January 1, 2021

40 0 0

Zayn: 'I've been.. discovering some people on Instagram and I found one who seemed really interesting? Well, I think you know him. It seems like you do'
Louis: 'who is it?'
Zayn: *pulls his phone out and hands it to Louis*
Louis: 'Payno! Haven't seen him in a while'
Zayn: 'invite him over?'
Louis: 'I see what you're doing here..'
Zayn: 'please, Lou. I want to meet him'
Louis: 'I'll ask him..'
Zayn: 'thank you, I'm gonna take a shower'
Zayn: *walks away*
Louis: *shakes his head and texts Liam*
Louis: 'wanna meet up?'
Liam: 'sure, when?'
Louis: 'today?'
Liam: 'is someone missing me? Cute, but alright. Will be there in an hour'
Louis: 'see ya'
Louis: *walks towards the bathroom*
Louis: 'he will be here in an hour!'
Zayn: 'fuck!'
Louis: *smirks and leaves*
*10 minutes later*
Zayn: *walks into the living room, only wearing boxers*
Louis: 'clothes?'
Zayn: 'later'
Zayn: *lays down on the couch and watches TV*
*25 minutes later*
Louis: 'you hungry?'
Zayn: *doesn't reply*
Louis: 'hello?'
Louis: *walks over to Zayn*
Zayn: *sleeping*
Louis: 'should have expected that'
*another ten minutes later*
Liam: *knocks on the door*
Louis: *walks towards the door and opens it*
Louis: 'Payno! You're early! Come in'
Liam: 'Hey'
Louis: 'Hi, wanna drink something?'
Liam: 'no thanks. How have ya been?'
Liam: *walks into the livingroom*
Liam: 'Louis? Why is there a almost naked boy on your couch? Did you and Harry divorce!?'
Louis: 'no! Of course we didn't. He is just staying for a while'
Liam: *stares at him*
Liam: 'what's his name?'
Louis: 'that's Zayn. He knew you would come over, but well.. I'm gonna wake him up'
Liam: 'why don't you let him slep?'
Louis: 'because he wants to meet you'
Louis: *takes a pillow and hits Zayn with it*
Zayn: *groans and opens his eyes, trying to grab it, but fails*
Louis: 'don't touch my pillow'
Zayn: 'don't touch me! Look at my hair now!'
Louis: 'sorry, princess. Visitor is here'
Zayn: 'don't call me that and who is here?'
Zayn: *sits up and looks at Liam*
Zayn: 'oh.. Hi'
Liam: 'hey, you're Zayn?'
Zayn: 'I'm Zayn. You're Liam?'
Liam: 'yes. It's nice to meet you'
Zayn: 'same here! I'm just gonna.. you know, get some clothes'
Liam: 'that's probably a good idea. Not that I mind though! I have nothing against you being almost naked, I mean you literally live here!'
Zayn: 'I'll be back in a few'
Zayn: *comes back after a few minutes*
Zayn: 'you stole my hoodie!'
Louis: 'which hoodie?'
Zayn: 'my favorite hoodie!'
Louis: 'I did not steal anything from you'
Zayn: 'where is it then? I think you noticed that it can't just walk away'
Liam: 'guys?'
Zouis: *continuing to argue*
Liam: 'guys'
Zouis: *still arguing*
Liam: *presses himself between them*
Zayn: *gasps and stares down, feeling Liam's ass against his dick*
Louis: *smirks*
Liam: 'Louis! Did you take his hoodie?'
Louis: 'no'
Liam: *turns around, causing his body to be completely pressed against Zayn's front*
Liam: 'H-He didn't take it'
Zayn: *stares at him and nods his head*
Zayn: 'Okey'
Liam: *humms and stays like that*
Harry: *opens the door and walks in*
Harry: 'what's going on?'
Louis: 'I don't know.. is that new? The hoodie? It looks good'
Harry: 'no, I thought it was yours?'
Louis: 'oh.. it's Zayn's. He was about to kill me, because he couldn't find it'
Harry: 'oops. Maybe he won't notice..'
Harry: *takes the hoodie off and throws it at them*
Zayn: 'that's my hoodie! Where was it!?'
Harry: 'inthelaundry'
Zayn: 'where?'
Liam: *smiles*
Liam: 'it was in the laundry'
Zayn: 'oh.. But I didn't put it there'
Harry: *starts to panic*
Liam: 'does that even matter? You found it and it's clean and it-'
Liam: *grabs the hoodie and smells it*
Liam: 'smells good too'
Zayn: 'you.. you smell great too'
Liam: *blushes*
Liam: 'thanks.. Zayn Malik.. You followed me on Instagram a while ago'
Zayn: 'I did and you followed me back'
Liam: 'I know.. you look younger in real life'
Zayn: 'you look prettier in real life'
Louis: 'alright. This is just weird. Why don't you just make out already? Save the embarrassment?'
Zayn: 'it's not embarrassing'
Louis: 'alright'
Zayn: 'why don't we sit down and talk?'
Larry, Liam: 'sure'
Liam: *sits down beside Zayn*
Harry: 'how have you been, Liam?'
Liam: 'I've been fine, how about you?'
Harry: 'me too! How's your girlfriend?'
Zayn: 'girlfriend?'
Liam: 'we broke up'
Harry: 'I'm sorry about that'
Liam: 'It's alright, it just wasn't meant to be'
Louis: 'I heard you came out as gay?'
Liam: 'bi, but yes, I did'
Zayn: 'Have you ever dated a boy?'
Liam: 'no, not yet. Have you?'
Zayn: 'nope'
Liam: 'why not?'
Zayn: 'haven't found my guy yet'
Liam: 'what's your typ?'
Zayn: 'brown eyes, brown hair, he should be taller than me, he should be funny, nice and.. you know, just the usual thing. What's yours?'
Liam: 'same actually. Although it doesn't matter if he's taller or shorter than me'
Zayn: 'interesting..'
Liam: 'can I have your number? To text. To meet up again. Eh..'
Liam: *groans and blushes again*
Zayn: *chuckles*
Zayn: 'of course'
Zayn: *tells Liam his number*
Louis: 'they are ignoring us. I invited him!'
Zayn: 'we're not ignoring you'
Louis: 'well, Zayn asked me to invite him..'
Louis: *turns to Liam*
Louis: 'Sorry'
Liam: *turns to Zayn*
Liam: 'you wanted me to come over? Why?'
Zayn: *glares at Louis*
Zayn: 'I found your account and I really wanted to get to know you. I saw that Louis is following you, so I asked him. He said that he hasn't seen you in a while, so I asked him to invite you..'
Liam: 'You invited me because he asked you to? I thought someone actually wanted to see me again..'
Louis: 'I wanted to see you again and Zayn asked me to invite you over so I did. We've met again, haven't we?'
Liam: 'yes, because of Zayn'
Louis: 'I'm sorry.. but I'm glad that you're here'
Liam: 'sure, say thank you to Zayn.. I think I should leave'
Zayn: 'no. Please don't go. Louis isn't that kind of guy who likes to run after people. I'm an old friend of him and I'm moving, so I needed a place to stay and I asked him. He didn't even know who I was at first..'
Liam: 'you're moving away?'
Zayn: 'No, I'm moving to London'
Liam: 'that's cool! Does that mean, that we can meet up again?'
Zayn: *smiles at him*
Zayn: 'yes. Whenever you want'
Liam: *smiles at him*
Liam: 'I'm looking forward to that!'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now