January 11th 2021 (Part 1)

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Liam: *waiting for Harry to leave the airplane*
Harry: *get out of the airplane and waits for his suitcase*
Zayn: *grabs his suitcase and starts to go, searching something in his backpack*
Liam: *groans and pulls his phone out, calling Harry*
Harry: *picks up*
Liam: 'where are you? I've been waiting for 5 minutes!'
Harry: 'sorry, I'm trying to find my suitcase'
Liam: 'can you please hurry? It's so c-
Zayn: *bumps into him*
Liam: *stumbles a bit but catches himself*
Zayn: 'I'm sorry! So sorry!'
Liam: 'It's nothing, don't worry'
Liam: *smiles at him and brings the phone to his ear again*
Zayn: *smiles back and leaves*
Harry: 'what happened?'
Liam: 'bumped into someone, are you done?'
Harry: 'not ye- there it is!'
Liam: 'do you need help?'
Harry: 'no thanks, I'm fine. Where is Lou?'
Liam: 'He's sick. That's why I am here'
Harry: 'oh no! What's wrong with him?'
Liam: 'just a fever, nothing serious'
Harry: 'are you sure?'
Liam: 'you can see him later. You are going to share a room'
Harry: 'what about you?'
Liam: 'I will take a room far far far away from yours'
Harry: 'Hey!'
Liam: 'hurry!!!'
Harry: 'where are you?'
Liam: 'a few feet away from you..'
Harry: 'whe-'
Harry: *turns around*
Harry: 'oh..'
Harry: *hangs up and walks towards him*
Lirry: *hugging each other*
Liam: 'let's go'
Lirry: *getting in the car and drive to the hotel*
*few minutes later*
Lirry: *leaving the car*
Liam: 'I need ti get my stuff out of your room first'
Harry: 'you slept with Louis? In the same bed, I mean'
Liam: 'No, I slept in the chair, wasn't that comfortable'
Harry: *sighs in relief*
Liam: *shakes his head and grabs Harry's stuff*
Harry: 'you don't need to do that..'
Liam: 'it's alright. Can you stay downstairs with you stuff, while I get mine?'
Harry: 'of course'
Liam: *places Harry's stuff on the floor*
Liam: 'gonna be back in five'
Liam: *goes up the stairs and opens the door*
Louis: *jumps up and wraps his arm around his waist*
Zayn: *about to enter his room but stops when he sees them*
Liam: *lets out a cough*
Louis: *unwraps his arm*
Louis: 'you are not Harry! Where is my Hazza!?'
Liam: 'he's downstairs, watching his stuff while I move out'
Louis: 'oh.. do not look, but there is a guy staring at you and he's like, at the end of the hall'
Liam: *tries to turn around*
Louis: *grabs his waist and holds him like that*
Louis: 'I said, do not look'
Zayn: *raises his brow and enters his room*
Liam: *rolls his eyes*
Liam: 'I should get my stuff'
Louis: 'what's your room number?'
Liam: '24'
Louis: *pushes Liam into the room and checks his own room number*
Louis: 'we have 55. Why is yours so far away?'
Liam: 'guess why'
Liam: *grabs his stuff and walks to the door, searching in his pockets for his key*
Liam: 'I don't havea key. Harry and I will be here in 2'
Louis: 'fine, see you'
Liam: *rolls his eyes and goes downstairs, getting his key*
Liam: 'c'mon'
Harry: *grabs his stuff and follows him*
Lirry: *arriving at Larry's room*
Liam: 'Alright, I'll just get my suitcase and leave.. got it. Bye'
Liam: *walks towards his own room and walks in, direction falling onto the bed*
Liam: 'finally'
Liam: *deciding to take nap, since he barely slept last night*
*few hours later*
Harry: *knocks on Liam's door*
Liam: *doesn't notice anything and continues to sleep*
Harry: *sighs and leaves*
Harry: 'he didn't open'
Louis: 'he will open that door!'
