February 27th 2021 (Part 1)

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*two days ago*
Liam: 'I can't believe you! Why are you always acting like that!? I know I normally don't say anything about it, but you went too far this time!'
* 10 mimutes earlier*
Liam: *taking a cold shower, hoping to get rid of his boner*
Zayn: *walks in and stops behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist, accidentally touching Liam's dick*
Liam: *groans and turns around quickly, trying to hide his blush*
Liam: 'what the fuck are you doing!?'
Zayn: *stares down at Liam's erection with parted lips*
Liam: 'Zayn!'
Zayn: *licks his lips, not realizing anything*
Liam: *swings his hand without thinking, slapping Zayn's cheek, not realizing how much force he used*
Zayn: *cries out in pain and brings his own palm to his cheek, staring at him with wide eyes*
Zayn: 'd-did you just..?'
Liam: *looks at him with a begging look, immediately regretting it, but controls himself*
Liam: 'I could ask you the same thing! You creep up behind me, in the fucking shower, touch me and then you stare at my fucking cock, while you lick your lips!  And you won't even reply to me, no you just kept staring! Now get out of my sight, before I drown you in that fucking shower!'
Zayn: *looks at him with an horrified look on his face*
Liam: *grabs his shoulders and pushes him out, still making sure that he won't fall, his palm still stinging*
Liam: 'I meant now! Get out!'
Zayn: *turns around and leaves the bathroom, entering his own room, looking at the bruise on his cheek, before he lets himself fall into his bed, face first*
Zayn: 'of course that had to happen..'
Zayn: *falls asleep after a while, a few tears running down his cheeks*
Liam: *leaves the bathroom and enters his room, searching for clothes to wear, deciding to apologize to Zayn*
Liam: 'How could I do that!? I hurt him..'
Liam: *knocks on Zayn's door and walks slowly in, when he doesn't get an answer*
Zayn: *laying on his stomach, breathing heavily, since his face is pressed into his sheets*
Liam: 'Zayn?'
Liam: *walks towards him, when he doesn't get an answer, turning him slowly onto his side and stares at Zayn's bruised cheek with horror*
Liam: 'oh god..'
Liam: *places his fingers carefully on his cheek, frowning when he feels try tears and when Zayn flinches away*
Zayn: *opens his eyes, blinking a few times, tensing when he sees Liam's stretched hand and brings his own palm to his cheek, feeling the tingle from Liam's touch, pulling it away quickly*
Zayn: 'fuck my life..'
Liam: 'Zee, I.. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that, I swear! I was just shocked and.. I don't know! I-I.. I don't know..'
Zayn: *doesn't say anything, just staring at the floor*
Liam: 'I don't know..'
Zayn: 'you already said that'
Liam: 'you touched me and stared at me..'
Zayn: 'you already said that too'
Liam: *walks over to him and grabs his chin, turning his face, so he's looking at Liam*
Zayn: *cursing himself for flinching away*
Liam: *looks at him with a sad look and lets go of him*
Liam: 'I'm sorry..'
Zayn: *bites his lip and doesn't say anything*
Liam: *groans*
Liam: 'Why won't you say anything!? I can't do more than say sorry, or do you want me to kiss it better!?'
Zayn: *glares at him*
Zayn: 'do you want me to cut off your cock so you feel better!?'
Liam: 'I can't believe you! Why are you always acting like that!? I know I normally don't say anything about it, but you went too far this time!'
*still two days ago* (It's a throwback in a throwback lel)
Zayn: 'I don't understand you either! We cuddle, which involves arms around someone's waist, we have seen each other naked and the touching part was an accident!'
Liam: *laughs humorlessly*
Liam: 'accident. Sure, it's not like you've been hitting on me, or something..'
Zayn: 'How could I have known that you were hard!? Oh wait! Do you think I planted cameras in your shower?'
Liam: 'wouldn't be surprised'
Zayn: *growls*
Zayn: 'See! What is wrong with you!? You don't listen to me, you don't believe me, why not!?'
Liam: 'you want to know why? Seriously!? You always flirt with me, so I wouldn't be surprised if you actually did!'
Zayn: 'and why do you think I'm doing that?'
Liam: 'because you are desperate for attention and I happened to be your victim!'
Zayn: *looks at him with a disgusted look*
Zayn: 'I regret that, yea, but I couldn't do anything about it..'
Liam: 'oh, don't come at me with that silly line! You could have chosen anyone!'
Zayn: 'It was not my choice! I'm not desperate for your attention, I just try to get whatever I want'
Liam: 'my attention?'
Zayn: 'No! Fuck, no! I'm trying to get something from you!'
Liam: 'then take it and stop!'
Zayn: 'it's not that easy, Liam! It's not a thing that I want..'
Liam: 'Well, what do you want then?'
Zayn: 'I want you.. I like you and I know that you don't feel the same way, so I just take whatever I can get'
Liam: *looks at him with wide eyes*
Liam: 'You like me?'
