Part 4 Chapter 5 Attack from the Kingdom of Quila

Magsimula sa umpisa

With the defeat of the main army of the Kingdom of Lauria, the Kingdom of Quila's troops were able to move quickly into the interior of the Kingdom of Lauria before turning towards Jin-Hark. Within a few hours, town after town and village after village could be conquered. Some cities have city walls and forts, it takes about 1 hour each city. The forts were destroyed by 40mm and 105mm cannons, and the interior of the fort was razed by mortars brought in by the troops of the Kingdom of Quila. The cannons were mostly used to destroy the doors of the forts so that troops in armored cars could get into the city and take over. A city that had been destroyed by mortars was easily captured. Troops above the fort will be attacked with 40mm cannons and machine guns.

Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Quila's troops were quite surprised to see the condition of the people of the Kingdom of Lauria. They are so poor and short of food. This, after being investigated, was caused by very high taxes, almost 80%. The tax was used to build the Kingdom of Lauria's armed forces used in this war. Even the local aristocrats who were caught in several cities also looked poor, although of course they were much richer than ordinary people.

A number of troops returned to the Kingdom of Quila with POWs to be held in several cities on the border. The troops were replaced by reservists from the rear. In this way, the strength of the troops from the kingdom of Quila is maintained even though they have to deal with POWs and there are some who become victims of war. The total casualties on the Kingdom of Quila's side were only 16 dead and 63 injured.

In the afternoon, the fast-moving troops from the Kingdom of Quila had entered more than 100km into the territory of the Kingdom of Lauria and began to veer towards the capital of Jin-Hark. The infantry troops, on the other hand, were already 60 km inside the Kingdom of Lauria. When night fell, they also rested, preparing to continue the war the next day.




In the evening

Capital of the Kingdom of Lauria, Jin-Hark

Military Headquarters

General Patajin held a meeting to discuss the progress of the war against the Kingdom of Quila and the Principality of Qua Toyne. He had received countless gruesome reports of battles. It is known that General Pandour has failed to capture the city of Gim, and that his army has been destroyed. There are also reports that troops from Ejey have started moving towards the border. On the other hand, it was even more surprising that there were reports that the Kingdom of Quila attacked the Kingdom of Lauria and defeated the troops stationed at the border. Almost all the military assets that confronted the Kingdom of Quila had been destroyed. And until the afternoon, a lot of cities were controlled by the Kingdom of Quila. More worrying was that, from the spies, it was discovered that the ships from the Myto Empire were already in Meihark, which meant that the Myto Empire was providing assistance to the Principality of Qua Toyne. It is not known how much assistance that will be.

Since the capital of the Kingdom of Lauria, Jin-Hark, was near the border between the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Lauria, General Patajin did not dare to move troops from the main army to be able to counterattack the Kingdom of Quila. General Patajin could only order 50,000 troops from the main army plus 10,000 from the reserve troops and 20,000 from the local troops to immediately gather and withstand attacks from the Kingdom of Quila. It was hoped that the troops would be able to hinder the movement of the Kingdom of Quila's troops, although victory was almost impossible. General Patajin hoped that the troops deployed could weaken and give the main force time to destroy the forces of the Principality of Qua Toyne. After the Principality of Qua Toyne troops are defeated, the main forces will intercept the Kingdom of Quila troops from reaching Jin-Hark. The troops were told to fight while slowly retreating and to avoid a full battle that could kill them all.

To delay the main battle. General Patajin ordered 75,000 troops to move at this time of night closer to the border. It was hoped that tomorrow the troops would be able to hinder the advance of the Principality of Qua Toyne's troops if they entered the border. The time given by the troops will be used by the main army to move together and later be able to defeat the forces of the Principality of Qua Toyne through the superiority of numbers.

In addition, all local troops, or city guards, and private armies of the aristocrats that could be deployed, were ordered to gather behind the main army and act as reservists who could assist both the main force and the troops facing the Kingdom of Quila. An estimated 60,000 troops can be deployed. Together with the remaining 40,000 reservists, there were 100,000 reservists who were expected to guard the city of Jin-Hark.

All that could be done had been done, and General Patajin hoped for no more surprises. General Patajin still hoped for victory from the naval forces that had been deployed against the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila. General Patajin hoped that with this victory, the forces of the Principality of Qua Toyne and the Kingdom of Quila would no longer be able to work together and gain momentum. He also hoped that the remaining troops of the Kingdom of Lauria would be able to launch a counterattack. 

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