Angry (Not a Vent)

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I usually don't show it on here, but I am somewhat easily frustrated. I just can't help it. Assholes tick me off, that's just how I am. Sometimes, I just straight up get mad. I don't like that, but hey, that's emotions, and emotions are okay. I don't have issues controlling/managing my anger, and I mostly just get full-on angry when it's something really serious, so it's not too much of a problem (yet).

I have kind of developed an unhealthy coping mechanism for when I get mad/frustrated, and I'm trying to break that habit. I'll spare the details, but it's not too damaging, so please don't worry about me.

Sometimes it just really sucks, like I'll be full on holding back tears and I have to shut out my surroundings to calm down. It's mostly happened at school, which makes it worse.

You guys are lucky I don't usually make angry vents in the spur of the moment when I get mad; usually when I do, my thoughts could be typed out as an all-caps mishmash of swearing, declarations of violence, and probably the frequent use of "FUCK YOU" and "I WANT TO FUCKING SCREAM". So yeah, just a general mess. Thankfully, I (usually) try to actually think about what I post before I post it (unlike the majority of Twitter users).

Ik I've mostly developed a persona of "Funni guy who makes shitposts and gets too excited over things" but idk, I feel like I should be more open about my feelings.

Anyways do y'all understand why Foxy is my comfort character now lmao-

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