis: 'have you two ever talked before?'
Zayn: 'nope.. I kind of observe him. I look at him and try to draw my own picture about him'
Louis: 'and that's supposed to mean that his character is ugly?'
Zayn: 'No! It means that.. he's always happy, smiles and laughs almost all the time-'
Louis: 'why are those eyes there?'
Zayn: 'they are shining because of the happiness, his excitement and his smile'
Louis: 'and those lips? They look.. rough'
Zayn: 'he's smiling, he bites his lip or he is pouting.. He doesn't do any of that when they are kissing. He stiffens and his eyes.. it looks like he hasn't slept for days'
Louis: 'mate.. are you in love with him!?'
Zayn: 'no! I'm not in love with him, it's just a sm- normal crush..'
Louis: 'oh my god..'
Louis: *turns around to look at Liam and Maya*
Maya: *grabs Liam's hand again and laces their fingers, placing her head on Liam's shoulder*
Maya; 'I'm sorry, it's just.. You are really distracted today and you barely pay attention to me.. Did I do something wrong?'
Liam: *sighs and squeezes her hand*
Liam: 'No, you didn't..'
Maya: *smiles and places her free hand on his neck, pulling him down to kiss him*
Liam: *sighs and kisses her back, needing to be distracted*
Louis: *turns around to Zayn with a confused look*
Zayn: *stares at them and bites his lip*
Louis: 'doesn't look like he doesn't want it..'
Zayn: *huffs and stands up, grabbing his sketchbook*
Louis: 'what are you doing now?'
Zayn: 'windowsill, drawing you coming?'
Louis: *stands up and takes a seat on the windowsill, spreading his legs so Zayn can sit between them*
Zayn: *sits down and leans against Louis' chest, shuffling a bit to get comfortable*
Louis: *places his hands on Zayn's hips and pushes them down*
Zayn: *sighs and opens his book, starting to draw something, being awfully quiet*
Louis: 'you are upset.. Do you want to talk about it?'
Zayn: 'nothing to talk about'
Louis: 'c'mon, Zee. Talk to me. How long have you known him?'
Zayn: 'I don't know him. I don't even know his name'
Louis: 'when was the first time you met him?'
Zayn: 'three months ago.. He was playing with some puppies in the park'
Louis: 'and why did you never talk to him?'
Zayn: 'I don't know.. nervous? You know how I am.. Where is Harry?'
Louis: 'he's on his way. I actually invited Niall too, but well, Liv needs him'
Zayn: *humms and continues to draw*
Louis: 'what's that supposed to be?'
Louis: *points at something*
Zayn: *stares at ot and shrugs*
Zayn: 'I don't understand him. He said he likes boys, but here he is, kissing a girl'
Louis: 'maybe he is bi'
Zayn: 'maybe..'
Louis: 'there he is! My lovely boyfriend!'
Harry: *smiles shyly and walks over to him*
Harry: 'Hi'
Louis: 'hey'
Louis: *pulls him down and kisses him passionately*
Harry: *smiles and kisses him back*
Zayn: *moves away from Louis and stands up, walking towards the couch instead, continuing to draw*
Liam: 'Maya.. I need to talk to you'
Maya: 'sure, what is it?'
Liam: 'I.. What are we? I mean, you always kiss me and we never talked about it..'
Maya: 'We kiss all the time and we can be whatever you want us to be'
Liam: 'look, you're really nice, caring and pretty, it's just that.. I can't be in a relationship with you. I'm gay and I'm pretty sure you know that..'
Maya: 'I do, so what?'
Liam: 'I'm just holding you back, Maya. You could go out, meet some new people, find the love of your life, but you're wasting your time here with me..'
Maya: 'but I love spending time with you'
Liam: 'I know and we can stay friends. I just want you to see other guys, spend less time with me, because.. because I'm totally into boys and those kind of things never end well..'
Maya: 'you think that I'm going to fall for you'
Liam: 'it can happen'
Maya: 'I know'
Liam: 'do it for me, alright? Meet other boys. I just don't want it to happen..'
Maya: 'I will. Is there a boy you like?'
