February 3rd 2021

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Zayn: *laying on the couch, tossing and turning around*
Harry: *looks at him worriedly*
Louis: 'Hello, luv!'
Louis: *pecks his lips and pulls away with a frown*
Louis: 'what's wrong with him?'
Harry: 'dunno, must be a bad dream'
Louis: 'Zayn Malik has bad dreams!? I'm shocked'
Liam: 'who has bad dreams?'
Louis: 'your boy'
Liam: 'how do you know?'
Zayn: *tosses again and scrunches his face*
Louis: 'the fact that you accepted that..'
Liam: *rolls his eyes and walks over to Zayn, touching him softly*
Zayn: *twitsches and jumps into a sitting position, letting out a whine*
Zayn: 'Li..'
Liam: *looks at him worriedly*
Liam: 'Hey.. What's wrong?'
Zayn: 'I-'
Maya: 'Liam? Can we go!?'
Liam: 'Wait a few minutes! What happened?'
Zayn: 'I-I had a nightmare and everyone.. everyone left. I was alone a-and they didn't look back. Nobody did, everyone just went with it and it made me feel so lonely.. You all just left me in the dark..'
Liam: *cups his face*
Liam: 'I'd never do that, Zee. There is nothing you could do to make me leave, you hear me? Nothing'
Zayn: 'okay'
Zayn: *nods his head*
Ziam: *staring at each other*
Maya: 'Liam?'
Liam: 'just a minute!'
Zayn: 'don't go.. It kills me to see you with her.. I don't want you to go, don't make it come true, please. I can't.. It would be too hard.. I'm lost without you, Li. So so so lost, you are my guidance, you lead me to the right path'
Liam: *smiles and pushes his forehead against Zayn's*
Liam: 'It will never happen, I won't leave you, I couldn't and I promise that with everything I have. You're special, you're important, you're amazing and everyone who even thinks about leaving you is stupid. They don't deserve you'
Zayn: *brings his hands to Liam's neck, leans forward and kisses him*
Liam: *brings his hands to Zayn's waist and pulls him closer*
Zayn: *lets himself fall forward and falls against Liam, continuing to kiss him*
Louis: 'oiii'
Zayn: *pushes his tongue into Liam's mouth*
Ziam: *starting to make out*
Maya: 'LIAM!'
Maya: *enters the room*
Maya: 'oh..'
Liam: *groans and pulls away, breathing heavily*
Liam: 'I'm sorry, but I really need to go..'
Zayn: *closes his eyes again and pushes himself further to Liam*
Zayn: 'you said you wouldn't leave'
Liam: 'You know that I need to do this, I'd love to stay and do whatever with you. I need to go, Zee. I'm not breaking my promise, I'll always come back, I'll text you every 15 minutes and if you don't reply, I will spam you.. I'll arrive at the restaurant and I'll already hope again, that I'll be able to leave again'
Zayn: *smiles and kisses him again*
Zayn: 'I'll wait for you. And for your text. Every-'
Zayn: *pecks his lips again*
Zayn: '15 minutes'
Liam: 'I think somebody needs to drag me away from you, because it's impossible to just leave, when you're sitting this close to me..'
Zayn: *chuckles*
Louis: 'okay!'
Louis: *pulls Zayn off of Liam*
Zayn: 'heyyy'
Liam: *stands up and leans down again, pecking Zayn's lips*
Liam: 'I'll see you in 15 minutes'
Zayn: 'via WhatsApp. I'll miss you'
Liam: 'I'll miss you'
Louis: *drags Liam away*
Liam: *pouts at Zayn*
Zayn: 'noooo'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now