Autism Ask Meme

41 3 18

Originally posted by autie-j on Tumblr, and inspired by multifandomgirl5 :)

-How old were you when you found out you were autistic?

I haven't been officially diagnosed yet (I want to be though), but I was about 11 when my parents told me I most likely have Asperger's syndrome. (I don't like saying I have Asperger's syndrome, though, since the term kinda has a problematic history. Totally not hating on anyone who prefers the term, y'all are valid, it's just a personal thing.)

-Do you have any other autistic people in your family, or are you the only one?

My mom is also most likely on the spectrum, and it's entirely possible that my nephew and niece are both neurodivergent in some form.

-Do you have any comorbidities, or just autism?

I might have ADHD, but I'm less sure about that one.

-Are you LGBTQIA+?

Yep! I'm genderfluid, trixic, and omniromantic :D

-What do you wish more people knew about autism?

It's not a spectrum of "more autistic" and "less autistic". There are a mixture of traits that can accompany autism, and different autistic people have different traits. Just because someone is "higher-functioning" or can pass better as a neurodivergent person, it doesn't make them "less autistic".

-Have you ever been in a relationship?

No, unfortunately ;-;

-Do you find it hard to make friends?

Not really, I've always been fairly social. I think I'm more just worried about keeping friends, since some people can be really rude about autism.

-If you have any, what are your special interests?

As of right now, mine are Inanimate Insanity and Five Nights at Freddy's. (Particularly EthGoesBOOM)

-What was your first special interest?

The earliest one I remembered having was probably dinosaurs, when I was a little kid. I just loved everything that had to do with dinosaurs.

-What are your most common stims?

Pacing, flapping my hands/shaking my fists, talking to myself, vocal stims, rocking

-If you could give any advice to your younger self, what would it be?

You ARE normal. You are not broken. You don't need fixing. You're just different from a lot of people, and there's nothing wrong with that. Try to embrace who you are.

-Do you headcanon any characters as autistic? If you want, tell us why you headcanon them as autistic.

I know practically everybody in the fandom's already said this, but Fan from Inanimate Insanity is definitely autistic. He has a lot of autistic traits (special interest, lack of social awareness, adverse to change, likes patterns, etc.) and his story especially struck a chord with me as an autistic person. I could really relate to him.

-Tell us an autistic person you really look up to.

Temple Grandin, a scientist/animal behaviorist. If you don't know who she is, I highly suggest you watch the movie made about her life. She really is amazing.

-Are you currently in school?

I'm in high school!

-Have you ever received any accommodations for your autism in either school or work?

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