January 25th 2021

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Liam: 'has anyone seen Zayn? We were supposed to hang out'
Niall: 'nope, sorry mate'
Liam: *sighs*
Liam: 'it's alright, if you see him, can you tell him, that I'm in my room?'
Niall: 'will do'
Liam: 'thanks'
Liam: *walks into his room and lays down in his bed, staring at the ceiling*
*50 minutes later*
Liam: *walks into the livingroom*
Niall: 'still not here, nope'
Liam: *groans and walks back into his room*
Liam: 'asshole'
Liam: *takes his clothes off and lays down, closing his eyes, already drifting off*
*two hours later*
Zayn: *enters the house and searches for Liam*
Niall: 'he is in his room, probably mad at you'
Zayn: *looks down in guilt and enters Liam's room*
Zayn: 'Li?'
Liam: *sleeping*
Zayn: *takes off his clothes and lays down beside him, moving further towards him*
Liam: 'M mad at you, asshole'
Liam: *cuddles into his side*
Zayn: 'I know and you have every right to be! I-'
Liam: 'forgot. I know'
Zayn: 'yea..'
Liam: 'fuck you'
Liam: *turns around and closes his eyes again*
Zayn: *sighs and closes his eyes too*
*the next day*
Zayn: *opens his eyes, but shuts them again, his front pressed against Liam's back*
Liam: *just laying there with open eyes and turns around*
Zayn: *laying there with closed eyes*
Liam: *pushes his face into Zayn's chest and closes his eyes again*
Ziam: *staying like that for a while*
Liam: *yawns*
Zayn: 'good morning'
Liam: *ignores him*
Zayn: *sighs*
Zayn: 'I'm sorry, Li. I was so busy and forgot about our movie night.. Do you want to do it today? I promise, I'll be there'
Liam: 'It feels like you don't want to be my friend anymore..'
Zayn: 'don't say that. You know it's not true. I'll always be your friend. You're very important to me, Liam and I don't want to lose you'
Liam: *moves a bit away, so he can look at him*
Liam: 'You'll never lose me. I'll always be there for you, no mater what'
Zayn: *presses his lips against Liam's without thinking and pulls away immediately*
Zayn: 'I'm sorry! I don't know, why I did that, I think it was the moment, I don't know! I'm a mess..'
Liam: *kisses him again, moving his lips against Zayn's*
Zayn: *kisses him back*
Ziam: *pulling away after a while*
Liam: 'was it because of the moment, or..?'
Zayn: 'first time, yes. Second time, no. What about you?'
Liam: 'both no mistakes. I like you, Zee. I've liked you for a while now and it made me really sad, that we didn't spend much time together..'
Zayn: 'I was sad too, I was just really busy. I'm sorry, Li. I promise, I'll spend more time with you. I won't call it hanging out, because I want it to be more. I want to take you out on dates and do everything that friends aren't supposed to do'
Liam: 'that's the best thing someone could ever do for me'
Zayn: *smiles at him*
Zayn: 'are you still mad?'
Liam: 'not of you kiss me again'
Zayn: *grins and kisses him again*
Liam: 'you are forgiven'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now