"It's okay. You're okay. None of us are hurt."

"I can't sleep Jay." She said.

"You'll get there." I said as I helped her up off the floor and got out some mouthwash for her.

She swished it around her mouth before she spat it out. Will let out a yawn but tried his best to hide it because he didn't want to feel like he was letting Kat down.

"Go to sleep. I'll stay up."

"You sure? You are working a hard case at the moment."

"Yeah and you're saving lives. You can't be tired."

"Okay. Wake me up if you need me."

"Will do."

The next morning, Kat woke up for school in a happy mood and was rearing to go.

"You ready kid?"

"Yeah, let's go."

I dropped her off at school and she walked to the gate to meet Bella and Josh as well as some other boy I didn't recognise.

*Bella's Pov*

"We have a new chemistry teacher." I said.

"What? Why? Also I hope you are prepared for the chem test." Asked Kat.

"Yeah I'm ready and I have no clue why we have a different teacher."

We sat down in chemistry and were starting to get our stuff out for the test when the new teacher walked in. He was dressed in a fully black suit and had a couple of golden rings and a hand tattoo. We were sat at the back and turned to each other with a questioning look.

"Hi, I'm Mr Villigatti. I'm your new chem teacher."

"Can we just get on with the test?" Said Hayden.

"Oh, forgot to tell you. We're not doing a test."

"No offence but I have spent a lot of time revising for this and so have a lot of other people." Said Kat.

"Yeah, we've spent hours of our time." Said Josh.

"Wow, Katerina. I didn't realise you would be so rude in person."

"I'm sorry?" Asked Kat.

"Her name is Kat." I said.

"Is it though?" He questioned with a smile on his face.

I didn't like the look of him and I could tell everyone in the room felt uneasy with him, even Alan.

"Hey, she said her name is Kat. So you can call her that." Said Hayden.

"We are going to be learning about circuits."

"Where did you get your licence to teach?" Asked Amelia.

"Doesn't matter."

"Where's our actual teacher?" Kat asked.

"Be quiet!"

I reached into my phone and texted Kat to pack her bag. I watched her as she grabbed her stuff and told Amelia, Josh and Hayden the same things as well as Aidan.

We all grabbed our bags and walked out of the room but didn't get far when two other men started walking towards the classroom.

"That's her! Grab her!" Shouted one of them.

We all started running in different directions, Kat and I headed towards the pool and hid under the bleachers. If we were bigger, we wouldn't of fit through the gap in the seats.

"Who are they?" Asked Kat.

"I don't know but we should just stay here until the day is done. No one can see us behind here." I said.

"I hope the others are okay." Said Kat but quickly fell silent when the doors opened.

The two men stalked in with guns by their side and bullet proof vests on. Both our phones were on silent so I quickly sent a text to Antonio.

"We know you are under the bleachers, Kat. We saw on the cameras." Said one guy.

We peeked out through the gap to see their chest area but then they crouched down and we were staring at a pair of eyes.

Kat crawled out but told me to stay put. I wanted to move but my body was frozen with shock.

After Kat got out of the bleachers, they dragged her out of the doors.

"Bella! Call Jay!" Shouted Kat.

I ran out after them but ran to my locker instead of after them. I opened the black case at the back and then took a deep breath before grabbing what I needed.

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