January 15th 2021

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*boys being drunk*
Louis: 'Look! Your husband is cheating on you!'
Zayn: 'my husband?'
Zayn: *looks into the direction that Louis is pointing at*
Liam: *grinding against someone*
Zayn: 'he's cheating on me!'
Zayn: *walks over to Liam and jerks the boy away*
Guy: 'what the fuck?'
Liam: *stares at Zayn with furrowed brows*
Guy: *shoves him*
Guy: 'he's mine'
Zayn: 'yours? Hahaha. C'mon mate, leave'
Guy: 'why would I? You were the one arriving later. Get yourself another boy, this is mine'
Guy: *turns towards Liam again*
Zayn: *pulls him away and pushes him against the wall*
Zayn: 'listen here you s-'
Guy: *leans in closer*
Guy: 'Kinky. You're hormones are doing what they want now?'
Zayn: 'don't get your hopes up, honey, it's not because of you'
Guy: *smirks at him*
Guy: 'playing hard to get, huh?'
Guy: *grinds his front against Zayn's*
Liam: *stares at him with wide eyes*
Zayn: *pushes the guy harshly against the wall*
Zayn: 'don't fucking touch me, you disgusting bastard'
Zayn: *turns around grabs Liam's hand and leaves*
Liam: *follows him*
Zayn: *stops and turns around, pulling Liam close to him*
Liam: *crashes against his chest*
Liam: 'you look hot when you're mad'
Zayn: *pulls Liam into a kiss and grinds his hips against Liam*
Liam: *gasps and kisses him back*
Ziam: *continuing to kiss*
Zayn: 'let's go to a quieter place'
Zayn: *pulls Liam with him*
Zayn: 'better'
Zayn: *pushes Liam against the wall and kisses him again*
Liam: *kisses him back*
Zayn: *pushes his tongue into Liam's mouth and circles it around*
Liam: *grabs Zayn neck and pulls him closer, starting to move his own tongue*
Zayn: *starts to suck on Liam's tongue*
Liam: *moans*
Someone: *clears their throat*
Zayn: *pulls away and wipes his lip with his finger, licking it afterwards, without breaking eye contact with Liam*
Liam: *squeaks*
Zayn: *smirks and turns to the person*
Women: 'I'm sorry, but you can't be here'
Zayn: 'why not?'
Women: 'because this is personal area. People are tying to change into their working clothes'
Liam: *looks at the boys that are standing there and blushes*
Liam: 'Excuse us'
Liam: *takes Zayn's hand and leaves*
Zayn: 'where are we going?'
Liam: 'home'
Zayn: 'why?'
Liam: 'because I'm tired'
*few minutes later*
Ziam: *entering the house*
Liam: *takes off his coat*
Zayn: *pushes himself against him and starts to suck on Liam's neck*
Liam: 'Zayn.. I'm tired'
Zayn: *humms and continues to suck on his skin*
Liam: *groans and pushes his head back*
Zayn: *smiles against his neck, pulling away after another minute*
Zayn: 'done'
Liam: *nods his head with parted lips*
Liam: 'good night'
Liam: *enters his room and undresses himself, laying down in his bed*
Zayn: *opens the door*
Liam: 'what are you doing here?'
Zayn: 'can I stay the night?'
Liam: 'yes, but I want to sleep'
Zayn: 'alright'
Zayn: *undresses himself too and lays down beside him*
Zayn: 'good night'
Liam: 'good night'
Zayn: *cuddles into Liam's side*
Liam: *sighs and wraps his arm around him, closing his eyes afterwards*
*the next day*
Liam: *opens his eyes and groans, covering his eyes again*
Zayn: *moves behind him*
Liam: *gasps and turns around, only seeing the back of a head*
Liam: 'no no no no'
Liam: *gets up and sighs in relief, when he notices that he's still wearing his boxers*
Liam: 'puhh'
Liam: *walks to the other side of the bed and stares at Zayn*
Liam: 'what the-'
Liam: *groans again and leaves the room, wanting to get some aspirin*
Louis: 'finally! Already thought you were dead.. Have ya seen Zayn?'
Liam: *looks up at him with a frown*
Liam: 'what time is it?'
Louis: 'it's 3 p.m'
Liam: '3 p.m!?' 《'last Friday night' just started playing, I-》
Louis: 'Zayn?'
Liam: 'No, Liam'
Louis: 'oh, really!? I-I'm shocked!'
Liam: *winces and walks over to the cabin, getting some aspirin*
Zayn: *enters the kitchen*
Ziam: 'Shut up!'
Louis: 'moodier than the moody one..'
Liam: *rolls his eyes and tries to leave*
Louis: *grabs his arm and squeaks*
Louis: 'Is that a lovebite!?'
Zayn: *stares at them with wide eyes*
Liam: *looks at Louis with an raised brow*
Louis: *touches it*
Liam: *shivers and whines*
Zayn: *bites his lip*
Louis: 'It is! Oh my god, who was it!? Was it that weird guy from yesterday?'
Liam: 'weird guy?'
Louis: 'that one you were grinding on'
Liam: 'you're joking, right?'
Louis: 'No! Zayn was there too! He was the one who told him to fuck off and- No.. this can't be real.. I think I saw you two kissing..'
Liam: 'I kissed that guy!?'
Louis: 'No, you kissed Zayn!'
Liam: *tries to remember something and lets out a sharp breath when he does, looking at Zayn*
Zayn: *already looking at him*
Liam: 'were you drunk?'
Zayn: 'of course, I was..'
Liam: 'that explains so much!'
Zayn: 'explains what?'
Liam: 'why you would kiss me, why you'd be jealous, why you would create that lovebite, why you would sleep in my bed. You were drunk'
Zayn: 'right. I was drunk..'
Louis: 'ouhhh.. should have seen that coming'
Liam: 'should have seen what coming?'
Louis: 'you denying your feelings'
Liam: 'my feelings? How would you know what I feel?'
Louis: 'I can read you like an open book'
Liam: 'sure..'
Louis: 'I want you to say it together'
Zayn: 'say what?'
Louis: 'Those three words. I like you'
Liam: 'why would we do that?'
Louis: 'because I told you to. Now, three, two, one..'
Ziam: *don't say anything*
Louis: 'fine! We have enough time!'
Liam: 'no! I don't'
Louis: 'then say it'
Liam: 'fine! I like him'
Zayn: *smiles*
Louis: 'great, my job is done, see ya!'
Louis: *leaves the kitchen*
Liam: 'I'm sorry, I had t-'
Zayn: *pulls him into a kiss*
Liam: *kisses him back*
Ziam: *continuing to kiss*
Zayn: *pulls away*
Liam: 'that thing that you did with your finger..'
Zayn: 'hm? Do you mean that?'
Zayn: *kisses Liam again and pushes his tongue in, roaming every inch of his mouth*
Liam: *sighs happily*
Zayn: *pulls away and wipes his lip with his finger, licking it afterwards, while he stares intensely into Liam's eyes*
Liam: *groans*
Liam: 'that's hot'
Zayn: *smiles at him*
Zayn: 'you're hot'

Imagines about Larry/Ziam (mostly Ziam)Where stories live. Discover now