February 18th 2021

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Niall: 'hey guys! Let's watch a movie!'
Liam: *yawns*
Liam: 'I'd rather go to sleep..'
Niall: 'nope, no chickening out. Everyone will watch this movie. Get ready!'
Liam: *groans and presses his head against the table*
Zayn: 'hey, are you alright?'
Liam: 'Didn't sleep'
Zayn: *frowns*
Zayn: 'why not?'
Liam: 'dunno, just couldn't'
Niall: 'you two too!'
Zayn: 'come on, you can go to sleep, nobody needs to know'
Liam: *smiles and stands up*
Zayn: *walks towards the couch and sits down*
Liam: *follows him and lets himself fall beside him, landing halfway on Zayn's lap*
Zayn: *furrows his brows, when Liam stays like that*
Zayn: 'that's not comfy, is it?'
Liam: *shrugs and leans back*
Zayn: 'I think you should lay down. It's more comfortable'
Liam: *huffs and lays down, placing his head on Zayn's lap*
Zayn: *starts to play with Liam's hair*
Liam: *sighs and closes his eyes*
*30 minutes later*
Niv, Larry: *cuddling*
Liam: *sleeping*
Zayn: *staring at the screen, still playing with Liam's hair*
Niall: 'wow! Look babe, now!'
Liv: *groans and hits his chest playfully*
Liv: 'I know, we have watched that movie several times'
Niall: 'and I still love it'
Louis: 'could you be quiet! Some people are trying to watch a movie'
Zayn: *yawns quietly and closes his eyes, his hand remaining in Liam's hair*
Harry: 'and the others are trying to sleep'
Niall: 'who's trying to sleep?'
Harry: 'Zayn and Liam'
Niall: 'I thought I told them not to..'
Liv: 'let them sleep and now psst'
*after the movie*
Liv: 'good night, guys'
Harry: 'good night'
Larry, Niv: *leaving the room*
*few hours later*
Liam: *wakes up and sits slowly up, looking around in confusion, frowning when he sees a person sitting beside him*
Liam: 'are you awake?'
Zayn: *still asleep*
Liam: *picks him up and walks towards his room, placing him in his bed*
Zayn: *winces, but continues to sleep*
Liam: *lays down beside him and moves further towards him*
Zayn: *wraps his arms around him*
Liam: *smiles and drifts off again*
*the next day*
Zayn: *rolls onto his side, being stopped by another body, causing him to wake up*
Liam: *lays there with parted lips, his face turned towards Zayn*
Zayn: *opens his eyes and smiles lightly, when he recognizes Liam*
Liam: *turns onto his back, still facing Zayn*
Zayn: *closes his eyes, just as Liam was about to open them*
Liam: *smiles*
Liam: 'morning'
Zayn: 'good morning.. How are you?'
Liam: 'I'm fine, what about you? Your back must be sore, because of the position you were sleeping in'
Zayn: 'I don't know.. yet. Thanks for bringing me to bed, by the way'
Liam: *humms and smiles*
Liam: 'no problem.. how late is it?'
Zayn: 'dunno'
Liam: *humms*
Liam: 'doesn't matter, I'm just gonna make breakfast. You coming?'
Zayn: *groans and turns onto his stomach*
Zayn: 'I don't want to leave this bed'
Liam: 'get up, or..'
Liam: *lays down on top of him*
Liam: 'or I'm going to squeeze you, till you can't stand up anymore'
Zayn: *groans and tilts his head to the side*
Liam: 'so? You made a decision yet?'
Zayn: 'I would, if it wasn't for my brain, which is about to explode'
Liam: *chuckles*
Liam: 'what is there even to think about?'
Zayn: 'I'll go! Breakfast sounds great'
Liam: 'that was easy'
Zayn: 'mhm, can I stand up now?'
Liam: 'hmmm.. alright'
Liam: *stands up*
Zayn: *rolls onto his back and stares up at him*
Liam: 'do I have to squeeze you again?'
Zayn: 'a hug would do it'
Liam: *leans down and pulls him into a sitting position, squeezing him tightly afterwards*
Zayn: *hugs him back just as tightly and pushes his face into his neck*
Liam: 'everything alright?'
Zayn: 'yea, just wanted to hug someone'
Liam: *humms, ready to pull away*
Zayn: 'don't pull away'
Liam: *holds him tightly*
*few minutes later*
Liam: 'what about breakfast?'
Zayn: *pouts and pulls away from him, standing up*
Liam: *grabs his hand and laces their fingers*
Zayn: *smiles down at their hands*
Liam: *pulls him towards the kitchen*
Zayn: *sits down on the chair*
Liam: 'what do you wanna eat?'
Zayn: 'uhmmmm.. I don't care'
Zayn: *smiles and bites his lip*
Liam: *smiles fondly at him and leans over to him*
Liam: 'so I guess you'd be fine with nothing at all?'
Zayn: *leans in too with a smile*
Zayn: 'Uhmmm, maybe. I could go back to sleep and I'm not really hungry either'
Liam: 'well..'
Liam: *leans closer, their faces almost touching*
Liam: 'I'm going to force you to eat anyway'
Zayn: *looks at Liam's eyes, before he looks down at his lips*
Liam: *whispers*
Liam: 'I won'
Zayn: 'we don't know that yet'
Liam: 'you didn't reply'
Zayn: 'I have a final action, that will define whether we lost or won'
Liam: 'go on then'
Zayn: *nods his head, his head still close to Liam and kisses him*
Liam: *kisses him back, wrapping his arm around Zayn's neck*
Ziam: *continuing to kiss*
Liam: *pulls away*
Liam: 'guess it's a win for us both.. but seriously, breakfast?'
Zayn: 'uhmmm, just pancakes'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now