February 6th 2021

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Liam: *still laying in bed*
Zayn: *knocks on Liam's door, a plate on his hand*
Liam: *doesn't say anything and pretends to be asleep*
Zayn: 'Li?'
Liam: *ignores him*
Zayn: *places the plate on Liam's desk and lays down beside him, moving further towards Liam, starting to play with his hair*
Zayn: 'what's wrong with you..'
Zayn: *slides his hand down his back and stands up with a sigh, leaving the room again*
Harry: 'what is he doing?'
Zayn: 'sleeping? Avoiding me? I don't know..'
Zayn: *sits down and rubs his eyes*
Zayn: 'I don't know what I did.. Can you talk to him? Maybe he will talk with you.. and look if he ate his lunch, he didn't have breakfast..'
Harry: 'I'm sure he will talk to you, just give him some time'
Zayn: 'time for what!? I did nothing! I don't understand why he's ignoring me!'
Zayn: *huffs and stands up, walking towards his room, shutting the door loudly*
Zayn: 'fuck him..'
Zayn: *buries his face in his blanket*
Harry: *knocks on Liam's door and walks in afterwards*
Harry: 'Liam?'
Harry: *moves towards Liam's bed and sits down*
Harry: 'Listen, I know that you're not asleep, and you really hurt Zayn by ignoring him! He was trying to be nice, he's worried about you and he even brought you lunch, which you have to eat, he said. Anyway, I'm gonna leave now, Louis is waiting for me'
Harry: *stands up and opens the door*
Liam: 'where is he?'
Harry: 'he's in his room'
Harry: *leaves the room*
Liam: *sighs and stands up, walking towards Zayn's room*
Liam: 'Zayn?'
Zayn: *sleeping*
Liam: *walks inside*
Zayn: *kneeling on the floor, his chest pressed against the bed and his head tilted, so he can breathe*
Liam: *scrunches his face and tries to lift Zayn up*
Zayn: *winces and pushes himself back, falling against Liam's chest, his eyes still closed*
Liam: 'shh, I'm sorry..'
Zayn: *opens his eyes slowly*
Zayn: 'L-Liam?'
Liam: 'shh, go back to sleep..'
Zayn: 'I'm sorry..'
Liam: 'sorry for what?'
Zayn: 'I did something that made you upset..'
Liam: 'you didn't. My life.. it's kind of crazy right now. I realized some things and I'm not really happy about it.. it makes things harder, than they already are.. I know it wasn't the best solution to just ignore you, I'm sorry'
Zayn: 'did you eat the food I brought you?'
Liam: *bites his lip*
Liam: 'I-I had no time for that'
Zayn: *gasps and tilts his head towards him*
Zayn: 'no time for food, Liam? Eating is important and nobody forgets to eat! Get up'
Liam: 'what?'
Zayn: 'get up! We are going to warm your food and then you're going to eat!'
Liam: 'let me guess, you are going to feed me too?'
Zayn: *thinks and smirks*
Zayn: 'a baby needs to be treated like one'
Liam: 'says the one who can't even get into the bed properly'
Zayn: 'I was frustrated and upset and not intending to fall asleep! Now get your lazy ass up!'
Liam: 'you're the one, who's literally melting against, or into me?'
Zayn: *frowns*
Zayn: 'against. Into sounds like we are having sex'
Liam: *shakes his head and stands up, pulling Zayn with him*
Liam: 'you can go back to sleep, while I'm having lunch'
Zayn: 'uh uh. I'm coming with you'
*few minutes later*
Liam: *plays with the food*
Zayn: 'why aren't you eating?'
Liam: 'm not hungry'
Zayn: 'Liam.. do I need to feed you? Because if I do feed you, I'm gonna treat you like a real baby'
Liam: 'you gonna chew the food for me?'
Zayn: 'no, I'll get a cloth, to keep you clean, place you on my lap, to keep you still and feed you'
Liam: 'I'm not hungry, Zayn. We're going to have dinner anyway'
Zayn: 'I think we need to forget about the cloth..'
Liam: 'what are you talking about?'
Zayn: 'I was not joking, Liam. I'm gonna feed you'
Liam: *narrows his eyes at him*
Liam: 'You won't. I'm not gonna let you feed me'
Liam: *stands up ready to leave*
Zayn: *pulls him back*
Zayn: 'sit down, or you're gonna sit on my lap'
Liam: 'you are in no place to give me commands!'
Zayn: 'fine!'
Zayn: *pulls Liam onto his lap and wraps his arms around him, to keep him still*
Liam: 'Zayn, I swear to god'
Liam: *wiggles trying to get out of his hold*
Zayn: 'I would stop that..'
