January 5/6 2021

9 1 0

Liam: *almost falling down the stairs*
Louis: *catches him*
Louis: 'whoa, careful Payno!'
Liam: 'have you seen Zayn!?'
Louis: 'no? He's probably still asleep'
Liam: 'He's not! His bed is empty!'
Niall: 'that's very unusual'
Liam: *glares at him*
Liam: 'that's all!? Your fucking mate is missing, show a little respect, will you!?'
Louis: 'calm down, mate. We'll find him'
Liam: 'I don't even know how long he has been gone! Or what he was wearing and what are we going to tell them!? His family, his fans, his management.. We're dead! They will be so mad at us. Oh my-'
Harry: 'Liam! Did you try to call him?'
Liam: 'Of course I did! He didn't pick up'
Harry: 'when was the last time you saw him?'
Liam: 'uh.. yesterday around 6 p.m. We were eating dinner, remember?'
Louis: 'He had to go to the studio'
Liam: 'what?'
Louis: 'he had to go to the studio, to record something, I don't know'
Liam: *walks quickly away and grabs his keys*
Louis: 'where are you going!?'
Liam: 'to the studio'
Liam: *slams the door shut and runs towards his car*
*10 minutes later*
Liam: *knocks rapidly on the door*
Liam: 'c'mon..'
Liam: *knocks again*
Someone: *opens the door*
Liam: *storms into the studio and searches in every room*
Liam: 'Zayn?'
Liam: *opens another room and finds a person laying on a sofa*
Liam: 'you got to be kidding me!'
Liam: *takes a pillow and hits him repeatedly*
Zayn: *wakes up and covers his face*
Liam: 'fuck you! You idiot!'
Zayn: *whines*
Liam: *kneels down in front of him and pulls him into a hug*
Liam: 'you fucking idiot!'
Zayn: 'why?'
Liam: 'I was so worried! You didn't come home!'
Zayn: 'fell asleep.. it took hours to record this song! We were done at 3 a.m..'
Liam: 'you could have called me! I thought something bad happened to you!'
Zayn: 'my phone died.. how late is it?'
Liam: 'about 8'
Zayn: 'can I continue to sleep?'
Liam: 'depends on how you got here'
Zayn: 'was brought here'
Liam: 'then yes. You can sleep, but let's get into the car first'
Zayn: *mumbles something and pushes his face into Liam's chest*
Liam: 'c'mon Zee. There will be people outside'
Zayn: *whines but stands up*
Liam: *stares at him*
Zayn: 'what?'
Liam: 'I'm glad that you're alright'
Zayn: *smiles at him*
Zayn: 'let's go?'
Liam: 'sure'
Ziam: *walking towards Liam's car*
Zayn: *falls into the seat*
Liam: *smiles and gets in too*
*12 minutes later*
Liam: *gets out of the car and opens Zayn's door, picking him up bridal style*
Zayn: *snuggles into Liam's chest*
Liam: *smiles and opens the front door*
Louis: 'Payno!?'
Larry, Niall: *walking towards them*
Harry: 'is he alright?'
Liam: 'mhm, he's just sleeping. I'm gonna bring him up'
Liam: *brings Zayn into his room and places him on the bed*
Zayn: *stirs and opens his eyes*
Liam: 'shhh. Go back to sleep'
Zayn: 'it's cold'
Liam: *lays down beside him*
Zayn: 'thanks'
Zayn: *cuddles into him again and presses his lips against Liam's neck, mumbling something before he drifts off again*
Liam: *smiles and stares at him for a few minutes*
Liam: 'you have no idea what you're doing to me..'
Liam: *drifts off too*

(based on my last post)
Ziam: *still sleeping*
Louis: 'how should we wake them?'
Harry: 'just shake them?'
Louis: 'okay'
Louis: *walks over to them and shakes Zayn furiously*
Zayn: *rolls off of Liam and falls onto the floor, letting out a groan*
Zayn: 'what the hell!?'
Harry: *shakes his head*
Louis: 'your boyfriend will be next'
Zayn: *stands up and rubs his eyes*
Zayn: 'he's not my boyfriend..'
Louis: 'you should have seen him earlier. He was so worried, he almost called the police'
Zayn: 'hahaha'
Louis: 'seriously! Right?'
Niall: 'mhm'
Louis: 'can I wake him up now?'
Zayn: 'why did you even wake me up?'
Louis: 'because it's 6 p.m!'
Zayn: 'so?'
Harry: 'you two have to eat something'
Louis: *walks to Liam's side, ready to shake him*
Zayn: 'Don't!'
Louis: 'what?'
Zayn: 'don't wake him up like that'
Louis: 'why not?'
Zayn: 'because nobody wants to be awoken like that?'
Louis: 'I don't care?'
Zayn: *groans again and points with his hand to the door*
Zayn: 'just go. I'll wake him up'
Louis: 'but..'
Harry: 'Lou, babe, let's go'
Harry: *takes his hand and drags him out of the room*
Niall: *follows them*
Zayn: *walks over to Liam and pets his hair*
Zayn: 'Li.. Wake up'
Zayn: *continues to pet his hair*
Liam: *shifts a bit but continues to sleep*
Zayn: *moves his hand and caresses his back*
Zayn: 'Li'
Liam: *humms with closed eyes*
Zayn: 'dinner is ready'
Liam: 'dinner!?'
Liam: *jumps into a sitting position and hits his head with Zayn's*
Zayn: *whines and rubs his head*
Liam: 'oh god, I'm sorry! Let me have a look!'
Liam: *pulls Zayn's head closer and looks*
Zayn: *bites his lip to hold back a laugh*
Zayn: 'see anything yet?'
Liam: 'no'
Liam: *continues to look*
Zayn: *starts to laugh*
Liam: 'what?'
Liam: *looks down at him*
Zayn: 'nothing'
Liam: 'tell me! Are you laughing at me?'
Liam: *pouts*
Zayn: *tilts his head back to look at him and holds his breath, while he's shaking his head*
Liam: 'why are you holding your breath then?'
Zayn: 'I'm not, let's go'
Zayn: *tries to pull away*
Liam: *grabs his arms*
Zayn: *looks at him with an raised eyebrow*
Liam: *just stares at him*
Zayn: *stares back at him*
Harry: 'boys!'
Zayn: *looks at the door and turns back again*
Liam: *grabs Zayn's neck and pulls him into a kiss*
Zayn: *places his hands on Liam's hips, leans forward and kisses him back*
Liam: *leans back into the bed and pulls Zayn with him*
Ziam: *continuing to kiss*
Harry: 'boys, the food will be cold, if you don't get down now!'
Ziam: *ignore him and continue to kiss for a while*
Zayn: *pulls away breathing heavily*
Liam: *tilts his head back and lets out a sigh*
Liam: 'let's go downstairs?'
Zayn: *pecks his lips again and stands up, offering his hands to him*
Liam: *takes them*
Zayn: *pulls him up and turns around, ready to go*
Liam: *pulls him back and wipes his lip*
Liam: 'better'
Zayn: *smiles at him and licks his lip*
Zayn: 'thanks'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now