Louis: *leaves the room and bangs at Liam's door*
Zayn: *jumps up and opens his door, thinking it came froom his door*
Harry: 'Lou, stop that. People are already looking'
Louis: 'I don't care. You lost your phone in his car, so he needs to open that damn car for you'
Louis: *continues to bang on his door*
Liam: *gasps and coughs, while he opens the door*
Liam: 'w-what the-'
Liam: *continues to cough*
Louis: 'finally! Took you long enough! Harry lost his phone in your car'
Liam: *walks in and gets his keys, handing them to Louis*
Louis: 'what am I supposed to do with them? I want you to go with him, since I can't'
Liam: *rolls his eyes and takes on his coat, feeling a bit dizzy and cold*
Zayn: *stares at Liam, noticing how pale he is*
Liam: 'let's go then'
Liam: *stumbles out of the room and leans against the wall, leaning his head back*
Harry: *looks worriedly at him*
Harry: 'are you alright?'
Liam: *clears his throat and stands up properly*
Liam: 'Yea, just didn't drink and slept that much. Just wait..'
Liam: *walks slowly inside again and drinks some water*
Liam: 'alright'
Liam: *opens his coat again and closes the door behind him*
Louis: *looks directly at Zayn, noticing that he's staring at Liam again*
Louis: 'is something wrong?'
Lirry: *turning to him*
Liam: 'hm?'
Louis: 'not you. I talked to him'
Louis: *points at Zayn*
Zayn: *looks at Louis*
Zayn: 'sorry?'
Liam: *looks at Zayn*
Louis: 'I asked, if something was wrong'
Zayn: 'uh, no. I just heard the banging and yea..'
Zayn: *looks at Liam again*
Harry: 'do you know each other?'
Liam: *takes off his coat and shakes his head*
Zayn: 'we bumped inti each other at the airport'
Harry: 'oh! And now your room is next to his! What a coincidence!'
Zayn: *chuckles*
Harry: 'what's your name? I'm Harry, that's Louis my husband and that's Liam'
Zayn: *looks weirdly at Louis and Liam*
Louis: *notices his look and starts to laugh*
Liam: *turns to him with a frown*
Louis: 'he thinks we have a thing for each other! He was the person I told you about'
Liam: *thinks for a few seconds before he remembers*
Harry: 'why would he think that?'
Louis: 'I thought Liam was you, so I-'
Harry: 'you kissed him!?'
Louis: 'No! I wrapped my arm around his waist. Anyways, I told him that someone was staring at him, so I told him not to turn around and what does he? Right, he turns around, but I was quick enough to stop him'
Harry: 'oh. You still didn't tell us your name'
Zayn: 'I'm Zayn'
Harry: 'it's nice to meet you!'
Zayn: 'you t-'
Liam: *starts to cough again*
Louis: 'mateee, are you smoking? Doesn't sound good'
Zayn: 'he doesn't look good'
Zayn: *realizes what he said*
Zayn: 'I mean, he does look good, but he doesn't. He looks sick'
Liam: *blushes, even though his cheeks are already on fire*
Harry: *brings his hand to Liam's forehead and sighs*
Harry: 'great, now you're both sick. You should stay with us'
Liam: *shakes his head*
Liam: 'no way'
Harry: 'come on, Liam. Someone needs to looks after you!'
Liam: 'I'm fine on my own'
Liam: *presses the coat to his chest, feeling cold again*
Harry: 'don't be like that'
Louis: 'it's fun to have someone who does everything you ask him to'
Harry: 'that's how you threatened him yesterday?'
Louis: 'it was funny'
Zayn: 'poor boy..'
Harry: 'so, you want to stay on your own?'
Liam: 'I'm not going to stay with you'
Louis: 'what's that supposed to mean? You'd stay with someone else?'
Liam: 'I can call Niall'
Harry: 'he didn't tell you? He is meeting Liv's family'
Liam: 'Then I'll call.. someone else'
Louis: 'like?'
Liam: 'eh.. my cousin, alesso or even maya'
Louis: 'you'd call Maya?'
Liam: 'no'
Zayn: *chuckles again*
Zayn: 'wanna come in?'
Harry: 'sure, thank you'
Larry, Ziam: *entering Zayn's room*
Zayn: 'I can make some tea if you want?'
