February 14th 2021

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Liam: *sleeping in his bed*
Niall: *opens the door and runs over to Liam, trying to wake him up*
Niall: 'Liam, you need to wake up.. He's going to wake the whole neighborhood up..'
Liam: *continues to sleep*
Niall: 'fuck's sake, Liam!'
Niall: *pulls the blanket away from him and shakes him*
Liam: *whines and shivers*
Liam: 'what do you want?'
Niall: 'Zayn's having a nightmare again. Harry has been trying to wake him up, but he just won't..'
Liam: 'why didn't you wake me up!?'
Niall: 'that's what I've been trying to do!'
Liam: *huffs and stands up, walking towards Zayn's room*
Liam: 'why is everyone in here?'
Louis: 'he woke us up'
Zayn: *still tossing in his bed*
Liam: *walks over to him and plays with Zayn's hair*
Liam: 'Zee..'
Louis: 'don't you think we already tried that? Why don't you do your thing, so we can all go back to sleep?'
Liam: 'and what is my thing!?'
Louis: *groans*
Louis: 'just kiss him and everything will be great'
Liam: 'if he wouldn't be suffering right now, I'd keep him like that..'
Liam: *leans down a bit*
Niall: *stares at them*
Niall: 'are you going to kiss him now?'
Liam: 'no! I'm trying to wake him up'
Zayn: *winces and mumbles something*
Liam: *lays down beside him and pulls him closer, caressing his back*
Zayn: *scrunches his face and lets out a sob*
Liam: 'no, please don't cry..'
Liam: *holds him tightly*
Liam: 'shh.. wake up, Zayn'
Liam: *leans forward and kisses his forehead repeatedly*
Zayn: *moves further towards him and sighs*
Liam: 'Zayn?'
Zayn: 's-sorry..'
Liam: 'are you alright? Can someone get a cup of water, please?'
Harry: 'of course!'
Zayn: 'who else is here?'
Liam: 'it doesn't matter, Zee. Don't worry, the only thing that matters is that you're alright, okay? Nothing else..'
Louis: 'I can go back to sleep, thank god!'
Liam: *hisses and turns around*
Liam: 'leave if you have nothing good to say!
Louis: 'hit a spot there, hm? Great, Hazza you're back. Let's go'
Liam: 'thanks for the water..'
Liam: *takes the cup and hands it to Zayn*
Larry: *leaving the room*
Niall: 'well, I'm gonna leave now too'
Niall: *leaves*
Zayn: 'he is here too? Did I wake everyone up?'
Liam: 'it's alright, Zee'
Zayn: 'It's not..'
Zayn: *presses his face into his pillow*
Liam: *caresses his back again*
Liam: 'are you alright?'
Zayn: 'yea.. You don't have to stay, if you don't want to.. thanks for being here for me'
Liam: 'I'll wait until you're asleep again'
Zayn: 'thanks'
Zayn: *rolls to his side and closes his eyes, already drifting off again*
Liam: *smiles and continues to caress his back*
*few minutes later*
Liam: *drifting off too*
*the next day*
Liam: *curled into Zayn side, his hand resting on Zayn chest*
Zayn: *laying on his back, with his arm wrapped around Liam's waist*
Niall: 'look, he spent the night with him!'
Louis: 'that's why he slept so good afterwards'
Harry: 'he didn't even offer him his blanket, the poor boy must be freezing..'
Louis: 'you do that too! You just take the blanket from me, like I'm not laying beside you'
Harry: *gasps*
Harry: 'that's absolutely not true! You're the one who always lays on the edge'
Niall: 'I would have never guessed that. You two are like.. unbreakable. I can't talk to Harry without you being here, it's just impossible..'
Louis: 'it just happens. I always end up laying on the edge of the bed, I don't know how, but I do and it's not like Harry's far away from me'
Zayn: *turns to his side, his chin touching Liam's hair, causing him to wake up*
Niall: 'shh, you woke him up!'
Zayn: *yawns and looks at Liam with a frown*
Zayn: 'what are you all doing here?'
Louis: 'we are admiring our new couple'
Zayn: 'new couple? Where?'
