Rating Pronouns

35 3 1

Listen Ik people stopped doing this trend AGES ago but I'm doin it now because why not

She/Her/Hers: 7/10

They're fine, I've used them all my life and they don't make me uncomfortable when I'm feeling feminine. Just don't use them all the time please-

They/Them/Theirs: 10/10

YES, beautiful, please use these

He/Him/His: 8/10

Make me feel very noice, it's another one where my preference usually leans on how I'm currently feeling gender-wise but if you use these for me at any point I will be so happy

It/Its/Itself: 7/10

These are fine, don't always like them but they make me feel cool

Ae/Aer/Aers: 10/10

First set of neopronouns I ever used, and they still freaking ⭐️vibe⭐️

Xe/Xem/Xyr: 9/10

Very nice, I love them, so cool

Spa/Space/Spaces: 10/10

Made these myself, PLEASE use these, space is so gender dude

Star/Stars/Starself: 8-9.5/10

Couldn't decide on the exact rating but these are very cool

Voi/Void/Voids: 9/10

Love these, if you use any of my space/galaxy-related pronouns I will love you forever

Bug/Bugs/Bugself: 4/10

I tried em out, and I decided I didn't care for them. Cool pronouns, though, I have a friend at school who uses them and he is very epic and nice (Bug uses he/bug/bee pronouns)

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