Explaining Some OC Lore

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TW // self-hatred, self-harm, religious symbolism

Okay so I just posted a chapter of my art book with two OCs and I explained what they represent, but they also have an actual story that I'm gonna describe here. My other OC Mitchell is actually part of the same story.

Sooo uh basically there's this guy named Mitchell (they/he) who would be doin' alright but he can't really decide if he likes himself or not. They've done some regrettable things, although they have improved. They're also trans and they hate their body because they're a bit more curvy than men are supposed to be by societal standards. Despite sorta struggling, he's trying his best and making do with what he has.

At some point, though, they start seeing an angel named Martyr and an imp/demon named Animal (they/it for both) and they just kind of don't leave. (He's not having psychosis, it's meant to be metaphorical more than anything) Martyr's all like "You are a divine being" and Animal's all like "No you suck actually" and they both try to drill underneath Mitchell's skin and will his sense of self into one extreme.

After being tortured by these two for a while, Mitchell doesn't know who tf they are anymore and their mental health takes a major decline. He starts self-harming and also prioritizing himself over everything and everyone else, and he enters a state of mental self-war.

Finally, after this goes on for a few months, they undergo this ritual shit to exorcise them both, and then they're gone. From there, they start slowly rebuilding their mental health and fixing the relationships that they can.

So that's what I have for now, I didn't conceptualize this story very long ago so it's kinda vague in the detail department. Not like I want to ever write something based on this, though, so it doesn't really matter.

Anyways here's a song I associate with them lmao

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