Zayn: *stares at the floor again and nods*
Liam: 'no.. No! You can't do that! You're going to destroy everything!'
Liam: *walks backwards, trying to leave the room*
Zayn: 'so are you, if you leave now..'
Liam: 'I-I can't do this..'
Liam: *turns around and leaves the room*
Zayn: *stares at the place where Liam just stood and sobs quietly*
Zayn: 'fucking life..'
*present (after two days)*
Zayn: *leaves his room, stumbling into the kitchen, feeling really tired*
Liam: *enters the room, just as Zayn was about to make coffee, noticing how tired he looks*
Zayn: *doesn't see him and continues to make coffee, taking a cup from the cupboard*
Louis: 'you two together in one kitchen, wow'
Zayn: *lets out a surprising and weak sound, letting go of the cup, kneeling down with a sigh when it breaks*
Liam: 'Wait, I'll get the..'
Zayn: *freezes, but continues after a few seconds, deciding to ignore him *
Liam: *gets a broom*
Liam: 'Zee..'
Zayn: *bites his lip at the nickname and continues to pick the pieces up, accidentally cutting himself in his finger, but doesn't make a sound*
Liam: 'please..'
Zayn: *grabs the broom and cleans the mess up, holding his finger under the water, before he leaves the kitchen, forgetting about his coffee*
Liam: *follows him and pushes him against the wall*
Zayn: *looks up at him with a tired face*
Liam: 'I'm leaving and you will stay! You haven't been out her for 2 days!'
Zayn: *shrugs and walks away*
Liam: *pushes him back and traps him between the wall and himself*
Zayn: *places his hands on Liam's chest, trying to push him away, giving up when his eyes flutter shut, his knees giving in, when he falls asleep*
Liam: *picks him up and lays him down in his bed, kissing his forehead before he leaves, coming back after a few minutes, just admiring him*
Liam: 'I'm so sorry..'
Liam: *takes Zayn's hand in his, noticing a small blood drop on his finger*
Liam: 'you're so stubborn..'
Liam: *walks to the bathroom and gets a wet cloth, cleaning Zayn's finger with it*
*3 hours later*
Zayn: *groans out in frustration, when he wakes up again*
Liam: *looks up at him*
Liam: 'you alright?'
Zayn: *looks up at him*
Zayn: 'what are you doing here?'
Liam: 'I'm worried about you'
Zayn: 'why? Because I like you? Wanted to see how I'm holding up?'
Liam: 'No. I had to think about some things, Zayn.. I always feel those kinds of sparks, I didn't know what caused them, but the past two days.. I felt like someone was kicking me from the inside. Squeezing my heart till it's hard to breathe, kicking my stomach until I have to throw up.. I thought about it. So much. And I think I know what it is.. I feel it again, after two days, I feel sparks, but also a little aching.. I did that to you.. I hurt you in the worst ways possible and I'm so so so sorry.. I did it because I'm naive, because I'm stupid, because I'm selfish, because I'm not accepting myself.. I never realized that I might like you too, you probably think about the slap right now. I can totally understand, if you won't forgive me for that, because I had absolutely no right to do that. It could have been an accident and even if it wasn't, I shouldn't have done it. So if you ever need to punch something, I owe you.. I have never been touched by a guy before, it felt amazing, I liked it and it drove me insane, I panicked, because it was new. For me at least. Everyone who knows about my sexuality accepts me, but then there's me. I don't accept myself, not because I don't want to! It's because I can't. I don't know how to act around you.. You make nervous, make me feel stuff, that I never felt for a guy, you effect my body and my actions and it's confusing. It's.. I don't understand it, it's s- I'm rambling and I'm boring you, I'm sorry. I can go and leave you alone. You should get some rest anyway'
Liam: *stands up*
Zayn: 'cuddle with me?'
Liam: *turns around*
Liam: 'really?'
Zayn: *humms*
Liam: *lays down beside him*
Zayn: *cuddle into his side*
Zayn: 'I want you to prove me, that you meant it'
Liam: 'how?'
Zayn: 'go on a date with me'
Liam: *smiles*
Liam: 'Sounds lovely. When?'
Zayn: 'I'll plan everything, you just have to be there'
Liam: 'I can manage that. Now go to sleep, you look like you're going to pass out..'
Zayn: 'might do.. I'm glad that we made up'
Liam: *scrunches his face and touches Zayn's cheek*
Liam: 'I hate myself for doing that. Can't you just punch me, or kick me, o-'
Zayn: *smirks*
Zayn: 'spank you? Another time, love'
Liam: 'I have a feeling that you're going to destroy my innocence'
Zayn: 'No, I'm going to change your view of boys and maybe a bit of your innocence too'
Liam: *grins and wraps his arms around him*
Liam: 'go to sleep, Zee'
Zayn: 'you will stay, right?'
Liam: 'as long as you let me, yes'
Zayn: 'I'm not letting you go, ever'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن