Songs I Like in a Nutshell

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Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen: Guy trips the hell out during his court testimony

25 or 6 to 4 by Chicago: Trying to Sleep at 3:00 A.M. Challenge (GONE WRONG)

Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd: School kinda sucks

Lost One's Weeping by Neru: School kinda sucks

School's Out by Alice Cooper: School kinda sucks: ARSON EDITION

Cigarette Ahegao by Penelope Scott: Lol I wanna kms XDDDDDD fuck America UwU

Closer by Nine Inch Nails: Sex is cheaper than therapy

Turn it Down by Or3o: Can everyone please just SHUT THE FUCK UP-

Hayloft by Mother Mother: Local boomer ruins barn sex

Hayloft II by Mother Mother: Local she/they murders boomer who ruined their barn sex

All Fell Down from Charlie the Unicorn: Sadness, misery, and ass

Lollipop by MIKA: Aggressive candy consumption will ruin your life

Hate It! Hate It! Huge Ego! by KurageP: r/notlikeothergirls

Honey I'm Home by GHOST: Guy kisses a bug and gets cut open by God

Lesbian Ponies With Weapons by Vylet Pony: Gay arson

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