February 7th 2021

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Liam: *humming while he takes a shower*
Zayn: *enters the room and opens the shower curtain*
Zayn: 'I need to talk to you, it's important'
Liam: *squeaks and covers his crotch with his hands*
Liam: 'I'm having a shower, Zayn!'
Zayn: *scratches his head*
Zayn: 'I can see that, but I need to talk to you'
Liam: 'Zayn! Leave and wait until I'm leaving the bathroom!'
Zayn: 'but it's important, Liam!'
Liam: 'respecting someone's privacy is also important!'
Zayn: *leans forward and wipes the shampoo away*
Liam: 'Zayn..'
Zayn: 'there was shampoo, that was about to run into your eye..'
Zayn: *closes the shower curtain again and leaves the room*
Liam: *frowns and continues to shower*
*few minutes later*
Niall: *knocks on the door*
Niall: 'Liam!? Are you in there?'
Liam: 'yes, about to-'
Niall: 'Can I come in? I need to brush my teeth!'
Liam: *wraps a towel around his waist*
Liam: 'sure!'
Niall: *enters the room and closes the door behind him, only wearing boxers*
Liam: 'morning'
Niall: 'good morning, mate!'
Niam: *brushing their teeth*
Niall: 'you've seen Zayn today?'
Liam: 'yea.. why?'
Niall: 'he was asking for you'
Liam: 'and he found me..'
Liam: *finishes to brush his teeth and turns around, searching for his clothes*
Niall: 'you're not stripping naked now, are you?'
Liam: 'nope, I forgot my clothes'
Liam: *opens the door and bumps into Zayn, wrapping his arms around his waist to still him*
Zayn: *wraps his arms around Liam's neck and furrows his brows when he sees Niall in the bathroom*
Liam: 'what? Why are you looking like that?'
Zayn: 'uh.. nothing'
Zayn: *unwraps his arms from Liam's neck*
Liam: 'We can talk now, if you want'
Zayn: 'no no, it's alright. Uh, you should get dressed'
Liam: 'really? That didn't stop you from entering the bathroom, while I was completely naked'
Zayn: 'yea.. uhm.. I'm sorry'
Liam: 'are you alright? You seem off, did something happen? You said it was important'
Zayn: 'no, I was just.. Don't worry, I was just exaggerating.. not important, can I go now?'
Liam: *frowns and pulls him into a hug*
Zayn: *sighs and hugs him back*
Zayn: 'what's that for?'
Liam: 'you seem sad and I don't want you to be sad'
Zayn: *humms and presses his face into Liam's chest, closing his eyes*
Liam: 'what's wrong?'
Zayn: 'dunno'
Liam: 'hmm, okay.. Let's go to my room, okay?'
Zayn: 'can't we just stay like that?'
Liam: *starts to waddle forward, opening his bedroom door*
Liam: 'Zee, I'm.. can I..?'
Zayn: *pulls away and falls into Liam's bed*
Liam: *starts to get dressed and lays down beside Zayn afterwards*
Zayn: *moves closer towards him and fists Liam's shirt*
Liam: *wraps his arms around him and pulls him closer*
Ziam: *just laying there*
Niall: 'Liam you left your- what's going on?'
Liam: *looks down at Zayn with a worried look*
Liam: 'I don't know.. Is he asleep?'
Niall: 'no idea, I mean, his eyes are closed'
Liam: 'did he say anything, when he was asking for me? Or did he seem depressed?'
Niall: 'He just asked me if I knew where you were and he seemed.. quieter then usual'
Liam: *nods his head and purses his lips*
Niall: 'I'll leave now..'
Niall: *leaves the room*
Liam: *caresses Zayn's back*
Liam: 'Zayn?'
Zayn: *makes a weird noise*
Liam: 'Talk to me.. what's wrong?'
Zayn: 'I don't know..'
Liam: 'are you in pain? Did someone say anything about you? Did you..? Are you putting yourself down?'
Zayn: 'No, I just.. I woke up and I felt like.. felt like skipping the day, I was sad. That's so stupid.. I'm sad and I have no reason to be, I mean I do, but I would need to think of some.. Like, I woke up, not thinking about anything and I still felt sad.. I thought about some things, about the things that make me sad and it made me even sadder..'
Liam: 'for example?'
Zayn: 'my reputation, the fact that I can't be myself, I want things that I can't have..'
Liam: 'hmm.. have you eaten something?'
Zayn: 'yes.. no. It made me feel nauseous'
Liam: 'maybe you're getting sick?'
Zayn: 'I don't feel like that. I feel different.. Can I go to sleep?'
Liam: 'wait. I'm worried about you.. Can I do anything to make you feel happier?'
Zayn: 'squeeze me to death'
Liam: 'not to death, but alright'
Liam: *hugs Zayn tightly*
Zayn: *sighs and buries his face into Liam's neck*
Liam: 'you're going to sleep, aren't you?'
Zayn: 'probably'
Zayn: *kisses Liam's neck*
Zayn: 'thank you'
Liam: 'thank you for what?'
Zayn: 'for staying with me'
Liam: 'you don't need to thank me, that's why I am here'
Zayn: *closes his eyes and moves even closer, his parted lips pressed against Liam's neck*
Liam: *lets out a heavy breath and closes his eyes too*
*few minutes later*
Zayn: *places his head on Liam's shoulder and stares up at him*
Liam: *his eyes still closed*
Zayn: *leans up and presses his lips lightly on Liam's*
Liam: *furrows his brows and parts his lips, while he looks down at him*
Zayn: *deepens the kiss*
Liam: *flips them over and pulls away*
Liam: 'Zayn.. no. You're sad, you're looking for comfort and I don't.. I want to comfort you, but I don't want to do anything, that you might regret later'
Zayn: 'I told you about the things that make me sad, remember?'
Liam: *nods his head*
Zayn: 'I want things that I can't have. I want you, but I can't have you..'
Liam: 'what makes you think that you can't?'
Zayn: 'you're perfect and I'm.. me'
Liam: *frowns*
Liam: 'exactly! You are you and I like that about you! You're perfect, Zee. Everyone is! You may not be happy with yourself, but you're still you. That's what I adore about you'
Zayn: 'I'm not happy with myself, I don't like myself.. I'm like a mouse compared to you as an elephant, I'm nothing..'
Liam: 'Hey, don't say that! Many people want to be like you! You're really talented, funny, smart, creative, lovely, cute, good looking and so much more! Even if you feel like you're not perfect, you're perfect to me. If you don't feel loved, you're loved by me. If you feel sad, I'll be here to make you happy again, because that's what I want, Zayn. I want to see you happy, I want to see your smile, because it looks like you're the sun yourself, I want to hear your laugh, I want to hear your voice, even if you're sad, because it kills me, when I don't know what's wrong with you, I wan-'
Zayn: *pulls him down*
Zayn: 'what would you do, if I kissed you now?'
Liam: 'I would kiss you back'
Zayn: 'you're the best human I've ever met'
Zayn: *kisses him again*
Liam: *kisses him back*
Ziam: *continuing to kiss for a while*
Liam: *pulls away, breathing heavily*
Liam: 'I like and care about you so much!'
Zayn: *smiles up at him and wraps his arms around him, pulling him closer*
Zayn: 'can you be my personal teddy bear?'
Liam: *chuckles*
Liam: 'if that's a way to ask me out, then yes, I would love to be your teddy bear'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now