Niall: 'you and Liam, obviously'
Zayn: 'n-no. we are not dating. He must have fallen asleep'
Niall: 'you're still cuddling..'
Zayn: *looks down with a frown and pulls his arm quickly away*
Liam: *huffs and turns onto his back, still sleeping*
Louis: 'is he still asleep? Mannn, you must have kept him away for a while'
Louis: *wiggles his eyebrows*
Zayn: 'we didn't do anything and I fell asleep after you all left!'
Louis: 'what about him?'
Zayn: 'I don't know! He said he would wait until I fell asleep again'
Louis: 'maybe you kept him busy? You do look like a innocent baby when you sleep'
Zayn: *furrows his brows and looks down at Liam again*
Zayn: 'you've watched me sleep, you pervert?'
Louis: 'ha, you wish! One admirer is enough, don't you think?'
Zayn: 'I don't have an admirer'
Louis: 'true, you do the admiring'
Zayn: 'I don't'
Louis: 'say that without staring at him.. You can't fool me, lad. It's alright to have a crush on your mate, it happens. Right, Hazza, Niall?'
Niall: 'yea, perfectly fine. Most relationships start like that'
Zayn: 'can you please just leave? I don't have a crush on him, he's my best friend. I love him in a friendly way and that's it, okay?'
Louis: 'yea yea, whatever you say. Let's go, guys'
Larry, Niall: *leaving the room*
Zayn: *closes his eyes again*
Liam: *turns towards Zayn again and buries his face in Zayn's neck*
Zayn: *opens his eyes and looks at his head*
Zayn: 'you seem to be really cuddly when you're asleep..'
Zayn: *turns his head in the other direction and stares at the clock*
Zayn: 'please don't wake him up..'
Zayn: *tries to pull away*
Liam: *wraps his arm around him and pulls him closer*
Zayn: *breath hitches*
Zayn: 'I don't want to wake you up..'
Zayn: *tries to pull away again*
Liam: *pulls him back again and places his leg over Zayn's lap*
Zayn: 'you make it impossible to leave.. some people would be really uncomfortable, if they were in our situation'
Zayn: *continues to lay there for a few minutes*
Liam: *yawns and loosens his grip a bit*
Zayn: *opens his eyes again and looks at him*
Liam: *stretches his body a bit and moves his head backwards, jumping to the others side of the bed when he sees Zayn*
Zayn: *laying on top of him, looking at him with wide eyes*
Liam: *bites his lip and lets go of him*
Liam: 'Sorry, I didn't mean to.. uh sleep here, cuddle you and whatever I did..'
Zayn: 'good morning to you too'
Zayn: *pulls his arms from Liam's chest away, still laying on top of him*
Zayn: 'how can you be so warm when you aren't even wearing clothes?'
Liam: 'how can you be so cold when you have a blanket and many clothes?'
Zayn: 'I'm not cold'
Liam: 'your hands are freezing'
Zayn: 'they're not!'
Zayn: *brings his hands to his own neck*
Zayn: 'okay, they are. Maybe I should get a pair of gloves'
Liam: *laughs*
Liam: 'or a better blanket'
Zayn: 'or you. You didn't seem to mind cuddling with me'
Liam: 'I.. I guess I feel the need to hold something, if that makes sense?'
Zayn: 'What do you hold when nobody cuddles with you?'
Liam: 'my pillow?'
Zayn: 'that's cute'
Liam: 'it's stupid'
Zayn: 'it's not. I like having someone beside me too.. It feels great to have someone to cuddle, to have someone who keeps you warm'
Liam: *stares up at him*
Liam: 'is that the reason why you have nightmares? Because nobody is laying beside you?'
Zayn: *crosses his arms on Liam's chest and places his chin on them, staring back at Liam*
Zayn: 'I don't know. Maybe, who knows'
Liam: 'you wanna grab some breakfast?'
Zayn: 'gimme a few minutes'
Zayn: *closes his eyes*
Liam: 'you're not going to fall asleep on top of me, are you?'
Zayn: 'No'
Liam: *stares down at him and starts to caress Zayn's back*
Zayn: 'you seem to do that a lot'
Liam: 'what?'
