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The worst part of this is that it reads like a shitpost, yet knowing the Michael Knowles Show and how most conservatives function in general it's definitely entirely serious

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The worst part of this is that it reads like a shitpost, yet knowing the Michael Knowles Show and how most conservatives function in general it's definitely entirely serious.

Like math equations equaling trans?? The random transgender symbols scattered for no reason????? Who made this, and who is taking it seriously?????????????

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't "transing our kids" a meme that WE (as in the LGBTQ+ community) made up to mock transphobes, that's not an actual word people should be taking seriously, wtf are they doing?!?!?!???!?!?

I swear to God, first they got pissed because the fictional Muppet creature wore clothing and now they churn out this shit, I'm so done with these people

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