Wattpad VS. Ao3

39 3 13

I feel like Wattpad gets made fun of too much, and Archive of Our Own is almost always viewed as the superior platform. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, I just can't agree.

A few reasons I like Wattpad much more than Ao3:

-There's far less pressure for your stories to be Shakespearean-level quality (Don't get me wrong, I've read some genuinely AMAZING stories on here, some of which could even pass as professionally-written and published/monetized books; I just feel like people are more okay with your story not being perfect and there's more freedom to just be creative)

-You can both find and post a wider array of content, like just documenting random thoughts or artwork

-Wattpad's features allow you to actually socialize and make genuine connections, and I've made great friends here :)

-This website doesn't have HALF of the disturbing, gross content that Ao3 has, nor does it let that stuff fly 

-There's a tag limit

-You can give your stories cover art and that is the coolest thing ever

-As far as I'm aware, Wattpad's userbase is mostly minors, and most of the people I've spoken to here are minors, so I generally feel safer. (I know that there are absolutely tons of creepy adults that pretend to be minors on the internet, but there are people I've been talking to for like over half a year now and they still haven't tried to gr00m me/steal my personal info so like)

-Okay I know there's toxicity on here and some small amounts of controversy but seriously as a whole people are just so nice here am I even still on the internet-

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