Zayn: 'caressing my back. It makes me sleepy'
Liam: *stops his movements*
Zayn: *whines*
Zayn: 'don't stop'
Liam: 'you can sleep later'
Zayn: 'but you won't be here later'
Liam: 'maybe I will'
Zayn: *buries his face in Liam's chest, trying to hide a smile*
Liam: 'don't hide'
Zayn: 'am not'
Liam: 'yes you are. You're hiding that smile of yours, I wanna see it!'
Zayn: 'am not smiling'
Liam: 'yes, you are, stop lying'
Zayn: *looks up with a neutral look*
Liam: 'you monster! Why did you do that? Guess I need to make you smile again'
Zayn: 'you can't'
Liam: 'No, no smile. I'm trying to get any emotion into your face'
Zayn: *humms*
Liam: 'is there something that is not allowed?'
Zayn: 'uhh.. not pain and anger, I don't want to be mad'
Liam: 'I have other intentions'
Zayn: 'interesting'
Liam: *flips them so Zayn is laying underneath him, pinning his hands above his head*
Zayn: *stares up at him with surprisement but controls his emotions quickly*
Liam: *smiles and leans further in, whispering into Zayn's ear*
Liam: 'I'm gonna act like I didn't see that'
Zayn: *shivers and doesn't say anything*
Liam: *sits up so he's straddling Zayn's lap*
Zayn: *tries to pull his hand away*
Liam: *presses them down with one hand, the other one sliding from Zayn's side to his stomach and pushes it underneath his shirt*
Zayn: *bites his lip harshly*
Liam: 'what's that? Another emotion?'
Liam: *slides his hand over Zayn's chest, pinching his nipple*
Zayn: *gasps*
Liam: *brings his hand to Zayn's heart, checking his heartbeat*
Liam: 'so many emotions..'
Zayn: 'you looking for a final emotion?'
Liam: 'are you waiting for a special emotion?'
Liam: *leans down again and kisses Zayn's collarbone, before he starts to suck, his hand still resting on Zayn's chest*
Zayn: *lets out a heavy breath and arches his back*
Liam: *smiles and continues to suck*
Zayn: *bites his lip and tries to free his hands*
Liam: 'you're fighting it'
Zayn: 'so?'
Liam: 'don't. I will torture you, until you can't hold it in anymore and then I'll leave'
Zayn: 'you're ev-'
Zayn: *winces*
Zayn: 'you bit me!'
Liam: 'oops. sorry not sorry'
Liam: *pinches Zayn's nipple again and starts to suck on another spot*
Zayn: 'you're going to ruin..'
Liam: 'don't worry. Only you will be able to see it'
Zayn: 'you're killing me..'
Liam: 'you're not stopping me'
Zayn: 'how f-'
Zayn: *moans and closes his eyes, tilting his head back*
Liam: *grins and continues to suck on Zayn's sweet spot*
Zayn: *squirms underneath him and arches his back again*
Liam: *licks over the spot twice and moves his head to Zayn's, pulling him finally into a kiss*
Zayn: *lifts his head up and kisses him back with full force, still trying to free his hands*
Liam: *lets go of Zayn's hands*
Zayn: *sighs and buries them in Liam's hair, pulling him down*
Louis: *opens the door*
Louis: 'Hazza made break- oh my..'
Liam: *pulls away*
Liam: 'we will be there in a few'
Louis: 'sure..'
Louis: *leaves the room again*
Zayn: *pulls him down again, whispering something against his lips*
Zayn: 'I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to me'
Liam: *grins*
Liam: 'okay'
Liam: *stands up*
Zayn: *frowns*
Zayn: 'where are you going?'
Liam: 'breakfast's ready'
Zayn: 'unbelievable!'
Zayn: *walks towards the mirror and looks at the lovebites*
Liam: *walks up behind him and wraps his arms around his waist*
Zayn: 'I look like I was attacked by 100 of mosquitoes'
Liam: *smiles and leans down, kissing a lovebite*
Liam: 'I'm the worst of them all and you can't get rid of me'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now