January 14th 2021

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Zayn: 'boys!?'
Zayn: *leaves his room and walks into the livingroom*
Zayn: 'I'm gonna tell him. I'm gonna tell him everything from the beginning and I'm gonna do it tomorrow at dinner!'
Liam: 'Tomorrow at dinner, that you're supposed to spend with me?'
Zayn: 'Liam! I didn't know you were here, where are the others?'
Liam: 'are you going to ditch me? And what were you talking about?'
Zayn: 'eh.. doesn't matter, I was just- I've been lying to a person since the beginning! And I feel horrible about it, so I decided to tell him the truth'
Liam: 'why would you lie to him?'
Zayn: 'because.. uh.. because of his style! He asked me about my opinion and I said it looked nice. He's been wearing that stuff since then and people start to look and it's doesn't look that good..'
Liam: 'why did you lie?'
Zayn: 'I didn't want to hurt his feelings, he's very.. sensitive'
Zayn: *scratches his neck*
Liam: *stares at him*
Liam: 'he wouldn't have believed it. You're horrible at lying'
Zayn: *laughs nervously*
Zayn: 'yea, hahaha. Kinda surprised he bought it'
Liam: 'Zee, I've known you for years now and I know when you're lying. Why don't you tell me the truth, hm? You know, that you can talk to me, right?'
Zayn: *humms and sighs, walking around without stopping*
Liam: 'Zayn.. hey'
Liam: *places his hands on Zayn's waist and stops him*
Zayn: *looks up at him*
Zayn: 'I can't do this. I'm not ready..'
Liam: 'If you're not ready to talk about it, then don't. Just know, that I'm here for you, alright? You can tell me everything, no matter what'
Zayn: *sighs again and nods his head*
Zayn: 'alright.. can we sit down?'
Liam: 'sure'
Ziam: *sitting down on the couch*
Zayn: 'The first time we met.. at McDonald's, I mean. I didn't think much about it, back then, because as you know, I came out as bi in school, but things changed. I haven't been dating anyone since then and that's because.. I don't know how to say it. I fell in love again, a few years ago. It's like a love I can't have. Management wouldn't allow it and I'm not even sure if he likes me back..'
Liam: 'oh'
Liam: *leans back into the couch and thinks for a while*
Liam: 'When you say a few years ago.. how many years and are you still in love with him?'
Zayn: 'it must be about 9 years, I think and yes, I'm still in love with him'
Liam: '9 years!? You two could have already married in that time!'
Zayn: 'probably..'
Liam: 'why don't you tell him about your feelings?'
Zayn: *stands up and starts to walk away*
Zayn: 'I did and your reaction just showed me that you don't feel the same way'
Liam: 'wha- oh my god!'
Zayn: *slams the door shut*
Liam: *stands up and follows him, trying to open the door*
Liam: 'you can't leave me like that! Can you open the door?'
Liam: *tries again*
Liam: 'C'mon Zayn, don't be like that. Let's solve this, like adults would'
Zayn: *doesn't say anything*
Liam: 'I hate to tell you that like that, but you won't open the door.. We both made a mistake.. We should have talked about that sooner.. I like you, Zayn. I've had a huge crush on you and I somehow ended up with falling in love with you.. Also a few years ago.. Can you please open the door?'
Zayn: *moves towards the door and opens it*
Liam: 'th-'
Zayn: *pulls him into a kiss*
Liam: *squeaks and kisses him back*
Ziam: *continuing to kiss for a while*
Zayn: *pulls away*
Liam: 'we could have been married already..'
Zayn: 'still have time for that, don't we?'
Liam: *humms and pecks his lips again*
Zayn: 'do you want to be my boyfriend, Li?'
Liam: 'I want nothing more that that'
Zayn: *smiles and kisses him again*
Zayn: 'finally'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now