January 3rd 2021

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Liam: 'Zaynieeee, can I have a bite?'
Liam: *standing behind Zayn, his arms wrapped around his neck*
Zayn: 'sure'
Zayn: *holds the pizza slice in front of Liam's mouth*
Liam: *takes a bite*
Liam: 'mhm, thankss'
Liam: *turns his head and pecks Zayn's lips before he stands up properly and leaves*
Zayn: *smiles*
Louis: 'what are you two?'
Zayn: 'honestly? I have no idea'
Niall: 'you definitely are more than friends'
Zayn: 'oh shit, really?'
Harry: 'why don't you ask him out? I mean, you two like each other, right?'
Zayn: 'I do, but I'm not so sure if he likes me. Maybe he was looking for a fuck buddy and I happened to be that person'
Niall: 'YOU TWO HAD SEX!?'
Zayn: 'no! We didn't. I meant that he maybe needed someone to take care of him and I happened to be that someone'
Harry: 'why don't you talk to him? Tell him how you feel, I'm pretty sure he feels the same way'
Zayn: 'what if he doesn't? I don't want to lose what we have..'
Louis: 'talk to him, mate. That boy is so in love with you'
Zayn: 'alright.. I'll talk to him. Is there a slice of pizza left?'
Niall: 'of course not!'
Zayn: *shakes his head and walks towards Liam's room*
Zayn: 'Li?'
Liam: 'wait a second, gonna be back in a minute'
Liam: *walks towards the door and opens it*
Zayn: 'who were you talking to?'
Liam: 'I'm currently live on Instagram'
Zayn: 'oh, I'm sorry for interrupting you'
Liam: 'you weren't interrupting anything, you never are'
Zayn: *smiles at him*
Zayn: 'we'll talk later then, alright?'
Liam: 'why?'
Zayn: 'because you're live?'
Liam: 'doesn't matter, please stay'
Zayn: 'you want me to stay while you're live?'
Liam: 'yes'
Zayn: 'okay'
Liam: *smiles and kisses him*
Zayn: *kisses him back*
Liam: *pulls away*
Liam: 'let's go inside'
Liam: *pulls Zayn with him in and pushes him into a chair, before he closes the door loudly*
Liam: 'I'm back. I'm sorry for the interruption. What did I miss?'
Liam: *reads the comments*
Liam: 'what did you do on new year's eve? I actually was live on new year's eve! But I spent some time with my friends and family, what did you do?'
Zayn: *stares at him*
Liam: 'collab with Louis? I mean, nothing is planned.. Cats or dogs? Definitely dogs.. How's Bear? He's fine, actually talked to him on Christmas and new year's eve. He seemed so happy, it was so cute! .. Have you listened to better? Of course I did. Zayn absolutely smashed it!'
Liam: *looks over at Zayn*
Zayn: *smiles lazily at him*
Liam: 'can you say a 🚪? A door.. Now say adore you? Adore you.. Where is Maya? Maya is with her friends right now.. What's your favorite movie? Harry Potter of course!.. When was the last time you've seen Zayn? Long time ago. Feels like 100 years!'
Zayn: *pouts at him*
Liam: *tries to hold back a smile*
Liam: 'Anyways, that's what I wanted to tell you. The final show act will be postponed to the 9th of January! And with that said, I'm gonna say bye. I'm really excited and looking forward to the final show act! Bye!'
Liam: *ends the live and stands up*
Zayn: 'you were in a rush'
Liam: 'who wouldn't be with such an adorable human in his room?'
Zayn: *smiles at him*
Zayn: 'you're so cute'
Liam: *smiles at him and kisses him*
Zayn: *kisses him back*
Liam: *deepens the kiss*
Ziam: *making out*
Zayn: 'L-Li'
Liam: 'huh?'
Liam: *continues to kiss him*
Zayn: *kisses him to and talks when they pull away*
Zayn: 'I lik-'
Liam: *kisses him again and sits down on Zayn's lap*
Zayn: *moving his lips with Liam's*
Zayn: 'I like you'
Liam: *pulls away and licks his lips*
Zayn: 'I understand if you don't feel the same way, I just wanted to tell you'
Liam: 'why would I don't like you back?'
Zayn: 'I don't know?'
Liam: 'you're amazing Zayn. Cute, adorable, hot, pretty, funny, smart, talented, perfect, but we really need ti work on your confidence'
Zayn: 'that means..'
Liam: 'I like you too, Zizi'
Zayn: 'I don't know what's better. The fact that you like me too or the fact that you just called me Zizi.. It's so adorable! Like, nobody has ever called me that and I think that's the best nickname someone has ever given me'
Liam: 'I live for your rambling. It's so adorable!'
Zayn: 'two people, fonding about the other one'
Liam: *laughs*
Liam: 'I love doing things that include you'
Zayn: 'I think it's quite boring. Ya know, I literally can't do anything with myself'
Liam: *hits him playfully*
Liam: 'guess you didn't try that hard. There are so many things that you could do with yourself!'
Zayn: 'hmm, I'd rather do some things with you'
Liam: 'like?'
Zayn: 'kiss you, ask you to go on a date with me, ask you to be my boyfriend'
Liam: 'sounds lovely. I want all of it too'
Zayn: 'alright, boyfriend. I'll tell you more about the date later'
Liam: 'looking forward to that, boyfriend'
Ziam: *smiling and kiss each other again*

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now