Louis: 'please..'
Liam: *looks around*
Liam: 'did he wake you up too?'
Zayn: 'what?'
Liam: 'Louis. Did he wake you up with the banging?'
Zayn: 'yes.. I think he woke everyone who was sleeping'
Zayn: *laughs*
Louis: 'oops'
Liam: *shivers*
Zayn: *notices it*
Zayn: 'you can take the blanket, if you want'
Liam: 'thanks, but I have my coat'
Louis: *rolls his eyes and wraps the blanket around him*
Liam: *huffs and moves closer to Harry, so he's leaning against him*
Louis: 'hey! That's my boy'
Liam: *ignores him and stares at the wall*
*few minutes later*
Zayn: *hands everyone their tea and sits down beside Liam*
Zayn: 'where are you from?'
Harry: 'we are all from London, what about you?'
Zayn: 'me too!'
Louis: 'that's awesome, it's it Liam?'
Liam: *doesn't reply*
Harry: *turns a bit and looks at him*
Harry: 'what did you do to him? He sleeping in a sitting position..'
Louis: 'I didn't ask for much. He was the one tossing and turning all night long'
Harry: 'maybe because he was sleeping in a chair?'
Louis: 'it was his decision, besides, I didn't think you'd be happy if he slept in the same bed as me'
Harry: 'right. I'm sorry'
Louis: 'don't be, haz. You must be exhausted because of the flight'
Liam: *shivers a bit, but continues to sleep*
Harry: 'can I lay him down?'
Zayn: 'of course!'
Harry: *lays Liam down*
Liam: *moves a bit, trying to get the warmth of his body back, but gives up after a few seconds, snuggling into a small pillow that Zayn brought with him*
Harry: *lets out a yawn*
Louis: 'aww, you should go and lay down, luv'
Harry: 'not without you'
Louis: *sighs*
Zayn: 'this might sound super weird, since I don't know anyone of you, but I can look after him. I'll sleep in the other bed and you can even come, to look if everything is alright. I'll give you the key, or you place a camera here and watch me doing whatever, I don't mi-'
Someone: *knocks on the door*
Liam: *opens his eyes*
Zayn: *opens the door*
Women: 'I brought you dinner, Mr.Malik'
Zayn: 'thank you'
Women: 'you're welcome'
Women: *smiles and plays with her hair*
Women: 'I'll leave you alone then, feel free to call me if you need something'
Women: *smirks and leaves*
Zayn: *closes the door and turns around with a disgusted look on his face*
Louis: 'they didn't bring us dinner yesterday!'
Zayn: *looks at him, while he opens the dinner and looks down afterwards, pulling out a paper*
Louis: 'how did you know?'
Zayn: 'I've been here many times and she's been trying that for a while now'
Louis: 'she brings you dinner every day?'
Zayn: 'and breakfast plus lunch..'
Louis: 'that's so mean! Why did you never call her?'
Zayn: 'I'm not interested in..'
Louis: 'in girls!?'
Zayn: *nods his head*
Louis: 'not at all?'
Zayn: 'no'
Louis: 'this has to be super depressing for them..'
Zayn: *laughs*
Liam: *sneezes*
Zayn: *looks over to him*
Zayn: 'is he awake?'
Liam: *turns to the other side and looks at him*
Zayn: 'bless you'
Liam: 'thanks'
Zayn: 'is someone hungry?'
Louis: 'what did she bring?'
Zayn: 'uh.. noodle soup, chicken and a sauce, dunno and a slice of chocolate cake'
Louis: 'can I have the cake?'
Zayn: *laughs*
Zayn: 'of course.. Do you want the soup?'
Zayn: *looks at Liam*
Liam: 'what about you?'
Zayn: 'I ate something a few hours ago'
Liam: 'I did too'
Zayn: *chuckles*
Zayn: 'I went out to grab some dinner'
Liam: 'really?'
Zayn: 'yea, about two hours ago'
Liam: *giggles and turns onto his stomach, pushing his face into Zayn's pillow*
Zayn: *smiles fondly at him*
Zayn: 'is that a yes, or a no?'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now