February 15th 2021

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*boys in a club*
Zayn: *dances with someone, being totally drunk*
Liam: *talks with someone, taking a sip from his drink*
Zayn: *stumbles over to the counter and bumps into a chair, causing him to fall against Liam*
Zayn: 'sowwyyy, wasn't lookin'
Liam: *holds him and turns towards him*
Liam: 'did you just apologize to the chair?'
Zayn: 'it has feelings too. I would be even more hurt, if I was the chair..'
Liam: *frowns*
Liam: 'you hurt yourself?'
Zayn: 'the chair banged against the counter..'
Liam: *looks down at the chair*
Liam: 'did you hear that?'
Zayn: 'is he crying? I didn't mean to hurt him'
Liam: 'no, he says that it is alright. He's sorry for standing in your way. He wants to know if you're alright, though'
Zayn: 'I'm.. oh..'
Zayn: *stumbles a bit, feeling dizzy*
Liam: *stands up and places him in his chair, holding him, so he won't fall*
Liam: 'I think you had enough alcohol for today..'
Zayn: 'do I know ya? Are you my boyfriend? Do I even have one?'
Liam: 'it's me, Zee. Your best friend and no, you don't have a boyfriend*
Zayn: *frowns and leans back onto Liam's chest*
Zayn: 'I don't have a friend called Zee.. Oh, I get it! You forgot your name, that's not bad I- Wait. Zee? My friends call me Zee too!'
Liam: 'so you do remember your name?'
Zayn: 'Of course I do! My name is Zaynie, Zee, Zizi, but you can call me Zayn. My friend used to call me Zizi, but he stopped.. He would be really disappointed, if he saw me like that. You know, I'm in l-'
Liam: 'okay, we should go'
Zayn: 'to your place? Are you going to take care of me?'
Liam: 'somehow, yes'
Zayn: 'let's go! I'm so tired..'
Liam: *sighs and pulls him up*
Zayn: *leans onto him and starts to go*
*few minutes later*
Zayn: 'piggy back?'
Liam: 'you are going to fall asleep on me, no piggy back'
Zayn: *pouts*
Zayn: 'But I'm tired and dizzy.. just a few minutes?'
Liam: 'it takes you seconds to drift off, but fine'
Liam: *picks him up in bridal style*
Zayn: *gasps and wraps his arm around Liam's neck*
Zayn: 'that's not good for my stomach..'
Liam: *looks down at him with wide eyes*
Liam: 'please don't throw up on me, two minutes'
Zayn: *humms and closes his eyes, snapping them open after a few seconds*
Zayn: 'Liam. We need to go back! My Liam is still there!'
Liam: *smiles in amusement*
Liam: 'your Liam? I'm sure he will find his way home'
Zayn: 'probably..'
Zayn: *closes his eyes again*
Zayn: 'Liam would really like you. Maybe you would be a better boyfriend than Liam'
Liam: *frowns*
Liam: 'why? What's wrong with him?'
Zayn: 'he doesn't like me, always ignores me, but why? Is it because I'm ugly? Or stupid? He said that I'm stupid, when we were fooling around and he seemed serious. Maybe he's right and I am stupid'
Liam: 'you're not stupid and you aren't ugly either. I'm sure he didn't mean it. You're amazing, Zizi'
Zayn: *smiles with his eyes still closed*
Zayn: 'he used to call me like that, but then he stopped. I think he met someone, someone who makes him happy, someone who keeps him away from me. He just stopped seeing me, like I was irresistible..'
Zayn: *already drifting off*
Liam: *squeezes him a bit*
Liam: 'I still see you, Zizi..'
*few minutes later*
Liam: *places Zayn carefully on his bed, undressing him, before he spreads the blanket over him, caressing his cheek for a while*
Zayn: *presses his cheek against Liam's hand*
Liam: *smiles and lays down beside him*
Zayn: 'Liam..'
Liam: 'I'm here'
Zayn: 'I like..'
Liam: 'I know, Zayn. I like you too'
Zayn: *clears his throat and moves further towards him*
Liam: 'good night'
Zayn: *already asleep again*
*the next day*
Liam: *opens his eyes*
Zayn: *head resting on Liam's chest, his hand in front of his head*
Liam: *moves away carefully, not wanting to wake him up*
Zayn: *whines and frowns, trying to find his body again, letting out a groan when he can't*
Liam: 'I'm sorry, just go back to sleep'
Liam: *leaves the room to go to the bathroom*
Zayn: *groans and throws the blanket over his head, trying to hide from the light*
Liam: *comes back after a few minutes and shuts the curtains, laying down beside Zayn again*
Zayn: *peeks up at him*
Zayn: 'you came back'
Liam: 'yea, I just needed to use the toilet. How are you feeling? You were pretty drunk'
Zayn: 'My head is going to explode'
Liam: 'I kinda expected that, to be honest.. I brought you some aspirin'
Zayn: *sits up and takes it, swallowing it*
Zayn: 'thanks.. Did I do something stupid?'
Liam: 'well, you eh, let's say you got rid of your worries. Don't look so panicked, it wasn't bad'
Zayn: 'what did I say?'
Liam: 'I guess you thought I was some stranger? You didn't say much..'
Zayn: 'you said otherwise just a few seconds ago. Just tell me what I said, please'
Liam: 'You talked about me. I just want you to know, that.. you're not ugly, not stupid. You're handsome, smart, funny, creative and I love that about you. You're yourself and I probably wasn't supposed to hear all of that, but I do like you. I see you, I adore you, I like you and I love you. Maybe not that way, just yet, but I would love to give it a try. Give us a try'
Zayn: *stares at him with parted lips*
Zayn: 'I don't understand.. What are you saying?'
Liam: 'I'm telling you that I like you, Zayn. I don't know if you were serious about your feelings, but.. telling you about my feelings is worth a try, right?'
Zayn: 'I made the first move'
Liam: 'I asked you out'
Zayn: 'no, you didn't'
Liam: *smiles*
Liam: 'well? Would you like to go on a date with me, Zizi?'
Zayn: *grins brightly at him*
Zayn: 'I'd love to, Li'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now