Liam: 'wh- oh! O-oh my god.. I-I'm gonna eat, okay?'
Zayn: 'I know you will, I'm feeding you, remember? Could you please hold still? You're going to make a mess'
Zayn: *takes a spoon and brings it to Liam's mouth*
Zayn: 'don't be scared. I'm gonna safe you, if it attacks, I promise'
Liam: 'I ha- mhh'
Zayn: *stuffs the spoon into Liam's mouth*
Liam: *chews the food and swallows afterwards*
Liam: 'you're going to be a horrible dad. You could have pushed it in too deep and I could have gagged..'
Zayn: *starts to laugh*
Louis: 'wow.. probably the dirtiest thing he's ever said'
Zayn: *still laughing*
Zayn: 'y-yea.. I-I can't be-believe he said that hahahaha'
Liam: *blushes*
Liam: 'I hate you! Both of you!'
Zayn: 'Love youu. Let's continue to eat, hm? Open your mouthhh'
Liam: *pouts before he opens his mouth, letting Zayn feed him*
Niall: *walks behind Liam and makes a loud noise*
Liam: *jumps and pushes the spoon away, causing the food to fall down his chin, his shirt and then his pants*
Zayn: 'Look, I told you a cloth was needed. Now I need to improvise..'
Zayn: *brushes the sauce with his thumb away, frowning when there is still a bit there and licks his thumb repeating his action*
Zayn: 'better'
Niall: 'did he just.. With his spit? And why is Liam sitting on his lap?'
Zayn: 'Liam refuses to eat, which is why-'
Zayn: *brings the spoon to Liam's mouth*
Zayn: 'which is why I'm feeding him'
Liam: *huffs, but eats*
Zayn: 'where's Harry? I think you should get him too'
Liam: 'you want to embarrass me?'
Zayn:  'nope, but everyone's here, except him'
Louis: 'Oh! Niall and I just wanted to leave!'
Louis: *grabs Niall's arm and drags him away*
Niall: 'we did?'
Louis: 'shut up!'
Zayn: *continues to feed Liam*
*a while later*
Liam: *finished eating*
Zayn: 'You're done! Want some candies?'
Liam: 'I hate you'
Zayn: 'you don't. You love me'
Liam: 'hmm, maybe'
Zayn: *yawns and wraps his arms around Liam's waist, placing his head on his shoulder*
Zayn: 'I'm tired'
Liam: 'go to sleeo, or do you want me to bring you to bed?'
Zayn: *shrugs and humms*
Zayn: 'doesn't sound that bad'
Liam: 'you're weird'
Zayn: 'I know, but tell me why'
Liam: 'you're dominant and submissive at the same time'
Zayn: 'why does everything you say sound like sex?'
Liam: 'because you are dirty minded'
Zayn: 'and you're way too innocent'
Liam: 'I'm not innocent'
Zayn: 'mhm, sure. What was the dirtiest thing, that you did with a boy? Guess it was sitting on someone's lap'
Liam: 'maybe, but I'm not innocent'
Zayn: 'prove it'
Liam: 'how?'
Zayn: 'dunno, do something'
Liam: 'okay..'
Liam: *thinks for a while and decides to grab Zayn's hand*
Zayn: 'holding hands?'
Liam: *presses Zayn's hand down on his crotch and thrusting his hips up, basically trusting against Zayn's hand*
Zayn: 'that's.. interesting'
Zayn: *thrusts his hips with Liam's, trusting against his ass*
Liam: *groans and turns around, so he's straddling Zayn's lap, pulling him into a kiss*
Zayn: *kisses him back*
Ziam: *continuing to kiss*
Liam: *pulls away and starts to grind against Zayn*
Zayn: *humms and thrusts his hips up a few times*
Liam: *moves further forward, trying to get more pleasure*
Zayn: *falls backwards, but catches himself*
Zayn: 'I think we should..'
Liam: *kisses him again*
Zayn: 'Liam.. I..'
Liam: *continues to grind against him for a while, stopping when he realizes that it isn't working in this position*
Liam: 'I'm gonna take a shower..'
Liam: *stands up*
Zayn: 'Liam'
Liam: 'hm?'
Zayn: 'let me go with you'
Liam: 'y-you want to shower with me? Isn't that weird?'
Zayn: *frowns*
Zayn: 'I can go when you're done..'
Liam: *pulls Zayn into a standing position and pecks his lips*
Liam: 'let's go'
(The rest is for you to make up, let your thoughts go wild lel)

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora