February 8th 2021

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Liam: *walks over to Zayn and pushes him against the wall, tears running down his face*
Liam: 'You lied to me! Have you been using me for all those months!?'
Zayn: *falls against the wall and looks at him with a frown*
Zayn: 'what are you talking about?'
Liam: 'did you lie to me? Was this all just a silly joke to you!?'
Zayn: 'Liam, what are you talking about? You're scaring me!'
Liam: 'did you cheat on me? And don't you dare lie to my face!'
Zayn: *shakes his head and places his hands on Liam's waist*
Liam: 'don't'
Liam: *pushes his hands away*
Zayn: 'Liam, no. Of course not, why would you think that? I would never. I swear'
Liam: *pulls his phone out*
Liam: 'then explain that to me!'
Liam: *shows him a picture that Gigi posted*
Zayn: *looks at the screen and frowns, looking at Liam afterwards*
Zayn: 'what is this, Liam?'
Liam: 'that's what I'm asking you! Why are your boxers on her floor!?'
Zayn: *looks at the photo again and starts to laugh*
Liam: *glares at him and starts to yell*
Liam: 'Do you think that's fucking funny!? Fuck you, Zayn!'
Liam: *stomps away and slams the door behind him*
Zayn: *lets out a breath and follows him, entering his room*
Liam: *hits the wall and wipes his tears away*
Zayn: *walks behind Liam and wraps his arms around him*
Zayn: 'Liam..'
Liam: *tries to break free*
Zayn: 'Li, stop. Let me talk, please'
Liam: 'you can do that without touching me'
Zayn: *sighs and lets go of him*
Zayn: 'Liam, it's just a normal pair of boxers! Everyone has them, alright? You have millions of black boxers, just like I do and you know her! She's trying to get attention, she's desperate!'
Liam: 'so you didn't..?'
Zayn: 'of course not, Liam'
Liam: 'I just thought.. You've been so busy and I.. I read the comments and many people talked about you and her and it made me..'
Zayn: *smirks*
Zayn: 'it made you what?'
Liam: 'mad'
Zayn: 'and?'
Liam: 'jealous..'
Zayn: 'sorry, what was that?'
Liam: 'I was jealous. Mad, hurt, frustrated..'
Zayn: *smiles happily*
Zayn: 'can I touch you now?'
Liam: *wipes his face again and nods his head*
Zayn: 'you're hurt'
Zayn: *grabs Liam's hand carefully and looks at it*
Liam: 'it's fine'
Liam: *tries to pull his hand away*
Zayn: 'let's get some ice'
Liam: *leans forward and places his lips on Zayn's, moving his lips immediately*
Zayn: *kisses him back, and pulls away after a few seconds*
Zayn: 'let's go'
Liam: 'Can't we just stay here and kiss or do some other things? I'm fine'
Zayn: 'we can do that afterwards'
Zayn: *drags Liam to the kitchen and hands him a icepack*
Liam: 'how do you know what boxers I wear? I mean, we never..,'
Zayn: 'we never had sex, yea. But I've known you for years and I've seen you in boxers multiple times'
Zayn: *smirks and whispers*
Zayn: 'I've even seen you naked..'
Liam: *gasps and pushes him playfully*
Zayn: 'what? There is nothing wrong with seeing your partner naked'
Liam: 'We weren't together back then and now we are, but I still haven't seen you naked'
Zayn: 'so you want to see me naked?'
Liam: 'no! Of course not!'
Zayn: *places his hand on his chest*
Zayn: 'wow, ouch!'
Liam: *blushes*
Liam: 'You know I didn't mean it like that, it was just.. the question was weird'
Zayn: *grins*
Zayn: 'I love making you feel uncomfortable'
Liam: *pouts*
Zayn: *leans forward and kisses Liam*
Liam: *kisses him back*
Ziam: *pulling away after a while*
Zayn: 'that pout makes me so weak'
Liam: *smiles and bites his lip*
Zayn: 'about that.. that's making me weak too'
Liam: *chuckles*
Liam: 'everything makes you weak'
Zayn: *smiles*
Zayn: 'only you do'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat