So School, Huh

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I had a pretty good day in school, here's just a few things that have happened:

-Today was an even block day, so I only had my even period classes for 2 hours each. I had biology, art, and gym.

-Like I said in my announcement earlier, someone asked me for my pronouns, and they were really nice :D (I never actually got their name but they use they/them pronouns)

-I have friends!!!! Yesterday a group of juniors sat down at my table and pretty much just integrated me into their friend group, and we hung out both yesterday and today. They're all really cool people :)

-We're allowed to listen to music with headphones while we're drawing during art class, and I had Spotify on shuffle, and it freaking played "You're Mine" by DAGames. Thank God I had the mask on, or else everyone would have seen my visible expression change the second I heard the intro. The whole time I was sitting there thinking "Okay I know nobody else can hear it but I still feel like I should be in trouble"

Also not long after that "Lost One's Weeping" played, which is... ironic

-For gym we just got our lockers and then we all had to hang out in the gym for the remaining two hours. That wouldn't have been so bad, except the mobile data wasn't working properly in there, so I couldn't use my phone, and there wasn't really much else to do. On the bright side, another friend of mine (a freshman) was able to help me with my math homework during that time, and I got a lot of it done.

-I had several really good ideas for object show thingies, I may write them but idk

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