January 4th 2021

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Zayn: *being totally drunk*
Gigi: *knocks furiously on Liam's front door*
Liam: *opens it with an annoyed look*
Gigi: *pushes Zayn to him*
Zayn: *stumbles and falls*
Liam: *catches him*
Gigi: 'keep an eye on him! I'm sick of him being pissed all the time!'
Liam: 'then stop treating him like shit. It's your fault!'
Gigi: 'I'm treating him like shit? What am I doing wrong?'
Liam: 'are you serious!? I know it's your job, but you're so desperate for attention! You're treating him like an fucking object! You use him whenever you need him and then you throw him away. Just like your mother does and it's so disgusting! I can't even describe it. Zayn doesn't drink without a reason. You're the reason! You and your whole fucking family are making him feel miserable and I can't stand it! It's horrible to see him like that! I barely see him anymore and when I do, he's drunk. A contract is a contract and can not be broken, I know that, but you could at least post less of him!'
Gigi: *rolls her eyes*
Gigi: 'what about my promotion?'
Liam: 'you'll find a way, just do something. I don't want to believe that you're that heartless. Give him a break, he's not in a good state right now'
Liam: *turns around and walks with Zayn in, closing the door behind him*
Zayn: 'sl-sleepyyyy'
Liam: 'let's get you something to drink first, hm?'
Zayn: 'uhuuu'
Liam: *hands him a cup of water*
Zayn: *drinks it*
Zayn: 'nd now?'
Liam: 'we're gonna get you comfy clothes'
Zayn: 'yours?'
Liam: 'yes'
Liam: *picks some clothes for Zayn*
Zayn: 'helppp'
Liam: *sighs and help Zayn to change his clothes*
Zayn: *lays down in Liam's bed and cuddles into his blanket*
Liam: *stares at him for a few seconds before he lays down beside him*
Zayn: *cuddles into Liam, already drifting off*
Liam: *wraps his arm around him and kisses his forehead*
Liam: 'good night, Zee'
Zayn: 'g'night, Li'
Liam: *caresses Zayn's back until he's asleep and drifts off too*
*the next day*
Zayn: *wakes up with an horrible hangover and pulls away from Liam, trying to stand up*
Zayn: 'urgh fuck'
Liam: *continues to sleep*
Zayn: *stares at Liam while he changes into his clothes, walking towards the door when he's done*
Liam: 'u leavin? The least you could do is stayin till I'm awake..'
Zayn: 'I'm sorry. Didn't mean to wake you up..'
Liam: 'seriously? That's all?'
Liam: *pulls himself into a sitting position*
Liam: 'you aren't even going to look at me?'
Zayn: 'I look like shit'
Liam: 'you do not. Turn around Zayn'
Zayn: *doesn't do anything*
Liam: 'Zayn'
Zayn: *ignores him*
Liam: *walks towards him, turns him around and pushes him against the door*
Liam: 'what you're doing is so unhealthy, Zee. I'm trying to help you, but you always push me away! I know that things are messed up right now, but filling yourself up is no solution! Don't fall into the hole, Zayn. Let me help you, please'
Zayn: *stares at him*
Zayn: 'I already fell into it'
Liam: 'Then I'm going to pull you out of it'
Zayn: 'you can't. Nobody can'
Liam: 'I'll do whatever I can to make you happy'
Zayn: 'that's a waist of time'
Liam: 'it's not. I care about you, Zayn and I want you to be happy. It hurts to see you like that'
Zayn: 'I can't- It's going to be worse, Li. They are going to make it look like I cheated on her.. Here whole family and million of fans are going to hate me, how will I survive this!? This will be the end.. They are going to be so mad at me for cheating on her, when we just got a daughter and many articles will come out.. The whole world is going to fucking hate me! I won't be able to go out anymore, god knows what they will do to me! I can't do it, Li.. it's all to much and it will kill me. It will fucking kill me!'
Zayn: *cries and sinks the door down*
Liam: *kneels down to him and pulls him into a tight hug*
Liam: 'it won't! I'll do whatever I need to do! We're going to talk to them and if that doesn't help, we'll get help. We'll get a lawyer. The best one. You have your fans, Zee. You have other celebrities, that know about the contract. They are going to support you. Some of your fans don't even believe that you and Gigi are dating and the other ones will know that you'd never cheat on someone. I won't let anything happen to you, Zayn! Nobody will even say something stupid about you!'
Zayn: *hugs him tighter and doesn't say anything*
Liam: *lifts him up and brings him to the bed*
Zayn: 'why was I stupid and told them that I was gay? I wouldn't be in this situation, if I-'
Liam: *hovers over him*
Liam: 'Zayn. Being gay isn't wrong. It's not your or my choice, if we like girls or boys. Our time will come! We'll be coming out to the world and we'll start dating boys, without having beards. We just need to be strong. We can do this!'
Zayn: *stares up at him for a while, before he pulls Liam down and kisses him*
Liam: *falls on top of him and kisses him back*
Ziam: *kissing for a while*
Zayn: *pulls away, still holding onto Liam*
Zayn: 'I like you, Li and you're literally the only thing that keeps me alive'
Liam: 'it shouldn't be like that. I don't want to be the only thing that keeps you alive. What if we fight? What would you do? I can't live without you'
Zayn: 'you, my family, my friends and my fans. That's everything I need'
Liam: 'I like you, Zayn. I want to make you happy'
Zayn: 'be my boyfriend then'
Liam: 'I'd love to be your boyfriend'
Zayn: 'that already makes me happy'
Liam: *smiles at him and kisses him*
Liam: 'it makes me happy too'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant