A Revelation I Had

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Okay, let's review some of the Charlie the Unicorn characters:

Startaur, Norwell, and Coat are all men-loving-men. Coat also uses they/them pronouns, so it's likely that they're a masculine non-binary or genderqueer person.

Nyx is non-binary.

The cubes are agender. It can be assumed that they sometimes adopt the pronouns of whatever person they're possessing, as seen in how the Millipede is referred to with she/her pronouns. Blue and Pink are referred to with they/them pronouns, so the original two unicorns whose bodies they're puppeteering were probably non-binary.

All of these characters are canonically part of the LGBTQ+ community.

And then, of course, this also includes Charlie.

"But wait," you may be thinking. "There's nothing in canon indicating that Charlie isn't cisgender and/or heterosexual!"

Technically, you're right, but there's something that most of us have forgotten, including myself until recently.

See, Charlie the Unicorn Dating Simulator probably isn't canon, since none of the endings could branch out into the rest of the story in a way that makes sense, but things such as characterizations of the featured characters are probably canon.

Something notable about that game is that you have the option to pursue romantic endeavors with a man (Starfish), a woman (Millipede), and a bunch of other people of ambiguous gender. Charlie is able to find true love with every single one of them. (I was not able to succeed in wooing the Millipede, but apparently it is possible.)

This means that Charlie semi-canonically falls under the multioriented spectrum, which basically just means you're attracted to more than one gender. He doesn't have a labeled sexual or romantic orientation, but the long and short of it is that he's romantically interested in men, women, and most other things under the sun.

Therefore, almost all of the characters of Charlie the Unicorn are canonically queer in some way.

The only characters with important roles that don't fall into this category are CEO Charlie, Mayor Sluv, Empress Susannix, and Krell and the rest of the bugs.

What do they all have in common? They're all capitalists who let the world die.

This can only mean one thing:

Charlie the Unicorn is queer socialist propaganda.

In this essay I will

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