February 4th 2021

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Larry, Ziall: *sitting in the living room*
Liam: *enters the room, only wearing boxers and rubs his eyes*
Louis: 'Paynooo! Still exhausted?'
Liam: 'what?'
Louis: 'sounded like you had fun today'
Zayn: *bites his lip*
Liam: 'fun?'
Louis: 'sex, Liam. Sex. You brought someone with you'
Liam: *blushes*
Liam: 'oh..'
Niall: 'come on, who was it? It sounded like there was another guy in there, is that true?'
Harry: 'but nobody left the house?'
Liam: *bites his lip and avoids everyone's eyes*
Louis: 'still. He must have been really good, or Liam is just loud..'
Liam: *clears his throat*
Liam: 'can we please not talk about that?'
Niall: 'so it was a mistake?'
Liam: 'I didn't say that, I just.. I don't know how we ended up like that'
Niall: 'so you'd do it again?'
Liam: 'I didn't say that either, just leave it, okay!?'
Liam: *leaves the room again*
Zayn: *leans back into his seat and stares after him*
Louis: 'well he's pissed.. Maybe the guy was good in bed, but he doesn't like him like that, or he wasn't good looking, but I don't think it's that. I mean, why would you sleep with someone, if you don't find them attractive?'
Zayn: *humms quietly and stands up, leaving the room*
Harry: 'he didn't say anything about it and he seems upset'
Louis: 'oh my god, are you saying that they.. Of course! I should have known it! They were always so weird!'
Niall: 'they weren't. I mean, they haven't been that close in the past few months!'
Harry: 'I noticed that too. They seemed distant..'
Louis: 'that's not true! I will search them'
Louis: *stands up and leaves*
Ziam: *yelling at each other*
Liam: 'You don't understand, Zayn! That's the problem!'
Zayn: 'I do understand! You were upset, I comforted you, which leaded to some things, but that's alright! It happened once, it doesn't need to happen again!'
Liam: 'You totally do not understand! I was upset, yes, but I don't regret it!'
Zayn: 'great! Me neither, we are just two friends, who were needy and helped each other out. Nothing wrong with that'
Liam: *sighs*
Liam: 'I don't do these things.. I don't sleep with people, just because I feel like having sex. I sleep with people, because I trust them, because they are special to me and..'
Zayn: 'I don't fit in.. Look, that's fine. You lost the path, you tripped and now you're standing straight again. You did that mistake once, doesn't mean you will do it again'
Liam: 'You're an idiot! You fit in just perfectly'
Zayn: 'so you'd want to do it again?'
Liam: 'I told you what it meant to me and now I want to know what it meant to you.. Was it a accident, that you'd like to repeat as friends or..'
Zayn: 'I want you, Liam. As a friend, best friend, boyfriend, sex partner and as whatever else you want to try..'
Liam: *sighs and kisses him roughly*
Zayn: *kisses him back and pushes him against the fridge*
Liam: *gasps*
Zayn: *pushes his tongue into Liam's mouth*
Ziam: *making out*
Liam: *tucks on Zayn's shirt and takes it off, doing the same with his*
Zayn: *moves his lips down to Liam's neck and starts to suck*
Liam: *tilts his head back and moans*
Louis: *leans forward and trips over something*
Liam: *opens his eyes and looks at him*
Liam: 'Z-Zee..'
Zayn: *humms against his neck*
Liam: *groans again and places his hand on Zayn's neck, trying to pull him away*
Zayn: *bites Liam's skin softly and pulls away*
Liam: *hisses*
Zayn: 'what's wrong? Still sore from earlier?'
Liam: 'Louis..'
Zayn: *turns around and looks at Louis*
Louis: 'oops?'
Zayn: 'what are you doing here?'
Louis: 'leaving'
Louis: *turns around and leaves*
Zayn: *turns back to Liam*
Liam: 'I think we should..'
Liam: *points at the shirts on the floor*
Zayn: *pecks his lips once more and picks the shirts up*
Ziam: *taking on their shirts*
Liam: 'what are we going to do now?'
Zayn: *smiles and leans forward*
Zayn: 'let's go on a date. A spontaneous date'
Liam: *smiles back*
Liam: 'hmm, let's do that'

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