Liam: 'it's a crush'
Maya: 'who?'
Liam: *sighs and looks around trying to find Zayn*
Liam: 'he's..'
Liam: *spots him and nods in his direction*
Liam: 'it's him'
Maya: 'he's cute. What's his name?'
Liam: 'I don't know.. We never talked before, just looked at each other'
Maya: 'look at each other? Like, staring or..'
Liam: 'glances. Always when the other one doesn't look, but we.. catch each other, before we are able to turn away'
Maya: 'awww a new love. Come on, talk to him'
Liam: 'really? And you're alright with that?'
Maya: 'of course. Go'
Liam: *smiles at her and stands up, walking towards the couch and plops down beside Zayn*
Zayn: *looks up*
Liam: 'hey, I'm Liam'
Zayn: 'Hi, I'm Zayn'
Liam: 'it's nice to finally know your name'
Zayn: *chuckles and places his sketchbook on his lap*
Zayn: 'guess you found me again'
Liam: 'it was a coincidence. I'm not following you, I swear! You're just, literally everywhere'
Zayn: *laughs and tabs his pen on his sketchbook*
Liam: 'what are you drawing?'
Zayn: 'uh.. stuff?'
Liam: 'can I see it?'
Zayn: 'uh.. it's nothing, just some weird stuff, but sure'
Zayn: *grabs the book and hands it to Liam*
Liam: *looks at it*
Zayn: 'told ya, it's nothing'
Liam: 'wow.. Now I understand why you're always drawing.. you're amazing-'
Liam: *looks up at him with wide eyes*
Liam: 'eh, your drawings are amazing, it's not like you aren't, I just didn't mean to say that..'
Zayn: *smiles shyly at him*
Zayn: 'you are too, with dogs and kids.. I saw with that boy last time, he's adorable'
Liam: 'you were there? I didn't see you'
Zayn: 'yea, well my sister and my niece came to visit me and we were there. At the playground I mean, I was just distracted'
Liam: 'let me guess. You were drawing'
Zayn: *laughs and nods his head*
Zayn: 'it's like an addiction. Once I started, I can't stop'
Liam: *stares at him and nods his head*
Liam: 'I know that feeling'
Zayn: *smiles again*
Liam: 'where is your boyfriend?'
Zayn: 'I eh, I'm single.. What about your girlfriend? She looks l- okay no, she looks creepy. Why is she staring at me?'
Liam: 'she's not my girlfriend. She just figured.. I don't know, but I'm like.. not into girls'
Zayn: 'she likes you'
Liam: 'I don't think.. she said she doesn't'
Zayn: 'It's obvious. She was pretty jealous'
Liam: 'when?'
Zayn: 'I think she has seen me before. Probably thinks I'm a stalker or something like that, but I have to admit, it's creepy how we always meet each other. I mean, some people mess even that up, I mean, they arrange a meeting, but mess it up, but then there is us. We haven't even talked before and we still met each other over and over again'
Liam: *laughs*
Liam: 'yea, it's kind of crazy, hm?'
Zayn: 'oh definitely, but it's cool, you know? We never got the chance to talk, but we always found each other again. I've got to admit, I was kind of sad at the thought of never meeting you again'
Liam: 'you were? But why? I was just playing with puppies'
Zayn: 'it was adorable! They way it jumped on you!'
Liam: 'it licked all over my face..'
Zayn: 'you looked so disgusted, but you kept smiling'
Liam: 'so you were laughing at me!?'
Zayn: 'of course, I was! Who wouldn't have laughed? You look so strong, but that puppy, it destroyed you'
Liam: *laughs and hits him playfully*
Zayn: 'it was hilarious and cute'
Liam: *smiles and leans back*
Liam: 'your friend's staring too and some other boy'
Zayn: 'that's his boyfriend'
Liam: 'you two are really close'
Zayn: 'he treats me well. I guess I want someone to care for me like he does..'
Liam: 'so you're looking for a boyfriend?'
Zayn: 'I don't know.. I mean, when it happens it happens'
Liam: 'is there someone you like?'
Zayn: *looks at him and bites his lip*
Zayn: 'I believe so'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now