January 8th 2021

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Liam: 'I found something and now I want to do it!'
Zayn: 'what did ya find?'
Liam: 'I saw some fans doing those 'how well do you know your Idol' and I want to do it too, just as a 'how well do you know your best friend' let's do that!'
Zayn: 'Li.. you definitely know more about me than the fans do.'
Liam: 'doesn't matter!'
Zayn: 'alright'
Liam: *searches a quiz*
Liam: 'alright.. What is Zayn's middle name? Javadd.. When is Zayn's birthday? January 12th-'
Zayn: 'which year?'
Liam: '1993. Just like me. What does Zayn not can? Good question.. swimming, gotta teach you that though. How many siblings does Zayn have? Three sisters. Zayn has a pet named..? Boris. Those are so bo-'
Liam: *starts to laugh*
Zayn: 'what?'
Liam: *leans back and continues to laugh*
Zayn: 'lemme see!'
Zayn: *tries to grab Liam's phone and falls on top of him*
Liam: *laughs even more*
Zayn: *smiles up at him and grabs Liam's phone, reading the question*
Zayn: 'oh.. but that's not funny!'
Zayn: *starts to laugh too*
Zayn: 'not soo funny'
Niall: 'What's so- what's happening?'
Zayn: *looks at Niall, still straddling Liam's lap*
Zayn: 'Liam was doing a quiz a-and there was a question-'
Liam: 'of course there was a question!'
Zayn: *laughs harder and presses his face against Liam's shoulder*
Niall: 'what was the question?'
Liam: 'the question was if Zayn is a) h-h-'
Liam: *laughs again*
Liam: 'a) hadidsexual, b) g-gigisexual, c!'
Liam: *screams the c and laughs harder*
Liam: 'c) jelenasexual o-or d) b*tch, h-he wants-'
Ziam: *starting to laugh all over again*
Niall: 'he wants? What does he want!?'
Liam: 'd- d for d-dick! HAHAHAHA'
Niall: *stares at them with an raised eyebrow*
Niall: 'that's it? You're laughing because of this?'
Zayn: 'I-Isn't it funny?'
Niall: 'no? You like dick more than hadid, gigi or jelena, don't you?'
Zayn: *looks at Liam again*
Zayn: 'Is he serious?'
Liam: *looks between Zayn and Niall and turns back to Zayn*
Liam: 'I'm pretty sure he is'
Niall: 'I am. You know this trend on tik tok? 'Tell me you are.. without actually telling me' ? Let's do it! Tell me you're gay without really telling me'
Zayn: 'really?'
Niall: 'yes'
Zayn: 'okay'
Zayn: *smirks and turns to Liam, pulling him into a kiss*
Liam: *waits a few seconds for Zayn to pull away*
Zayn: *continues to kiss him*
Liam: *kisses him back*
Ziam: *continuing to kiss for a while*
Zayn: *pulls away*
Niall: 'you were straddling his lap. That was enough proof for me'
Zayn: 'hmm. Doesn't matter, still had fun'
Liam: 'interesting.. so you're not gigisexual or something like that?'
Zayn: 'no, he was right and you know that'
Liam: *plays dumb*
Liam: 'right with what?'
Zayn: *rolls his eyes at him and whispers into his ear*
Zayn: 'I like dick's'
Liam: *chokes on nothing*
Zayn: *smirks, pats his chest and moves off of him*
Niall: 'his face is telling me that you said something dirty. That's gay'
Zayn: *laughs and turns to Liam*
Zayn: 'I wanna make a quiz too'
Liam: 'how well would you and Liam Payne fit together?'
Zayn: 'I like that!'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now