January 26th 2021

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Liam: *searching for his biscuits*
Niall: 'what are ya looking for'
Liam: 'my biscuits'
Niall: 'those were yours? Oops'
Liam: 'why are you always using my stuff? You guys always take my things like they belong to you'
Louis: 'there is one thing that nobody took from you'
Liam: 'what? My toothbrush?'
Louis: 'No, I think I used it once.. I didn't mean to though! You have Zayn'
Zayn: 'me? What about you?'
Louis: 'I mean that you only cuddle with Liam, for example'
Zayn: 'that's because we love each other'
Liam: 'we do?'
Zayn: 'of course we do!'
Zayn: *jumps onto Liam's back*
Liam: 'interesting, I wasn't aware of that'
Zayn: 'you told me so many times! Love ya, mate'
Louis: 'ouch. Being called mate is the worst thing ever'
Liam: 'what is wrong with calling someone mate?'
Louis: 'some people aren't just someone'
Liam: 'what's that supposed to mean?'
Louis: 'let's be honest, Payno. You're good looking and by calling someone mate or bro, you basically break their heart a bit'
Liam: 'I only call my friends mate or bro'
Louis: *brings his hand to his ear*
Louis: 'did you hear that?'
Liam: 'heard what?'
Louis: 'a heart just broke'
Zayn: 'I felt it, must have been nearby'
Liam: *frowns*
Liam: 'you're all weird.. What do think, Harry?'
Harry: 'Me? Oh. I realized, that you pronounce mate and bro weird. Like you say, Zaaaayn in a excited voice, but then your tone changes and you're like brooooo and then you laugh nervously'
Zayn: 'I realized that too! He literally squeaks mate out, like it's a bad word or something'
Harry: 'I think it's weird, because he pronounces those words normal in my presence'
Louis: 'he tells you that he loves you!?'
Harry: 'no, if course not! I just wanted to point out, that he sometimes pronounce it right'
Niall: 'he never told me that he loved me and I'm actually hurt right now. I'm in love with your food and with your taste in food, I mean, those biscuits? They were fucking delicious!'
Liam: 'so what? What are you trying to tell me? Ya'll want love from me?'
Louis: 'nope. We just want you to open your eyes, don't you realize anything around yourself?'
Louis: *stares at Liam with an raised eyebrow*
Liam: *mouths a no towards him*
Liam: 'maybe I don't want to open my eyes'
Zayn: *covers Liam's eyes*
Zayn: 'what do you see?'
Liam: 'nothing. Obviously'
Zayn: 'exactly. Not trying to be mean, Li, but that's the only thing you see. Nothing. Your eyes may be open, but you don't realize anything around you. People are screaming for your attention, people are trying to impress you, people want to get noticed by you, but you don't see them. They may be standing next to you, or behind you or anywhere else, you look past them like they don't exist. But I know that deep down there.. I know for a fact that you know about their existence.. You hear them, you see them, but you don't want to, so you block them out. You look past them, just like you do with your feelings. You may not be able to see them, but you feel them. I know you do, even if you're trying so hard to block them out, but it doesn't work like that, Li. Sadly it doesn't.. You locked them away, before you even tried it. You thought you wouldn't be able to cope with the feeling of rejection, with the pain love brings, but you've been through so much more.. You rejected and ignored your feelings, and you still stayed to make sure that everyone was alright, that I was alright and you deserve that too! I want you to be happy, Liam. You deserve it more than anyone else'
Zayn: *jumps off of Liam's back*
Zayn: 'make yourself happy and give in to the feeling. Let yourself float with it and it will show you your path. It will lead you to the path, that you deserve'
Liam: *stares at the wall in shock, before he turns around*
Liam: 'I.. where did that come from?'
Zayn: 'my feelings..'
Liam: 'that was the cutest thing I've ever heard, even though I feel kinda exposed..'
Zayn: 'I think I exposed myself too'
Liam: 'you did, but I'm glad you did. That was by far the best lesson of life, I could ever get'
Zayn: 'I'm willing to give you more of these, but only if you agree to go on a date with me'
Liam: *bites his lip*
Zayn: 'what?'
Liam: 'Nothing, I'm just trying to.. control my words.. I can't think of another word than cute'
Zayn: 'you're adorable'
Liam: *smiles brightly at him*
Zayn: 'so so so adorable..'
Zayn: *leans a bit in and stares at Liam's lips*
Zayn: 'would you mind, if a mate-'
Zayn: *pronounces it like Liam does*
Zayn: 'kissed you?'
Liam: 'definitely not'
Zayn: *smiles and kisses him*
Liam: *kisses him back*
Louis: 'I feel so.. so unromantic'
Harry: 'don't. You're perfect'
Louis: 'but our first kiss wasn't that romantic'
Harry: 'that doesn't matter to me. I like the way we got together'
Louis: 'me too..'
Louis: *pulls Harry into a kiss*
Louis: 'I love you'
Harry: 'I love you too'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now