Promoting A Really Good Fanfic That Isn't on Wattpad

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Okay first of all in case y'all are wondering why I'm so active on Christmas Day it's because my family isn't really doing anything today lol

Anyways, I thought I would shed light on a fanfiction I really really love that unfortunately isn't available to read on this website. 

(Also, don't worry, it's been confirmed finished. I wouldn't let you guys fall into one of a fanfiction reader's worst nightmares.)

It's a South Park fanfiction titled "To Kill a Predator", by GalaxyHitchhiker42.

This fanfiction contains heavy themes of child abuse, violence, and childhood sexual abuse, along with some other disturbing, graphically described content and typical South Park levels of profanity. I suggest you either don't read it or proceed with caution if you find those topics triggering. However, if you can stomach those things, it's an absolutely amazing read. (For real. I promise this isn't a Catcher in the Rye thing.)

I won't spoil everything, but to give a basic summary, Butters is left to stay with the Marshes while his parents travel to see his aunt and uncle in Florida, and surprisingly, he and Stan end up bonding a little bit. After a while, though, Stan uncovers something really dark about Butters' Uncle Budd, and he and the rest of the boys have to figure out how to deal with it.

The characterization lines up almost flawlessly with canon, and the writing tugs at your thoughts and emotions in such a brilliant way. Everything is given depth and emotion. I'd dare say that if it used original characters, it could work as a fully published short story. In addition, it doesn't contain any shipping at all, which definitely suits the tone of the story and keeps you reminded of the fact that these experiences are being had by young children. I love my South Park ships, don't get me wrong, but considering nearly every fanfic in this fandom is slash, it's kind of refreshing.

It's also over 35,000 words long and there are eleven chapters, which is pretty long in terms of general fanfiction, so you won't run dry of content for a while.

Here's the link for anyone who wants to read it!!

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