"The rest were covered." Said Amelia.

"Hayden and I were in the toilets, trying to phone the police but they put up some cell blocker." Explained Aidan.

"How did Bella text me?"

"They must have took it with them when they left." Said Aidan.

"Where's the bruise from?" I asked Josh.

"Doesn't matter." He said.

"Kat is missing, your girlfriend, so I suggest you spit it out." Said Hank.

"I punched one of the guys who had Kat. I don't know much about his looks. He was in a black suit and had a hand tattoo of an Eagle. They had buzzcuts." Said Josh.

"Well that is actually quite helpful." I said.

"If this is Andy or Noah, there will be transactions." Said Adam.

Adam checked their accounts and the nodded at us.

"Given to Levi Bolton."


"What?" She asked, looking up at us.

"Do you know him?"

"No." She said and shook her head.

*Bella's Pov*

I knew Levi Bolton but I'm not saying anything. I wasn't there for Kat when she was struggling but I need to be there now. I should tell Jay considering he is going mad right now and is so worried but I just can't. I can't let our dads win. If Jay turns up, they know they've won.

I walked out of the room when they were all discussing and waved for a taxi. Levi Bolton was an old dealer. He's been dealing most of his life and has done plenty of deals with Noah. He owns a club downtown but also has an old warehouse that is mostly burnt down now.

I watched as the team ran down the steps and out onto the path. Antonio tried to catch up with the car but I told the taxi driver to go faster.

"Get the cars!" I heard Hank shout.

I do regret not telling them but I have to do this myself because if they get hurt then that is my fault and I can't deal with losing another person who is close to me.

I was walking towards the warehouse when my phone rang out. It was weird because there is normally machinery moving around or people talking but it was dead silent.


Hey, Isabella.

What do you want Andy?

You trying to find Levi?


Are you walking towards the warehouse because she's not there.

Then where is Kat and Levi?

Why do you assume she is still with him? I have a plane. She could be halfway across the country by now.

Where. Is. Kat?

I honestly don't know. Have fun looking.

Andy, I swear to god.

Fifth birthday.


Bye Bella.

He ended the call just as I heard footsteps behind me. I reached behind my back and pulled the gun from my jeans and aimed it forward at someone's chest.

Antonio stood there with his hands raised and a look of shock on his face as he looked between me and the gun.

I dropped my hand and he grabbed me and then my hand, making me drop the gun.

"Please don't ever run away again." He said and hugged me tighter.

Jay walked around us and picked up the gun before walking over to the unit and showing them.

"I get you want to save Kat but you can't leave and you can't walk around with a gun." Said Hank.

"I had to do something."

"Why are you even here?" Asked Kevin.

"This is Levi's warehouse. She isn't here though."

"How do you know?" Asked Jay.

"Because Andy told me."

"He spoke to you?" Asked Antonio as he went to grip his gun.

"Yes, on the phone. He said he honestly doesn't know where she is and then said two words before ending the call."

"What did he say?"

"Fifth birthday."

"Huh?" Asked Kim.

"I don't know what it means."

"Maybe a location. Where did you go for your fifth birthday?"

"I don't know. I can barely remember my 15th."

"Think, Bella."

"Bella Italia." I said.

"What?" Asked Jay.

"It's an English restaurant, I think. One was made in Chicago but it closed down due to the lack of service. They served actual pizzas instead of deep dish."

"Let's go." Said Antonio.

I walked up to Jay and held my hand out. He just looked at me before I turned to Antonio who shook his head.

"I'm coming with you whether you like it or not. Now hand me the gun."

"Why do you have it?" Asked Jay.

"I kept it in the back of my locker in case my dad came for me at school or tried hunting me down when I ran out of the house. There was a window at school that would always be open so I could climb in there and grab it if I needed to."

"You can't have a gun in school."

"I understand that, I do. It was empty. The bullets were in a tub under a tree."

"Under a tree?"

"Yeah. There's this one tree in the school that has a whole underneath it, probably for rabbits or whatever wants to live there. I would keep the bullets in a box that had a lock on it, the same for the gun."

"You can use it today but after that, we are handing it in." Said Antonio.

"Fine. Now let's go. We have to save Kat." I said and followed Antonio to his car.

A Broken Pair - (CPD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora